Yobling RP

Warrick heard his phone ring. He picked it up and he heard Sara's voice, slightly laughing. "Hey Sara, it's Warrick. What do you want to ask?", he asked. He took some of the M&M's which were laying on his desk. He wanted to know what Sara was about to ask. He hoped it wasn't about his relationship with Catherine. Everyone in the lab probably had noticed the sexual tension between them.
"Uhm," Sara bit down on her lip and looked around, "It's sort of about you, sort of about Catherine."

She sat down on her couch, and folded her legs Indian-style.

"Do you two have something going on between you?" She was kind of concerned, "I'm not trying to be nosy, it's just I've noticed Cath's been a little different lately, and you two have been.. Exchanging glances."
toomuchovertime said:
Cath nodded. "But there's more. I can tell because you only bite your lip when you're nervous."

Lindsey sighed. Her mom's training in questioning and people's habits were really paying off. She decided that she would tell as much truth as she could, and that would have to be good enough for her mom.

"Mom that is the whole story. At least everything that happened physically. There's more to the story, more background stuff, but I don't want to go into that right now. Please, let me be done. I am really sorry, and I'll tell you everything some other time. But not now. I am to tired." Lindsey sighed, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
Lindsey nodded, suddenly feeling exausted. She walked like a robot out to the car and slumped down, her head resting on her hand as she stared out the window silently.
Lindsey nodded, and for the first time she saw her mom as a real person. Her eyes had their own dark circles under them, her face was just as weary as Lindsey's was.
"Thanks" was all she mumbled, leaning against the window as they started to drive away.
Cath drove home in silence, knowing Lindsey was too weary to say more. Actually, she was fried herself. She yawned as they pulled in.
Lindsey pushed open the car door and walked into the house, heading straight for her room. She dropped her bag on the floor and sat down on her bed, letting her hair out, and sighing. She was so tired.
Cath went to her own room. Man, she was beat. Gil had to lighten up with the doubles and triples. She pulled her covers abck abd drifted off instantly.
Lindsey fell asleep instantly, waking later in the morning and blinking at the light that was flirtering through her window. Ahh satruday. She loved Saturdays.
Warrick sighed. "Sara, I know. I know we have been exchancing glances and stuff. It's just.. I'm telling you this. No, wait. Come to my house and I'll tell you." Warrick grabbed a few more M and M's and waited for Sara to answer.
Cath woke and glanced out the window. What a nice day it was. She was relieved she wasn't on today. "Hey, Linds, wanna go to the mall later?
Lindsey thought about that...her mom was actually offering to go to the mall with her? That meant she must have the day off. Lindsey could be a brat and show her mom what it felt like to be let down, but the bigger part of her really wanted to spend a day with Catherine for once.

"Sure mom!" She said smiling.