Yelina Salas #2: 'Get Back To Where You Once Belonged'

As much as I hate Horatio's character, I only tolerated him when he had scenes with Yelina. Miss that character a lot. There was so much more that they could have done with her. Calleigh and her could have been good friends, as it was I honestly can't remember Cal and Yelina having many if any scenes together.
that bronze dress from the 8 premiere looks incredibly good on her. I would have thought the bronze would wash her out since she's so tan, but she just looks incredible!
Wow! She was rocking that white dress tonight (Sink or Swim). I wish I looked that good. I really like her character and would like to see her on more.
Amazing pictures :eek: :)
She looked so beautiful in the last episode! I really missed her, it always great see her again :D