Yobling RP

When Sara arrived at Warrick's house, there was no-one home. She figured he'd be there soon, so she waited in her car while listening to some music.
Warrick was in the grocery store buying some beer for Sara. He knew she liked it. He paid the beer and drove home. He put on some music and banged his head. He liked this music. He always played it when he was in love. When he arrived at his house, he saw Sara sitting in her car and she moved her mouth. She was probably singing. He parked his car and waved. Sara smiled.
"Hey, War," Sara called from inside her car, rolling down the window, "where were y - oh." She saw the beer in his hand as he stepped out of the car, and she laughed, following him inside. When they got inside, Sara looked around a bit, then she sat on the couch, folding one leg under her.

"What did you need - or want - to tell me?" She watched him as he put the beer in the fridge, taking out two, and handing her one.
Warrick opened his beer, and he drank. He liked it. "Well, it's this." He swallowed. "You asked me about me and Cath." He watched her as she nodded, her eyes twinkling. "I want to tell you, but it's confidential. So please be quiet."
Sara looked competley shocked. She couldn't understand how .. blunt Warrick was being with her.

"Alright, fine," she put her un-opened beer down on the coffee table, and decided better. She picked it back up, opened it, and drank deep. "So, are you sure you can't tell me. It's really weird to see you guys - well, think about you guys together. But I really would love to hear what you have to say." She took another swig of her beer and licked her lips.
Warrick sighed. Luckily she didn't leave. "Sorry, Sara. Of course I trust you." He took a swig of his beer and told her. "No, we are not together. Yes, I have a crush on her. And please, don't laugh", he said, as he laughed himself. "Since I divorced Tina, I've realized how much I love Catherine."
Sara smiled big, not so much a happy smile, a smug one. She knew someting was up.

"Uh! I knew something was up," she said, leaning back on the sofa, "but it's more than a crush, Warrick. You love her like you loved Tina. I knew it from the start. When you told Catherine you got married, she was devestated. You could see it in her eyes. Not only did Tina think you were cheating on her, you wanted Catherine more than Tina, and that's where most of your problems arose." She sipped more of the beer, and looked Warrick straight in the eye.

"I know this sounds weird coming from me, the Queen of Relationship Failures, but I think you need to talk to Catherine, ask her to go to dinner or something." She smirked.
Warrick thought it was weird indeed. Sara telling him what to do with girls? That was unusual. He always was the one with the relationship advices. He always told everyone what to do with their crushes.

"Thanks for the advice Sara. You're right. I love Catherine. Tina's a hot girl, that's all. But it's just, I'm still married with Tina! I can't just leave her."
Sara sighed, and continued to sip on her beer. Warrick's love life was really confusing, and she didn't know how to help. She started to panic inside, and stood up, starting to pace.

"I know you're still married," Sara said, walking around the room, feeling Warrick's eyes on her as she did so, "and you can't just leave Tina for Cath, because that would be low. But it's going to end up in a divorce anyway. Tina thinks you're cheating on her with some slut on the strip, and I know you better than that. You need to talk to her, too." Warrick gave Sara a strange look, "Tina, I mean. See where she wants to go from there." Sara sat down and looked at Warrick, feeling his pain, seeing it in his eyes.

A/N: Do we need a Tina? I can be her if needed, I can play an angry b!+ch pretty good! :lol:
You can have Tina, as I already said on MSN. If taht's allright with toomuchovertime

"Yeah. I know I have to talk to Tina. But I don't know how, Sara. And I know you can't help me. I know. I think it's nice enough of you just to be here. Just to listen to me, thanks, Sara." He took a swig of his beer. How he loved beer on these moments. He could drink his problems away. Just like he did when he used to gamble. "Shall I go to Tina now?"
Sara bit down on her lower lip.

"Yeah, I think so. I have to head back to the lab now, anyway. It's my lunchbreak, and I have about 2 minutes left," she stood up, emptied thelast of her beer, and gave Warrick a hug, "I'm here if you need to talk. Just call me, or whatever." She walke out of the house, to her car, and drove back to the lab.
Warrick was nervous. He was about to go to Tina. Warrick hugged Sara back and he thanked her. "Thanks Sara. I'll call you." Warrick put the empty bottles next to the fridge and he put on his shoes. He decided to call Tina first. He picked up his phone and dialed Tina's phone number. He waited for her to pick up, and it took a while. The sound that told that the person you called hadn't picked up yet. The sound that told that the phone was still ringing on the other side. The sound just kept repeating. And finally, Tina picked up the phone.
Tina checked her caller ID on her cell. Warrick, she didn't know if she should feel happy, or angry.

"Hey, Tina Brown," she answered, as if she didn't know who was calling.
"Warrick here. Tina, you knew I was calling. I'm sorry." Warrick was surprised by Tina's reaction. He sighed. He was so nervous. He wanted to tell her. But he didn't know how.
Sara arrived at the crime lab and noticed hardly anyone there. She sighed, dragged her feet to the breakroom, and busied herself with coffee.


"Oh, so now you call," Tina said, sitting the her wheelychair in her office, looking around at all the oral health pictures, "It's been, like, a day! Warrick, you're so inconsiderate! I don't even know if I can talk to you right now." She thought about hanging up, but then decided to let Warrick have his say.