World Cup 2006 and Other Football Stuff #3

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Pusher said:
ohhh yes Collina for me is the best referee :D now in my country we have new commercial where play Collina + Opel (car) :p
We used to have that commercial here too.. it's so good.. I really really like it actually..

I love Collina, he could look so stern that I'm sure there have been players who literally peed their nice little outfit-pants and yet at other times his eyes sparkled of joy.. ahhh, good old times.. Collina was most respected by everyone I believe.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Pusher said:
ohhh yes Collina for me is the best referee :D now in my country we have new commercial where play Collina + Opel (car) :p
We used to have that commercial here too.. it's so good.. I really really like it actually..

I love Collina, he could look so stern that I'm sure there have been players who literally peed their nice little outfit-pants and yet at other times his eyes sparkled of joy.. ahhh, good old times.. Collina was most respected by everyone I believe.

Me thinks we had that commercial as well :p

I know if I was a football player, I'd cried. Christ, Collina was scary as our old Swedish teacher :eek:

I hope I can see Germany - Sweden game tomorrow :(

My guesses for today's games:

Ukraine - Tunisia 2:0
Saudi-Arabia - Spain 0:3
Swizerland - South Korea 1:1
Togo - France 1:1
Man, I never really liked that referee Colina cos he was just too scary-looking. :rolleyes: But a fantastic referee though.I can't believe Austrilia is through- the referee was so biased! Seriously though, the referee's decisions weren't very justified against Crotia. :rolleyes: Oh well.
So pleased that USA is out- they were so shit they didnt even deserve to be in the WC at all. :D Brazil made a good comeback yesterday, after a few shitty matches. Even Ronaldo scored..Pssk..they were just very lucky. :rolleyes:

I think I'll cheer for South Korea and Togo today. Haha, it would be funny if France struggled to score this match today. :lol: One WC goal in this competition since 1998. :p
I want Togo to finally win. I hope they play at least as good as on the last matches.

I think that Ukraine, Spain and Korea'll win the other matches.

I can't wait for the Sweden/Germany match.
I hope Sweden kicks Germany's ass. xD
I'm torn.
i like togo and hope that they gain at least one point today.
but i also like and adore Zidane and i want to see him again. he would deserve another game and i don't think that France is able to reach the quarter final. They fight so much with each other. so let France reach at least the eighth finale. :p

EDIT: Champions league, second qualification round: (today was the drawing, Red Bull Salzburg is my favorite team)
Red Bull Salzburg - FC Zürich
good luck! :lol:
maybe they win i don't know so much about FC Zürich.
OK, first of all, Croatia didn't deserve to win. We have great individuals, but don't know how to play as a team.
The referee was a joke. I know that he prefers hard football, but he was changing the criteria throughout the whole game.

Basically, I don't understand this...I mean, they are rulling by the same rule book, but they are not obeying it. It cannot be possible for a judge to set his own criteria. Australia should've had 3 penalties, all deserved! But, the game was too harsh. There's no way the judge would let this kind of game if Brasil played. No wonder there were so many red cards.

And I have no idea what happened with Simunic. I mean, the judge cannot change his mind if he gives him the second yellow card! Second, he gave him red card when the game finished! He ran after him on the field to give him the red card!

It was a joke, but Australia deserved to go to the next roun
d. And they have a good chance against Italy.
I don't think anyone had any idea what happened with Simunic, he'd gotten a red card but the ref didn't send him off :confused: what was that about?!...though i think if Croatia had scored after that and won, FIFA may have overturned it anyway because they had an extra man on...
there was a lot of talk about this at my school today, and we even had a replay of the game at lunch :D
but i'm really really looking forward to the game against Italy on Tuesday, I think pretty much everybody in the whole country will watch this one :D

During half time, SBS kept crossing to Circular Quay in Sydney and Federation Square in Melbourne, and 20 000 people or so, got up in the middle of the night (or the night before) and drove to the city to watch the soccer and go crazy with other fanatics...I watched it curled up under a blanket in my living room :lol:
i also like and adore Zidane and i want to see him again

ehhhh really sad is when one great player have to stop his career :( long time ago when i was young was in love with Marco van Basten, but hi don`t have a lot luck - too many traumas and that`s why now i`m a lot for Netherlands to go as more far as they can in this WC.

but when have say Zizu, big surprise for me was one evening 2-3 month's in the past have watch one movie 'Goal!' (2005) to kill some free time and bingo there was Zidane (and Beckam and Figo) .. wow..what a nice surprise was this for me :D if i remember right Zizu was with suit and have some quotes, but i`ll never forgot this blue blue eyes of him :lol:

And I have no idea what happened with Simunic. I mean, the judge cannot change his mind if he gives him the second yellow card! Second, he gave him red card when the game finished! He ran after him on the field to give him the red card!

yes for me too was strangely this moment :confused:
^Yes, I just pointed at the ref on TV and immensely laughed at him.. that was a rather pathetic moment.. I turned to dad and said: "it shows he didn't have control anymore" for me it was a reminder of what can happen in a classroom (being a teacher - losing control, you just send them out of the classroom).

45 mins till Spain is up :D
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