You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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BeccaBoo said:
When you watch episodes over and over, when you constantly talk about it and end up annoying your friends and when you create your own episodes in your mind to help get you through the day.

Guilty as charged.
But I bug my mom and bro. My friends don't have a single clue on what I'm talking about when it comes to CSI. They're missing half of their lives.
When you're talking about an episode and you say something about "Flack" and [insert family member here] goes, "who?" So then you go, "The homicide detective...the guy with the dark hair and the blue eyes...he wore a leather jacket in the first season, but now he wears nice suits with ties that don't match...still don't know who I'm talking about? Well, he was on Friends as Rachel's boyfriend Tag." And then they know who you mean and it pisses you off. So you go, "How can you remember that he was on a show a few times several years ago, but you can't remember his hot ass when I watch CSI:NY every week?!" *scowl* ;)
Has anyone seen the ads for the new show Saved? I immediately perked up 'cause the theme song was in teh background, although I just heard the end. "...I don't need to be forgiven yeah yeah yeah yeah..." Heard it once on the car radio too, the song itself and perked up. "Turn it up, turn it up!" lol
^ Glad it's not just me. :lol:

But my mom would never have trouble knowing who Flack was--she's madly in love with Eddie and whenever he comes on the screen and we're watching it together, she calls him a "wooka-wooka"--what in the hell is a 'wooka-wooka?' Either way, it's annoying as hell, so I refuse to watch it with her. :p :lol:

My sister walked by when I was watching "Trapped" and saw Carmine and went, "Who's that?" So I was like, "that's Carmine." And she goes, "He's hot." I thought 'duh!' but I didn't say it...then she was suddenly into watching NY with me and I got annoyed because she only seemed to care about seeing Carmine and saying that Eddie is hairy--yeah, I know he is, but considering that you couldn't even see his chest at the time, it just bugged me. So now she fell out-of-love with Carmine and doesn't want to watch it anymore--which makes me even more mad. :lol: How can she prefer Wentworth Miller to the guys on NY? :eek:

So yeah, I watch way too much NY. :lol:
I know the feeling in a sense. But it's moreso that when I'm watching LV, my mom's like "I wish it was the one with Gary" lol...think she's more impressed with him than Gris and co.
you watch 2 much csiny when you are ready to broke everything in ur house because the chanell that shows it end their program from the cable and you must ''register'' to it for a seperate chanell...thelo to pisw!! :(
you watch too much CSI:NY when you always wake up thinking that today is the premiere of S3
Mel23 said:
Has anyone seen the ads for the new show Saved? I immediately perked up 'cause the theme song was in teh background, although I just heard the end. "...I don't need to be forgiven yeah yeah yeah yeah..." Heard it once on the car radio too, the song itself and perked up. "Turn it up, turn it up!" lol

they play a preview for that show on the previews at my movie theater, and when I went to see Pirates they played that and I got really excited and my cousin was like, "That's the theme song for CSI:NY!" And I was Like "Alex, I love you!"
It's the birthday of your best friend, she invited you to a great party, and you say no, because you gotta watch CSI:NY...
WAsn't that something Fozzie Bear used to say on the Muppet show?
Damned if I know--maybe it's just something my crazy mom came up with. :lol:

You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you come onto TalkCSI before you've eaten anything in the morning...yeah, that would be me. :eek: It's after lunchtime, I got up late, and I'm still sitting here instead of eating. :lol:

You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you keep visiting a thread called "you know you watch too much CSI:NY when..." :lol:
you no wen u watch 2 much CSI NY wen u have MAC as your background on ya computer, ya msn picture, ya background on ya fone and ya screensaver on ya fone. and also having over 300 pics of mac on ya fone n computer (that's what i have done)

You know you watch too much CSI when you do a stupid dance in front of your other half just because have sent an automated email saying that season 2 part 1 on DVD of CSI:NY has been posted.
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