Yobling RP

Warrick sighed. "Sorry, Tina. I know I always come with this excuse: I had a busy day at work. But every time I come with the excuse, it's true. I'm not lying to you. Never. Not about the stripper, not about anything. And there's an other thing I want to tell you. Right now. Because I can't lie to you."
Nick was also just finishing up. "Hey" he said as Sara came in. He noticed she looked a little down. "You okay?" he asked.
"Hmm," Sara was woken up from her daze, sipping at her coffee, trying to settle her stomach, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just.. Tired." She looked sincere, "How about you?"


"Okay, go ahead," Tina's voice was slightly angry, and expectant. She tapped her foot.
"I don't think it's appropriate to say this to you on the phone, Tina. Can't we meet, later today? Or, I haven't eaten anything yet, maybe we can have lunch together? I can't just tell you now. This is serious." Warrick sighed and he grabbed another M&M. He just loved these kind of yellow and red balls.

-ETA; Sorry mods, I forgot about the 5 min-role. No hard feelings?
-is hoping it's been five mins-

"Uhm, sure," Tina replied, standing up and getting her coat, "I'm off now anyway. How about going to Louie's diner?"


Sara sat down, looking at Nick, think about how much she loved his smile, the one he was giving her now, the one saying he cared. She loved it!
"That's cool, meet you there", Warrick replied. He sighed as he got out of his appartment, locked the door and got into his car. He wanted a way to tell Tina, without her getting angry. So he decided to call Sara. She would probably know what to do. He dialed her number and waited for her to pick up the phone.
"Same, I guess. A little tired" he answered. He smiled back as he noticed the way Sara was looking at him. He didn't know exactly what was thinking, but whatever it was, he was enjoying it.

(if it does go Snickers, I'm fine with it even though I'm a CatNipper myself. Just FYI :)
(hehe, I'd love some snickers or GSR, but I don't CatNip. Also, no CatNip, it's YoBling :p)

Sara jumped when her phone rang. She threw Nick an apologetic glance, and fliped open her phone.

"Sidle," she stated simply. "Yeah, hey, Warrick." She smiled at Nick.


When Tina arrived at Louies diner, she had expected Warrick to be there. He wasn't. She sighed, and walked into the small diner, and sat at a table. She ordered a coffee and a cresent, and set about reading the free 'Coffee News'on her table, and waited for Warrick.
Warrick heard Sara's voice on the other side. "Hey Sara." He wanted some advice. He didn't just want it, but he needed it. He hoped Sara was alone.
Sara put her hand to the mouthpiece of her cell and said to Nick, "I just have to take this, I'll be right back." She walked out of the breakroom and into the hall, then to the lockeroom, noticing it was only Greg, who slammed his locker closed, and strut out of the room, his head bouncing to the music. In his head, or in his ears, Sara wasn't sure.

"Okay, 'Rick, I'm alone now," Sara thought this might be about Catherine or something else personal. "What's up?"
She wasn't alone, when Warrick called. He heard Sara walking and when she said she was alone, Warrick started talking. "I'm on my way to Tina now, gosh, I should have been there already. Whatever, I don't know what to say. I want to tell her, I don't want to lie to her, I mean, that would be stupid. I want to be honest with her. What shall I tell her? That I don't love her anymore and I love some one else? A co-worker? I can't just possibly do that, right?"
Sara at on the bench infront of her locker, staring down at her outstretched legs.

"I - I don't know, Warrick," Sara sighed, "you have to tell her what's best for you. Either way, she's going to get hurt. No matter if you stay with her, or divorce, she'll hurt, and you will, too. I don't know whatelse to say."
{ since Ecklie isn't being needed at the moment, can I be Greg aswell and stick hints of Sandle? pretty please?}