Shady Lane
CSI Level Two
Lindsey looked up at the man. He looked older then some of her mom's friends, and had a sour pouty look on his face. His dark brown hair parted down the middle to reavel his large bald head. She instantly didn't like him, remembering many times that Catherine had vented to her own mom about him, and the trouble he was causing at work. She wasn't in a very good mood anyways, and this guy showing up with his "Get Out Of My Lab" Face wasn't helping anything.
She simply raised a hand and waved and then looked away, waiting for him to leave.
(I am having a hard time placing Lindsey's age...she is supposed to be 13 right? I can't tell if I should play her as a teenager or a younger child. I like younger Lindsey better but if you guys want to go with teenage lindsey that is fine too.)
She simply raised a hand and waved and then looked away, waiting for him to leave.
(I am having a hard time placing Lindsey's age...she is supposed to be 13 right? I can't tell if I should play her as a teenager or a younger child. I like younger Lindsey better but if you guys want to go with teenage lindsey that is fine too.)