William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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"The Beast" was the first BP movie I ever watched, and I thought it was hilarious. I don't know why, I just think a lot of movies like that are funny. But I really only watched it for Billy, because I was like, "zomg it's Billy!" and my grandmother was like "What are you talking about child" and I was like "Don't change the channel, it's Billy Petersen!" and I watched it before I had to go fast for 24 hours. It was great. :)
This might have been posted previously, but it's interesting, the difference between the man Billy, and his character Grissom. They're as different as night & day ;) one's a Leo, Grissom, and Billy is a Pisces!


yes, very interesting! :) i think there was one episode in the first season, that the killer was after people, born on August 17. and grissom said to look for people born on that date in 1956. and i was just looking in the wiki and i saw that grissom IS born on that day :D it was pritty cool :)
I hope he keeps the beard. I finally got a copy of "The Contender" from the library. I plan on watching it tonight. Can't wait to see WP in another movie!
^^^ The Contender is really good. You should enjoy that one idahomom

And YES, let's hope he keeps the beard :D
He's got really white hair in "The Contender" and he plays opposite Joan Allen, who was also in "Manhunter" with him, he was so insignificant in this, I didn't even notice him to be outstanding, can you believe that? and idahomom you can buy his movies all over the place, AMAZON..eBay, Target, and their not that expensive, then you won't have to rent them~ here's a list again of all of them!

How would you guys feel if BP let his hair go natural? Would it make Grissom's character much older if his hair was white? :rolleyes:

I like him with his hair grey, it just suits him. Problem is he has to dye it for CSI, don't think he has a choice. Shame really. He looks adorable either way. He's one of the few men who actually doesn't seem to look much older with grey hair.
i don't know, but we have seen him in many different looks and he always looks awesome! i think it will be cool too :)
Thanks for the list of movies. I actually check them out from our Library, so they are free (I'm very cheap). I didn't watch it last night, but maybe tonight. I agree that he gets hotter with age. I don't find him as sexy in TLDLA or Manhunter as I do on CSI or later works.

Now that I have all the seasons on DVD the hair color changing thing REALLY bothers me. I can't believe how many different colors it has been. Around ""Primum Non Nocere" his hair was white and I really liked it. I hope they let him go gray.

As for beard burn, my husband had a beard from when we met in 1993 until 2003. Sometimes I miss that beard :lol:, but other times I don't ;).
that's a strange thing, I was looking at Steppenwolf's website today, for something totally irrelevent to this play.

Anyway, Mr Petersen's timing is rubbish, I'm flying to Chicago on Dec 29 :lol:

Looks like I'm gonna have to try and go there a bit earlier as well! Really want to see him in this play in his home town, that'd be too cool.

Forum trip anyone? :D
You know what? I'm seriously thinking about going, not to see the play, but because Chicago is lovely at that time of year, I'll probably end up doing New York instead. I hope we get some coverage of the event, if only a promo pic, that would be nice.
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