William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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What I was amazed at, that after "Hog Heaven" [and it wasn't listed in the TV Guide ] they followed it with 'Say Uncle" with our wonderful Grissom, and watching him again, back to back with the other guy [Langston] I realized what he's got that LF doesn't:confused: he's charamistic, charming, intense, riveting, magnetic and almost puts one under a hypnotic spell:thumbsup: LF doesn't have those qualities...and when he confronted the doctor who was injecting the poor little boy with mass drugs, Grissom got in his face with anger in his eyes, and said "You touch that boy I'll have you arrested for child endangerment" with such intensity, that's what he's got, and his deameanor and expressions to die for:p That's not insulting LF in any ways, he's just so different, and does have his own brand of cool, he's just not Grissom:(
he's charamistic, charming, intense, riveting, magnetic and almost puts one under a hypnotic spell:thumbsup:
And the great thing about it is, he seems to do it before you realize it. He just has that way about him that just pulls you in and you're hooked. I loved it when a case involved a child because we always got to see a side of Grissom that didn't come out very often. He let his emotions come out just enough to get his point across.
What I was amazed at, that after "Hog Heaven" [and it wasn't listed in the TV Guide ] they followed it with 'Say Uncle" with our wonderful Grissom, and watching him again, back to back with the other guy [Langston] I realized what he's got that LF doesn't:confused: he's charamistic, charming, intense, riveting, magnetic and almost puts one under a hypnotic spell:thumbsup: LF doesn't have those qualities...and when he confronted the doctor who was injecting the poor little boy with mass drugs, Grissom got in his face with anger in his eyes, and said "You touch that boy I'll have you arrested for child endangerment" with such intensity, that's what he's got, and his deameanor and expressions to die for:p That's not insulting LF in any ways, he's just so different, and does have his own brand of cool, he's just not Grissom:(

I think this is what those of us who haven't been able to get into the "new" CSI have been trying to say since Grissom left...there was just something about the character, and Billy's acting, that made everything that Grissom did fascinating. Maybe it was because we really knew so little about Grissom and so any little fact or insight into his character was treated like a treasure. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that Ray is not that interesting...and tptb and the writers have changed the whole feel of the show. There is no wonder or excitement in the science or in fitting the clues together any more. That is what Grissom brought to the show. The viewer saw science through Gil's eyes and so we felt like a kid in a candy store too.

he's charamistic, charming, intense, riveting, magnetic and almost puts one under a hypnotic spell:thumbsup:
And the great thing about it is, he seems to do it before you realize it. He just has that way about him that just pulls you in and you're hooked. I loved it when a case involved a child because we always got to see a side of Grissom that didn't come out very often. He let his emotions come out just enough to get his point across.

I always loved when Gil got a little out of control, like in "Friends and Lovers", "Gentle, Gentle" and "Farenheit 932". He was so passionate about his job, his beliefs and making sure that everyone got the best interpretation of the evidence available. Billy was so good at making Gil's integrity and passion palpable. He's amazing!!!
Hey gals, do you all think when he returns for a "guest spot' on CSI, or in the move, he'll have the white hair, or dye it back to dark? What you you all prefer? For me, the dark curly hair and dark sexy dark beard.. yummy~
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I would think that he'd probably have it dyed somewhat. I guess it just depends on whether he's got the beard or not. Personally, if I could have my pick, he'd have the beard and darker hair.:D Course, as long as I get to see him, it doesn't really matter. I can take him either way.....although, I do have a fetish for that beard.:drool:
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I think Billy will dye his hair a bit for his guest appearance on CSI and for the movie.

I like his hair au naturel as well as being darker. I liked the way his hair looked at his "Walk of Fame" ceremony...it still had a just a little bit of dark in it. The recent pics, his hair is so white, and he's so pale, he just looks washed out. I think he'll look better once he gets a bit of sun...lol!!!
I have to agree with CSIz_4.... I adore the beard.... :drool:
I have to agree with CSIz_4.... I adore the beard.... :drool:
Yeah, there's just something about that beard:drool:...and the man behind it, for that matter.;)

I wouldn't mind it being like it was at the 'WOF' cermony either, the darker hair blending with the white. Ohh, tanned Billy...that's always nice.:drool: Gotta see that tan line.:devil:
Ohh, tanned Billy...that's always nice.:drool: Gotta see that tan line.:devil:

Now there you go again, putting entirely wicked thoughts into my brain. Believe me, my mind is in the gutter enough...I really don't need the help...lol!!! :devil:
^Me? putting thoughts into your brain?:lol: I would say blame him, but can he help it that he's sooo irresistable and likes to show it off (and oh, does he ever:devil:)? And you're definately not alone in the gutter. Just looking at him puts me down there.:drool:
I like his hair au naturel as well as being darker. I liked the way his hair looked at his "Walk of Fame" ceremony...it still had a just a little bit of dark in it. The recent pics, his hair is so white, and he's so pale, he just looks washed out. I think he'll look better once he gets a bit of sun...lol!!!
yeah, but i think it's mostly the light that makes him look pale on some pics. i mean, there are pics not far apart in time where he is normal in one and pale on the other.

gosh, i'm overanalyzing this. lmao. this is what happens when you're on summer break. ;)
why good evening people :thumbsup:

Mmm, Billy's white hair, I quite like, but yeah he needs the sun, seriously is this what living in Chicago does to a man? He's like a ghost.

Hey Britters- where you order Cubbies tickets from? I got mine from the official site and you print them at home :confused:
^Me? putting thoughts into your brain?:lol: I would say blame him, but can he help it that he's sooo irresistable and likes to show it off (and oh, does he ever:devil:)? And you're definately not alone in the gutter. Just looking at him puts me down there.:drool:

Well I'm glad I have company down here...it would be sad to drown in Billy lust alone....:lol:

I like his hair au naturel as well as being darker. I liked the way his hair looked at his "Walk of Fame" ceremony...it still had a just a little bit of dark in it. The recent pics, his hair is so white, and he's so pale, he just looks washed out. I think he'll look better once he gets a bit of sun...lol!!!
yeah, but i think it's mostly the light that makes him look pale on some pics. i mean, there are pics not far apart in time where he is normal in one and pale on the other.

gosh, i'm overanalyzing this. lmao. this is what happens when you're on summer break. ;)

I think over analyzing "everything Billy" is par for the course with the bunch of us...lol. It's just the way we are ;)

And I have to agree with you about lighting as well. I know Billy's hair looks much whiter when he's outside than when he's inside. I still think he looks pale though. He needs some sun, just like the rest of us who live in the colder states and provinces do.

why good evening people :thumbsup:

Mmm, Billy's white hair, I quite like, but yeah he needs the sun, seriously is this what living in Chicago does to a man? He's like a ghost.

Hey Britters- where you order Cubbies tickets from? I got mine from the official site and you print them at home :confused:

Nice to see you back GameFace , it's been a while. :)
yeah it has been a while!

I've not watched a single episode of CSI since Mr Petersen went. It interests me not one bit without him. Mr Fishburne doesn't do it for me. The 2 episodes he crossed over with WP, didn't make me think 'I'll give the new guy a go', just very much a 'meh' character and portrayal.

So ratings have been sinking eh, hardly a surprise I guess.
Well I watched a few episodes of the "imposter CSI" and gave up, GameFace. There was a gaping Grissom shaped hole in the show, and the whole feeling of CSI, that geeky wide eyed wonder of science, disappeared when Billy left.
I also know that there are quite a few others who have given up watching CSI, so you're certainly not alone.

I think they will get 1 more season out of CSI before it dies, unless the writers can find some way to bring back the magic.

I know I'm really looking forward to Billy guest starring in a few episodes next year...and I will watch those :luvlove:
those couple episodes he's meant to do next season will probably help somewhat. No doubt they can use that as a push to get the ratings back up again for a bit! And yeah, I will check them out of course!

Otherwise, it's ran it's course basically for me anyway, and obviously a fair few others! It's not exactly a knock against the show, heck, it's mighty impressive to stay as the most watched show for so long. But at the end of the day, take out the best character by a country mile, take out all the interaction that goes with that character, take out the best actor by far, take out the man that has carried the show since day one, and it's gonna be a bumpy ride for a while.

CSI could carry on I think for a lot longer, it'd be there in the pack with a number of other shows.
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