William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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^ I think des was just asking the question of when did we get so off topic from what we were originally talking about..
Although I do agree that Grissom ripping his shirt off would please me.. and you.. all :lol: I have no idea how that plays into Living Doll either :lol:

Anways, on a different note.. 4 DAYS!!!! We should have an all nighter party in celebration of the S8 premiere!
muidos said:
I remember dummies being sold when I was a kid, which wasn't *too* long ago. I haven't seen any around lately though.

I wonder if that song will factor into the premiere. No doubt it'll haunt Grissom!

I found that they do have some creepy little action figures here at the Bonanza Gift Shop, but no dummies like you said, probably in Hollywood, but I'm going to see if they do, and I wonder too, if they'll have that song played in the opening sequence, and grissom_gurl glad you saw the ep. again too, and related you're favorite scenes, I spoke with some family members this morning, and they as well watched this..again..and shared many remarks, how tantalizing his scenes were, and what a great actor Billy Petersen was in, especially the final scene ;)
^ I think des was just asking the question of when did we get so off topic from what we were originally talking about..
But it wasn't off topic? We talk about many things. Our whole post doens't have to be about one specific thing does it? That's what the quote thingy's for. Savvy? Like this:
We should have an all nighter party in celebration of the S8 premiere!
I'm totes up for that. Although no sex on the beach for me, it's totes screwed me over. Thursday night? Or friday? Both? Before, during and after party? lols

I was speaking to a friend (a RL friend *shock horror*) and she's gonna bring cookies on friday, and we're gonna watch it together. I don't know if she fancies a bit of the Billy yet, (Nearly typed Willy then. *snort*) I'm scared to ask. She'll realise how weird I am! Not that yous are weird or anything....well you kind of are. No offense or anything. :rolleyes:

That'll do.
It was off topic, there was NO scene in "Living Doll" where this happened, that's the point. fans were discussing "LD" & the scenes within that episode! if there were an ep. with him 'ripping off his shirt' then that would be the appropriate topic, to discuss that, but, I can't imagine on any CSI, where Grissom would be ripping his shirt off, although anything is possible on CSI, and grissoms_gurl party time after the premiere would be fun
Okay, well I think this has gone too far so let's bring it back to a happy level :lol:
eggy & des, I'm down for an "after premiere party"!! Anyone else in?! If it doesn't work for anyone, we could always do it on wednesday or friday.. doesn't matter to me!! As long as there's a party!
Alright thats enough! all attitudes need to be put in check at the door right now. NOW read this full post because its necessary that you do.

This is getting out of hand, both myself and "TallyHo" have come in and given gentle reminders about all of the bickering and attitudes, we remind everyone what the topic is and we remind folks that while its a thread devoted to William/Grissom there will be times when people talk about other things.

BUT when going off topic start taking over the thread, or drowns out the conversations that are on topic its gone to far. We in turn give it a chance to go back on topic with a minor in off topic, if it doesn't we step in, if we have to step in only so many times gentle reminders will cease to be issued (with regard to this issue) and we will go straight to unofficial warnings or warnings. -- Don't even give me the "Thats not fair" speech or "You're siding with them", "its their fault not mine. I don't want to hear it, its not fair and this is for everyone involved in all this to hear/read.

You want to chat thats fine there are plenty of chatrooms, you want to argue take it to PM's, you don't like what I have to say take it to QSF, all I know is that honestly its going overboard and it needs to stop. -- While we do not want to ruin the fun that has been had in this thread, we also do not like having to come in here like this because while again its fine to a point to vere off topic, lets make sure its not to far and gets back on topic.

Here is something for you to remember if nothing else you are all here for the same reason your love for William/Grissom, arguing only deminishes that factor and it totally takes away from it, not to mention confuses the crap out of anyone new trying to jump in about the same common denominator "WP/GG". ;)

Thank you, moving on now.
Billy P. is hotness incarnated!!
He is an excellent actor, and I could watch him do just about everything. I loved him in LIving Doll, and I can't wait to see his work in Dead Doll.
A pre or post premiere party would be funness! We'll have virtual cupcakes and drinks and hors d'eorves (sp?) woohooo
only 3 days 23 hours 13 minutes (if my math is right)
rock on!
ok, well I'm down for a party
when? where?

I did watch the finale
I have to say between that scene where he is trying to get through to Natalie and the one in Burn Out where Grissom is talking with the pedophile are the best Grissom's of the season... I"m sure there is more, but those are off the top of my head... ;)

Down for the party we haven't had one for a while :)
Pretty much sums it up, D. Thanks much for the timely reminder.

For what's considered "off topic", I reckon D and I have the final (pre-admin) say as it's our responsibility to keep this Forum ticking over smoothly for all to enjoy. To paraphrase, "the enjoyment of the many outweighs the enjoyment of the few or the one", bit,

As for PG-13 line, it's pretty distinct from where D and I stand, so please keep your personal/group fantasies and sexual innuendoes offline and restricted to PMs and/or chat rooms etc. No place for it in this Forum.

It's not too much to ask that we all help to keep this Forum flowing in the same general direction, eh? So if you have any other queries/comments about these issues please PM and we can discuss further.

Thank you, all.
Thank you for stepping in Destiny.

Well, the week has finally arrived, though my mind is on baseball at the moment. :lol:
Looking forward once again to a brand new season for all my shows. :D

May Grissom have a fun, strange and exciting year. :D

Go Rockies!! Go Cubbies!!

ha! this place has gone all odd recently, no wonder I didn't post for a while :D It's like some wierd Missing Billy Angst (MBA) has set everyone on edge. Don't worry ladies - not long till he's back on the tellybox!

Man, the Cubbies are ripping it up at the moment, I hope they keep this sort of momentum for the playoffs.

As for the season premier, hopefully I'll get to watch it on Friday, I'll have an all day party ;) I'm going to London on Saturday morning (at the crack of dawn, gotta get up about 5.30am), so no hangover allowed for me! Then I'm going to be away on vacation till October 9th, so I'll not see the second episode for a while :mad: More MBA will set in!
GameFace said:
ha! this place has gone all odd recently, no wonder I didn't post for a while :D It's like some wierd Missing Billy Angst (MBA) has set everyone on edge. Don't worry ladies - not long till he's back on the tellybox!
:lol: Wow! I think you hit that right on GameFace!!

I plan to sit on my couch for the entire night of Thursday, so I can watch CSI at 7 & 10 :lol: The first viewing I'll be on the edge of my seat, nervously watching.. but the second time I can really focus on Grissom :lol:
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Thank you for stepping in Destiny.

Well, the week has finally arrived, though my mind is on baseball at the moment. :lol:
Looking forward once again to a brand new season for all my shows. :D

May Grissom have a fun, strange and exciting year. :D

Go Rockies!! Go Cubbies!!


Just wanted to say, that my daughter has a bet on the CUBS, for the season,[if she wins, $250] their totally rocking out,& Billy is grinning from ear to ear..and I'll bet dollars to donuts that he missed the Emmys for sports, a Sunday :rolleyes:, what would he rather do, get all dressed up and go to this event or watch baseball/football~~~scratches head~~~ :D and on another note, "MANHUNTER" is now out on DVD ;)


And from me too, thank's Destiny and TallyHo hope things get back on track!
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