CSI Level One
Oh my God, don't even get me started on Long Gone! If you do, I will not shut up. The jeans:drool:...the boots:drool:...not to mention the open shirt/shirtless for almost half, if not more, the movie:drool::devil:....great, now I gotta go watch that one again!
You're still having trouble gilsgal? I'll look around and see if I can find you a copy that'll work where I got mine.
Man, I wanna see Passed Away. It just looks so funny lol.
Man, Billy was great in Fear too. Remember when he busted up the boyfriend's place? Mad Billy=H O T!:drool:
Geez, it's just like you Amb to have a dream and not remember it.:lol: Oh yeah, The Skulls, love the accent...then again, I would.
You're still having trouble gilsgal? I'll look around and see if I can find you a copy that'll work where I got mine.
Man, Billy was great in Fear too. Remember when he busted up the boyfriend's place? Mad Billy=H O T!:drool:
Geez, it's just like you Amb to have a dream and not remember it.:lol: Oh yeah, The Skulls, love the accent...then again, I would.