You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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Wow, you're getting your S2 released ahead of the US? That's interesting! Maybe I should move there...

Heh, yeah, but it costs about twice as much! Half a season is about 45 euro, which translates as about 50 to 60 dollars.
Ceindreadh said:
Wow, you're getting your S2 released ahead of the US? That's interesting! Maybe I should move there...

Heh, yeah, but it costs about twice as much! Half a season is about 45 euro, which translates as about 50 to 60 dollars.

Wow...there is a downside to getting them before us. I don't pay more than 40 or 50 dollars for the whole season.

I got season 1 on ebay (it was used) for 25 dollars. Even though it was used, the DVD's had no scratches and the box looked brand new.
I'm hoping the new dvd's have some great commentaries, etc. I'd LOVE a commentary with Eddie Cahill/Gary Sinise for the S2 finale. I doubt it will ever happen, but I'd love it, if it did...
I ordered season one from last fall and I got it I think in late Sept. for a pretty good price. I should be getting an e-mail from them soon to pre order season two from them. :D

I too hope that there are some great commentaries for season two. Something with Carmine and Eddie getting naked would be nice ;) If that were to happen, I would wear out that DVD in no time flat! :lol:
I have the CSI:NY book tie-in...

.... when you can see the scene unfolding in front of your eyes -- especially the last bit about Danny.... lol
I got season 1 on ebay (it was used) for 25 dollars. Even though it was used, the DVD's had no scratches and the box looked brand new.

:eek: WOW! Really? I need to check out eBay and some other places for some great deals like that! :D
I'm gonna ask for it for my birthday next month, and then the second season for Christmas :)

'Course Mac all wrapped up in paper would be a nicer pressie....especially once I got him unwrapped :devil:
Ceindreadh, in Belgium, half a season goes for about 35 euros. What extras are you getting that it costs 45 euro?

Just the usual I think. A few commentaries. I got the half seasons of S1 for 30 euro but that was when they were on sale. 45euro is what I'll have to pay online for the new season sets, but if I got them in the shops I'd expect to be paying 55 to 60 euro per set.
...I must think every second of the all day on the hot CSI boys - Danny, Don and Nick -.

And I see for weeks each evening three CSI episodes and my favourite episodes, for example *The Fall* or *On the Job* I see 5 times one behind the other.... :D

That is really freaky ! I know... ;)
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