Yelina Salas #2: 'Get Back To Where You Once Belonged'

But it seems more like she (Ann D) is completely clueless as to where it is going. In the long run, that's what makes it so irritating. They keep 'trying things', and then backing off these things. She's like an author who wants to erase past chapters and rewrite after the book is already published.
Exactly. As far as Miami's Canon is concerned, it would seem the fans know more than the writers themselves. That's one of the reasons the writer Steve Maeda (who left at the end of Season 3) is so sorely missed. He carried things through, and wrote with thought and consideration of what had gone before. It is very frustrating, and I agree that even an interview with Sofia or Ann probably wouldn't tell us much. It would just be good to get some kind of feedback. Mind you, I don't really trust Ann's comments anymore, so maybe it's not such a good idea! ;)

Take the whole Kyle storyarc for example. We are supposed to embrace this, while other storyarcs are left unresolved and open-ended. *sigh*
It's like trying on a whole bunch of shoes, with the sales clerk continually saying "here, try this," but you just can't decide which one to go with.

Several of you have mentioned Cory (Miller?) as one of the writers who may be sympathetic to our cause. Do you think he's too junior to the Real GTB, and has no real power to effect change, or is he just the talking head, meant to appease us while effecting no real change?
Thanks for posting the article Pusher! :D Very interesting, and she looks lovely, as always. :)
Looks like a good show to watch. I hope I get a chance ot watch it too. And Sofia looks beautiful as usual in the interview photo.

Thanks for the article Pusher.
Ur all welcome re the link. :)

THE BORDER premiere is January 7th and I do hope to have chance and post caps from there. ;)
I just came from Sofia's website, and discovered you all already have seen the article! Now there is a date on the calendar - January 7! Yipee!!! A Sofia fix! :D
^ Thanks Pusher. I'll probably have to wait a while for it to get to DK, but I'll definitely watch it 'cause of Sofia.
And Happy Holidays to everyone. :D
Does anyone know if this is going to be on one of the major U.S. networks like CBS? The promo looks exciting. Who knows...(gasps and ducks various flying objects being thrown at head!) may be good enough that we will all jump 'ship'!