William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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Thank's Destiny, but I've done all of that, and it still doesn't work. and I can't pm Antony for the same reason. and my icon got eaten, disappeared another thing I don't understand..I had a feeling this would happen:( very frustrating indeed:scream:
DW that is wierd you should be able to clean it out, click USER CP, then "list messages" and then where you see "Inbox" click Go (unless you see alot of pm's there) then click "Empty Folder", then click the drop down box again go to the next one and repeat the process, until all your folders are empty.

One thing at a time, Icon will come as soon as we figure this out. ;)
:guffaw:This is fab! May take some getting used to though!

Des, try the empty folders link. Then follow the instructions. Cleared all my pm things. Worth a try.

I wondered if Billy is doing a JF and leaving mid season. Or maybe it's just another innocent little sabbatical. I guess we shall have to wait and see...

Watching 'The Beast' on Sci Fi. Finally DVD-ed the first episode! Diving Billy... :devil: Yum!!
Billy is scrumptious in The Beast :drool: The fluffy beard, the jeans, the diving gear, sluuuuuuuuuuuurp.

I swear they have cut a couple scenes out on the DVD. I watched the DVD the other week, then watched a bit of it on Sci-Fi yesterday, and I'm sure I don't remember the scene! Mind, it was a scene Billy wasn't in....
hey, nice new look of the forum! :) little odd still but we will get used soon :)
i was wandering soooo much, will u remove the rule for 100 posts for avatar, but ok, i will wait :)
if Billy leave CSI for even few eps, i don't know, will i be watching them at all :(
You know I thought the exact same thing when he left last time, but I actually liked the Keppler Episodes, they were darker different, but still good. I'd miss Grissom like mad, but I can understand Billy isn't as young as he used to be, and their are thing he wants to do. I respect that, though I will cry for days if Griss leaves... I might even need therapy. I'd still watch the show, though in my head I'd fit Gil in there, maybe he was working another case and we didn't see him. Denial is bliss!
totaly agree with you, but the thing that i really like about the show is grissom :( everything else is great too, but he makes CSI better (at least for me of course :)). this is the reson i don't watch the other series or Without a trace or something like this. they are really good too, but the grissom spirit is not there :(
Yeah, I feel you, we still need our Grissom fix, he is irreplaceable! That's why I brought all the dvds I just couldn't make it through the strike lol.
I actually liked the Keppler Episodes, they were darker different, but still good. I'd miss Grissom like mad, but I can understand Billy isn't as young as he used to be, and their are thing he wants to do. I respect that, though I will cry for days if Griss leaves... I might even need therapy. I'd still watch the show, though in my head I'd fit Gil in there, maybe he was working another case and we didn't see him. Denial is bliss!

I also enjoyed the Keppler eps too! :)
He would have been great as the day supervisor, you know, the way they used Ecklie and we would see him once in a while. Too bad they killed Keppler off! :scream:

If Grissom does leave after this season or go on another sabbatical next season, I hope Cat takes over. We don't need another actor to replace Mr. Petersen. That's just my two-cents. :)

What are your thoughts should BP leave or go away for a little while? Do we really need another actor to replace him?? I say Nooo!
Marg & Co. is just fine thank you very much! :)

I don't mind if it's a real good actor, as happened with Liev.

But, I don't think they should get someone for the heck of it. I didn't like that girl they had in start of the season (can't ever remember her name), weak character and a weak actress. Just pointless. So unless they get a real good name to do 3 / 4 eps - leave well alone!

But if Billy leaves, tbh, don't care what they do, doubt I'll be watching much :)

I love CSI, but 8 seasons in, my top priority with it is Billy, when he leaves, I won't really be that bothered tbh.

Said before here, I don't actually mind so much if he leaves, as I'd love to see him do more stage work and maybe a movie or two. But of course it'd be a sad day when he does leave CSI!
yes, stage work is not that bad, but if u are in USA. for me here, i don't see many ways to watch it :) so i prefer movies. but if he leaves i also think they shoudn't replace him. Kat as the boss - cool :)
Nice new layout. It's great that everything went well, and kudos for everybody who worked for it :thumbsup:

Back to the topic... I didn't like the Keppler episodes, I found the character boring.

If WP leaves, I don't want someone to replace him, the choice of Cath as a supervisor will be fine, but we don't know if MH will stay...

And I hope that WP will not be only on stage, because for European fans it will be very frustrating ! Fortunately, WPAP who will give us news, photos and reviews. But I really hope we will see him in movies or in TV.
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I so agree with you analysis of Keppler, boring and he mumbled, bad choice, I hated those eps. I like Nick or Warrick as the boss, their both cool:thumbsup: Marg said on her she'd "probably return for S/9". so we'll see if he follows suit, it's difficult to figure him out:confused:I'd love to see him on the big screen, doing some awesome role as a CIA agent or in a romantic comedy, and how about him on "Dancing With The The Stars" he's certaily got the moves:drool:wouldn't he look so cute on there, doing the waltzes, rumba's two-steps etc. all slicked up!
I finally finished The Contender. It was a really good movie, even though Billy's part was small. However, he was in a tux or suit the entire movie which made it worth it!

I'm not sure with his bad knees that he would do "Dancing with the Stars." I kind of think that show is beneath him. However, I'd love to see more laughing and humorous side in a comedy.
I don't think 'Dancing With The Stars" is beneath him, after all the lousy [not him] movies he's been in:confused:.. and if he plays a old/grey haired drunken undertaker, in this play he's going to do again...:vulcan:and he plays golf, rides a horse, plays baseball, and swims, so his knees would probably hold up:thumbsup: why not... but I was kidding..one never knows about him though, he's an enigma, mysterious and hard to figure out.. and "The Contender" well, he wasn't in it that much, see "Long Gone" if you want to drool and see him actually play baseball!
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