William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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I hope that happens Hunter. :D

Omg you've got a SOCO (whats that?) kit?! I'm guessing it's like your fieldkit thingymabob. It sounds way cool. Oversuit, you mean, overalls? Our boy looks fantastic in those. Speshly when he doesnt wear his shirt underneath.

In the wise words of James Wood's Shark (his character not his pet lmao) 'sleep is overrated.' :D
GSRfanatic25 said:
i love love love that scene, he played it soo well!
i can't wait
and only a week left? no way man... wow

So remember when Gris and Cath were in the bar, and watching the ventrioquist? and Cath's expressions engrossing, and his as well, and the creepy little talking doll? so weird, and spooky :confused: and when Grissom asked the clerk at the desk "Has anyone been in here tonight" and she goes "only the cleaning lady" and he rushes in and finds the minature car~~I shuddered~~ :mad: I lent this to a friend who finally brought it back yesterday.. and he goes "BRILLIANT" who would ever say "this sucked" :D Did you have any favorite scenes?
Oversuit, you mean, overalls? Our boy looks fantastic in those
Oh no. IRL it's nothing that glamarous. Click You see on Level two, the left hand pic. It's one of them. :lol: Like what G and Sara wore in Toe Tags, but with a hood, and not so expensive and sexy. :lol: SOCO is a scenes of crime officer. UK equivalent of a CSI, although they call them that sometimes too, totally confusing.
I met the entomology lecturer yesterday, she had a t-shirt with a bug on it. Drawn on it, not pinned. Obviously. Grissom should own one of them, I've read in fanfics about socks and things, but not on the programme. I bet he does have something. :lol: I'm going to get a poster of something geeky and shove it on my wall. :p
I freakin' love drunk Eggy. :D Glad to hear you're having a good time ma cherie. :)

The accused is entitled is a class ep!! Watched it last night, love it when Grissom is quoting the guy and the whole team is sniggering. ;) priceless... Grissom pwned in that ep. Big time.
And another scene, from "LIVING DOLL" continuity is the key ;)when Natalie was little on the slide, and pushed her sister to her death, I was going this girl has many problems the "Bad Seed" [old movie} and watching her dad cleaning it up with the bleach, thus the whole MCSK was about that! those fantastic writers.. ;)
Oh Eggy, that suit is really fetching isn't it? Sure to bring out the colour of your eyes *ahem* Zexy (ooh its been a while) zexy zexy.

I bet Grissom wears cartoon bug socks LOL. I bet Sara bought him some for xmas. I'd pay good dolla to see him in a comedy bug tie in court LMAO!

The Accused is Entitled, remimd me?! I have one thing to say to you Lemsip, WSW ;) *whistles*
Cartoon bug socks. :p Oh yeaaaaah I can see it now.
The accused is entitled is the ep with Chad Michael Murrey in it, where Grissom's mentor is with that bitch of a female lawyer who picks up on every CSI's weak spot. Goo ep cause Grissom totally pwns in it.

WSW!!!! xD
desertwind said:Did you have any favorite scenes?
*raises hand* Oh I did! I think my favorite scene was at the end.. when Natalie is saying the words of that song, and Grissom kind of puts his hands on his face - his expression, his emotion.. I could feel it all! He is such an amazing actor, that he didn't need to say anything .. his look said it all. *sigh* and now we wait..7 days! AH!
Amazing indeed, I just watched this again. and got chills and shuddered many times, It to me was the best episode of S/7 by far.. it was an accumulation of the whole season, just to reiterate, some scenes that I scribbled between scenes. in the beginning when Brass and Grissom went to that flea-bag apt. and Brass says to the mgr. "stand back and shut up" :lol: and when Natalie was applying for that job, and remembered every detail of the receptionist room, how many of us can do that? spooky. And when her dad Ernie, said "did you do it for a good reason"? EWWWW :eek: "am I your special girl" and Grissom looking up her behavior and called it "delusional psycosis" and when Cath and Griss were in that bar and the fake "Rat Pack" [ironic WP went on to play in that movie]& the freaky dad and talking doll.. strange and creepy :confused: and what I finally put together is when Grissom asked her real dad, "how the scene looked when she pushed her sister off the jungle gym "it was minature, thus all her creations were the same.. riveting, the writers who invented this scenerio big applause! and who played Natalie? She was good ;) and singing the "sawdust" song..at the end.... so unreal and bizarre.. now everything adds up and the preview also gave me chills!
Ha, I think everyone got freaked out when she hallucinated the attack. I screamed at the tv, haha. ;) Was a pretty immense scene, angry Griss... grrrrr. :)
Twas a good scene aye. I knew that the throat cutting thing was coming but I still got all, OMG WHAT DID SHE JUST DO?! Lol. When I first saw it I nearly cried. Sniffles. Don't leave us Gman.

The sawdust song, it just makes me laugh. I just crack up everytime I hear it. Sorry but it just doesn't scare me. I'm easy to make laugh.
Wild_Blue_Gil said:
The end of the finale freaked me out with Grissom and Natalie when she hallucinated the attack! :(

So spooky, how he cat and moused her, with his eloquent verbal chitter chatter and she half smirked, when he was complimenting her, but he was getting through to her, the "I'd like to play chess with you" yeah right :mad: here's another cool site about our man!.........and on William Friedkin directing CSI, I think that's later in the season!

Yeah! I didn't find the sawdust song scary either. It was well used, and was a pretty freaky ass song to use in the scene... but yeah it didn't scare me that much either.

And yeah it's easy to make Ams laugh... how 'bout a bit o' WSW ;)
19ams87 said:
Twas a good scene aye. I knew that the throat cutting thing was coming but I still got all, OMG WHAT DID SHE JUST DO?! Lol. When I first saw it I nearly cried. Sniffles. Don't leave us Gman.

The sawdust song, it just makes me laugh. I just crack up everytime I hear it. Sorry but it just doesn't scare me. I'm easy to make laugh.

I love singing that song... and texting it to my mates who have no idea what I'm doing! Hee hee!!

Ha, I think everyone got freaked out when she hallucinated the attack. I screamed at the tv, haha.

I had no idea that was coming. I'd been a very ggod girl and not read any spoilers. PLG and I were quaffing a few beerettes when we watched it... I sucked in so hard when she slashed Grissom's throat, the front windows caved in and PLG screamed so loud the neighbours came running round offering to dial 999!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am going to have to physically restrain her and ban alcohol for the premiere next weekend... and buy ear plugs... We both want HeroGriss! 'Save Sara, Save the world!' :lol:

PLG wants him dashing in on a white steed... I just want someone to rip his shirt open as they restrain him from running for Sara! :devil:

No melodrama in the BF household! Hee hee!! All this of course depends on whether my new 'skills' work! :lol:
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