Yobling RP

Lindsey looked up at the man. He looked older then some of her mom's friends, and had a sour pouty look on his face. His dark brown hair parted down the middle to reavel his large bald head. She instantly didn't like him, remembering many times that Catherine had vented to her own mom about him, and the trouble he was causing at work. She wasn't in a very good mood anyways, and this guy showing up with his "Get Out Of My Lab" Face wasn't helping anything.

She simply raised a hand and waved and then looked away, waiting for him to leave.

(I am having a hard time placing Lindsey's age...she is supposed to be 13 right? I can't tell if I should play her as a teenager or a younger child. I like younger Lindsey better but if you guys want to go with teenage lindsey that is fine too.)
Ecklie plastered a smile on his face.

"Why hello Lindsey. How're you today?" he said pleasently.
Catherine saw right through him. She glanced at Lindsey, knowing she must be thinking the same. "Was there something you wanted to see me about, Conrad?" she asked pleasantly.
(you guys, im giving up Lindsay. -not like it really matters, i didnt really have that much to do with her anyhow. i've given her to csiadict11. -take care of her!

devoted99 said:
Ecklie plastered a smile on his face.

"Why hello Lindsey. How're you today?" he said pleasently.

Lindsey ignored him, biting her lip quietly, as her mom asked Ecklie a question. She wasn't really listening to their conversation, her mind was else where.
Nick had busied himself, but was watching Ecklie as he entered Cath's office, Nick with an "oh great, just what we need" expression on his face. And he meant it, Ecklie would only make things worse.
Warrick got in his car as he thought of Catherine and Lindsey. He had been like Lindsey, when he was about her age. He always fought with the guys in his class, about girls. His thoughts were in his youth. There was this girl, who I loved. She was a blonde, she had lovely lips.. sh*t. She looked just like Catherine
Sara picked up her phone and dialed Warrick's cell number. When he picked up, she laughed to herself.

"Hey, Warrick," Sara said, "I have a question to ask you."
Back in Catherine's office, Catherine continued to glare at Ecklie.

Ecklie kept the smile on his face. "Um actually Catherine, I was going to ask you about your paperwork involing the Jefferson case, but I see you're too busy..."he trailed off motioning towards Lindsey.
"No" Lindsey said quickly, "actually we're done here. I was just about to go call Grandma and get a ride home." Lindsey smiled, pleased at her easy way of getting out of a talk. Her mom couldn't exactly ignore her boss...
Catherine saw her move toward the door. "Ah, not so fast, Miss Willows. This'll just take a second. I finished a little while ago," she replied, handing over the papers.
Lindsey rolled her eyes stopping with her hand on the door. Slowly she turned around and came back, dropping into a seat next to her mom.

"Can we pleease get this over with?" she muttered under her breath.
(ok I am going to kind of make it up, because I don't really remember....please correct me if you want!)

"Well this kid was being a pain and talking a lot so I tried to get him to shut up. He wouldn't so I punched him. Then he hit me back and to defend myself I did whatever I could do get him away. Then the teacher found us. That's the entire story mom." She said biting her lip in that nervous way she had.

That was the whole story...sort of. That was the easy part of the story to tell.