Yelina Salas #2: 'Get Back To Where You Once Belonged'

I'm wondering that, too, Silk. Surely one of the American networks will pick it up - especially if the writer's strike continues and they're desperate for new material! I missed Sofia in Table for Three because I was overseas, so it would be awful to miss this one because it isn't being broadcast here!
Pusher thanx for the video!!!

This looks very good...I hope they show it here somewhere...
And Sofia...well she never looks bad but I love that color on her! :D :devil:
That video looks great.. Really hoping that we are going to air it here so time.. I want to see it.. But he sofia is still own of my greatest actrices ...

Thanks Pusher
ur all welcome re the promo vid. ;)

Thanks noealonso for this lovely SM pics. :) She look great as always.
A belated thank you to Pusher for the promo video, and thanks also to noealonso for those beautiful Sofia pictures. :D
i am so gonna watch the border it really look like a good show and Sofia's in it!i already programed my vcr.
Thanks Pusher for the promo. :eek: Holy wow, a Canadian show that looks interesting. I need to see this. heh. I'm so glad Sofia's on a new project and I'll finally get to see it--though I really hope other countries will pick it up soon.

There's a tidbit about The Border in the News Bullets if anyone hasn't had the chance to see it yet.

Though I can't help but feel a little jipped because this means Sofia may not have much time to do scenes for Miami. :( *sigh* I really miss her presence on the show.

Thanks noealonso for the pictures! She is just absolutely stunning.
I love the ones in the pretty top with the Starbucks cup - you can tell they are candid photos without her makeup and fancy clothes, and she still is absolutely stunning! Enjoy the new series, Canadian folks, and let us know how it is! (And hope it airs in the States soon :) )
Hey guys in Sofia Milos web side have new article. :)

"Milos - Special Agent with an Italian Heart" - Tandem Magazine, December 2007

Hope I translate this interview correct, coz it`s too early in the morning....

Let`s go back to ur acting career. Will u have a role in the new season of CSI Miami?!
SM: I shot the first episode of the sixth season, but then hopped on a plane to Toronto. We trided co-ordinating schedules to allow me to shoot a few epis, but it wasn`t possible. In Apri more epis will be shot, and I`ll, be in them.


EDIT: one more interview: Sofia Featured in "HELLO" Magazine - December 2007

Also: THE BORDER premieres first on January 7th on CBC (Canada), Monday at 9pm and don't miss Sofia's premiere January 14th 2008 when she joins THE BORDER!
Yay!!! Thanks Pusher for the info. Sounds really good, first that TPTB wanted her in more episodes but it's also good her shooting schedule for the other show comes first, and secondly, that she's returning this season for more than one more episode.

Pusher, this is the best news - YAY! :D Thanks so much for the links to the articles. I love the part where Sofia says that she went to Hong Kong, expecting no-one to really know her there, and people actually stopped her in the street to talk about Miami. This also happened to her in Australia. :D

Even though these episodes may be pushed back due to the writers' strike, it is great to know that Sofia/Yelina is still part of TPTB's future plans. :)

I have to say that 'The Border' looks like it could be very good. I hope we get to see it here in the UK.
That's awesome!!! I'm glad she's coming back and it sounds like she'll be in more than just two episodes this season. I hope her new series does well.
Yesterday, my mom told me, Sofia is from Zurich and I laughed so hard, really, because we live in Zurich and I can't imagine that Yelina grew up here :D

Thanks for the interview, it's very interesting :)