I thought the ep was a bit boring to be honest. I give it 2 out of 5 stars and a D-.
I did like how they sort of revealed the story of why this guy basically killed this other guy through the ep, but then it took away from seeing some of our CSI's, oh except Ray of course. He is always everywhere and I am growing really tired of it.
Honestly, I didn't like all the scenes with the flashbacks of "10 days ago" or whatever cause it took away from main characters' time... except as you said for Ray. They're always sure to never leave him out. He got 14 scenes in this episode, far more than the others. Nick had 12. Cath and Brass had better screentime, 7 and 8 scenes respectively. Once again not nearly enough of Greg, actually less than last week by one scene. And like you, I'm growing tired of it being The Ray show.
They were doing so well in the premiere, but then it just went back downhill from there... even though Sara wasn't in this episode they managed to have even worse screentime balance than in the episodes she was in. Yeesh! I challenge tptb to actually count the number of scenes for each character before doing the final revise of the script (they probably don't do this) maybe then they'll see how freaking unbalanced it is. I'm back again to thinking maybe this should be their final season. If they can't do better with the screentime, then its time to end it. I thought that before the season started, but then the season premiere was so good that I thought (foolishly) that things would get better, sadly that is not the case.
Side notes:
What was up with Hodges and the little lesson video he was in? Is he doing something on the side he should not be? I have a feeling that will come into play in a future episode.
I was wondering about that too.
One comment that made me laugh was Greg's seemingly disappointed view on all workplaces blocking porn websites. :lol:
When was this? I missed the first minute of the show I think. I came in when Nick and Ray were at the crime scene and Nick mentioned being mad enough to kill someone once (McKeen, I'm sure). Was there a Greg scene at the beginning that I missed?
I didn't care for Ray being pissy with Wendy.
I didn't like that either... I actually found myself wishing someone would overhear him and say something to him about it. Not a good way to endear the character to the shows fans, ptb. Poor Wendy.

I mean seriously, do they want us to like or hate the character? Because when they write him snapping at someone like poor Wendy, it doesn't exactly sit well with people. :lol: I didn't care for him rolling his eyes at her when she was just saying what she'd heard/read about that gene being linked to killers. "Don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind.
the B-O-R-I-N-G stuff with those office people that they had WAY too much emphasis on in this episode. The show is called CSI for a reason. They have other shows that focus on office people. There's a reason I usually watch CSI and not those other office shows.
I totally agree with you. I didn't change the channel (because I was recording it for someone else), but I kind of wish I had gone into the livingroom and watched Supernatural (which I was taping in there). :lol: I know for a fact Supernatural would have been a heck of a lot more entertaining than this episode of CSI.
Yeah I was not a huge fan of "Killer" either since the show is about the CSI's and not so much about the killers. That is more for Criminal Minds to focus on.
But then again it was better than all of those scenes being filled with possibly more Ray than we already had.
:lol: Always a silver lining in there somewhere isn't there? :lol:
:lol: SuperDave plotted revenge against classmates in comic book form. Hehehe.
Not everything I wear out has pockets.
I'll buy you a purse. :lol: *cute*
It's a little like getting a vaccination... without the autism. 
I hated that they had him laugh after that line. Autism is no laughing matter, dude! Epic fail with that line! I found it quite rude that they used this trying to be funny when there is absolutely nothing funny about autism!
Hodges looking at himself on the computer screen was kind of funny.
Rubber hose? Eww! Can't you just use the "M" word? It's not as gross sounding. :lol:
Woah! That computer thing is weird with the victim on the screen and moving with whomever is moving in front of the camera. Freaky! How did he do that? :lol:
the dude who stole the dead guy's laptop reminds me a little of Michael aka Meathead from All In the Family. :lol:
Desi/Lucy. :lol:
Unless Mr. Lombard's case of explosive diareah (sp?) counts, we struck out. :lol:
There's an app for that. :lol: Plug! Plug! :lol:
What did the killer put in that girl's purse? Did they ever come back to that? I might have missed that. :lol:
Wow! A mention of Sam! I'm shocked!
Mythbusters Style. :lol: Nick. But why couldn't Greg have been helping Nick with that instead of Ray? I'd kind of like to see Greg in that welders get-up. :lol:
:lol: That song gets me every time it starts... I always think it's "Ice Ice Baby". :lol: Nope, just "Under Pressure". :lol:
Ow! The thing with the door... that looks painful.