Head of the Day Shift
Again from the new CSI Magazine, here's a complete photo guide of his condo, and the desk one mentioned in prior posts. From 'Grissom's Divine Comedy"
HIS DESK scroll down, and one can see the whole condo, nice place to live. So he's still got this as on the show it was mentioned by Cath to Ecklie, so maybe when he 'guests" he'll visit it and we can see it again. And I think maybe Hank is with them, or if he left him behind, with Nick~
HIS DESK scroll down, and one can see the whole condo, nice place to live. So he's still got this as on the show it was mentioned by Cath to Ecklie, so maybe when he 'guests" he'll visit it and we can see it again. And I think maybe Hank is with them, or if he left him behind, with Nick~