Yobling RP

Sara sighed. She had never realized how.. Intimidating Catherine was. Nor had she realized how.. Motherly she was. She felt like a little child who had been overly chastised for something silly. "Oh.. okay. Uhm, I think Lindsey's crying." Sara looked over to Lindsey who was quietly sniffling in the waiting area. The women glanced at eachother and strode over to where she sat. Sara felt bad.. But noticed that Warrick and Catherine were exchanging strange glances.. Passionte, almost.
Sara raised an eyebrow, but did as she was told. (what?)

"Lindsey," Sara sat down nwext to her, "Linds, honey. Tell me what's wrong. Please, I want to help." She looked over to Catherine who was standing off to the side.

[Can I steal Lindsey?]

"W-well," she sniffled, looking up at Sara, "I hate it when my mom get's mad at me! But I don't k-know why I keep doing these things, it's like I can't h-help myself! I.. Dad always knew what to do.." her voice trailed and she started to cry again, leaning her head on Sara's shoulder. Sara looked shock, and glanced at Cath again, who looked just as shocked.
Lindsey nodded, and scooted closer to her mom, eventually standing up, then sitting on her lap. Sara felt her eyes flood with coming tears. She sat down next to Catherine and Lindsey.

"Lindsey, I know how you feel." She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. "My mom.. My mom and dad - They died when I was younger than you." She sniffled, and Lindsey looked at Sara with wide eyes.

"Oh," she said, turning her head back to her mother, and resting it on her shoulder.

{tmot, help me with linds [maybe warrick] until they get back? I don't want to stop with this.)
Cath held Lindsey close. "It's been hard for Sara, too," she said, glancing over.
Lindsey burrowed into Catherine, wishing the tears would stop. "How'd you get through losing them?" She asked Sara as Warrick watched, waiting for his cue.
Sara turned her head away.

"I don't like talking about that," Catherine gave Sara a weird glance. Sara knew she shouldn't have opened up that much to anyone about her past. She stood up. "Cath, I, uhm.. I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back."

Sara turned on her heel, and walked off to the restroom. She pushed open the door, and checked if there was anyone inside. Stepping up to the sink, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, and splashed some water on her face, then dried it off with a paper towel, then through it in the garbage can next to the door. She took as long as she could walking back to where Catherine and Lindsey were still sat in the chair, and flashed a small, weak smile at the women she finally realized she looked up to as a motherly figure, after loosing her parents at such an early age. Catherine gentley lifted Lindsey off her lap, and Sara motioned for her to follow her into the breakroom. Warrick stood with Lindsey.
Sara realized Catherine was right. She was shivering, all over. Catherine looked sincerly worried.

"I've n-never talked about my parents b-b-before," she asaid, and clutched at her stomach, "My stomach is churning. If you want, I- I guess I could talk t-to Linds about her dad, but it - it's a touch subject for me."

A/N: I have to go now, after TMOT posts her next thinger, and if I have time, I'll respond. But other than that, I'm going to post again some more on Monday, because I have to go away for the weekend. Please feel free to use Sara as needed, but also wait until I return to do anything to drastic, and we have to make this more YoBling, not CSI: Thongs. Uhmm.. Warrick and Lindsey, I hope your back soon; I may have time to post some more tomorrow. See you all then!
Catherine squeezed her shoulder. "I understand. If it'll help, we can do it together. Would that lift some of the weight off your shoulders?" she asked, getting her some water.
"Yeah, that would be great," Sara said, pulling Catherine into a hug, "Thanks, Cath. I think I might take the rest of the night off. You wouldn't mind telling Grissom for me? I'm just going to go. See you tomorrow?"

She returned the hug, nodding. "See ya. Don't worry about Grissom. I'll stop by his office on my way back to Warrick and Lindsey. Call me if you need to talk or anything."
Nick came in just in time to see Cath following Sara down the hall, and Lindsey with Warrick. He gave Warrick a confused expression. "What's going on?"

(I hope I do okay, I'm still new at him. And actually had to think a minute with Cath lol. I was like "her dad's still alive" then it hit me "oh wait, she means the 'dad' who actually raised her. Duh. Don't know why I did that, she hasn't known about Sam all that long anyway and she really doesn't like him much...should know who she meant lol.)
Cath glanced toward the door as she watched Sara walk away. "Oh, hey, Nicky," she greeted, walking over. "Sara's just a little stressed."
Warrick patted Lindsey on the shoulder. "It's going to be allright. But, I don't want to scare you, you're going to get your ass kicked because of the fight, that's what I understood out of the 'conversation' between you and your mum." He saw her cry. "Believe me. Your mum knows how you feel."