William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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Actually, it's after one AM, so all spoilers are perfectly legal 83

But dear LORD Billy was rather hot in Dead Doll, wasn't he? -swoon!-
it's deleted!

And yeah he did look very fine. Mr P is in very good shape, puts far younger men to shame!
Another acting tour de force for WP -and Jorja Fox of course, who was the focus of this epi.

The flashbacks were very nicely done, how the characters remembered Sara.

It was fun to see how important the chalk scene was for Grissom -it's the thing that came to his mind when he thought about Sara.

Did you guys see the preview afterwards? It was fun. Especially the scene when Ecklie asks questions about the relationship :D
The season finale and now the season premiere have Grissom showing less constraint/more emotion than ever. I like that because it shows how he feels and the character growing.
Wild_Blue_Gil said:
The season finale and now the season premiere have Grissom showing less constraint/more emotion than ever. I like that because it shows how he feels and the character growing.
excatly.. i totally agree, his character has grown and developed to a new wonderful height he's more content.. mellow and he's happy.. and it's a good thing..his eyes told it all, once again his superb acting

Evil Ickly Ecklie is back :mad: should be interesting, while he "interogates" him!

*Edited: Spoilers in non spoiler threads is discouraged*
Hey guys remember we have a spoiler lab for a reason there are some who do not want to know what is going to happen in future episodes. Thanks.
The other night after "DEAD DOLL" WP talked about this, and bidding on his office and the Minature House, for the National CASA Association! it's only worth $25,000 :eek: so if you'd like to take a look and bid [yeah right] I'll take it out of my pocket change! go to CBS.com and then it'll direct you to eBay and you can see it, and the offer, and how to bid!
Ohmigawd, how HOT WAS GRISSOM in stubble when he was smiling at the end of the ep? OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! SO HOT!! HOTNESS! It assaulted me like a battering ram. I should file for victim compensation. My payment? A cuddle session with Billy, of course. What else?

Also, I've noticed Grissom tends to shut up when he's distressed. He was "Silently Freaking Out!" for the entire ep, but when he did say something, he was very clearly upset. Grissom is a very complex character. And Billy is an unbelievable actor.

As a side note, why does Grissom always avoid looking vulnerable or showing emotion? Remember back in Season 4, when the crazy guy (Walter Darian) attacked him in Interrogation in Bad to the Bone? Well, after the initial scene where that happened and his visit to Doc Robbins in the morgue, Grissom wears a scarf around to cover up the bruise. Even when he's talking to Darian's sister, he gets all "Oh noes, someone's looking at me" uncomfortable when she apologizes and pulls his collar up around it. He wears the scarf for the rest of the episode.
It's fascinating. I wonders why he does this, I do.
Images: The bruise (Catherine's comment? "It kinda looks like a hickey.")
Pulling up his collar to cover said bruise. Aww, poor Grissom! *cuddle*
The scarf. He wears this for the rest of the episode, even under his jacket (he turns up the collar to make sure the bruise is still hidden).
Thoughts? Suspicions? Admonitions to Crysthala for changing the subject? Plz, I wants to know.
re the scarf thing - the interesting thing with that, it was Billy who decided on that, not any of the other producers or directors. It wasn't in the script originally. I like how he's so involved, and (not surprisingly), knows Grissom like no one else. SO he decided to wear the scarf, being as the character he's built that is Grissom just doesn't like drawing attention to himself.

I guess it's just part of the manifestation of the private person Grissom is, so he doesn't like people fussing over him in public. He has to be in control. And being injured, to him would be a sign of vulnerability and losing control.

It's a great character, so subtle and complex, I think he's too subtle for many, cos if a character isn't in your face, they don't get it. Which is probably why he hardly ever wins individual awards :rolleyes: If he went around screaming and shouting and touting a gun, he'd probably have about 10 emmys.
great analysis gameface
he's really private and afraid of vulnerability. like a lot of men. billy plays to that so well, it's great.
i love how much input he has on the whole show. great dedication and character loyalty!
desertwind said:
That's so great that the CUBS are ahead in the Central Division, and I bet Billy is estatic ;).. but no baseball game would ever, for me, take the place of CSI, and especially this S/8 premiere....
Gosh I still remember "Viva Las Vegas" and thought nothing could top that, in S/5, then last year "BTK" also fantastic, and now the anticipation of all this hype..I can't wait ~~~chewing nails~~ :confused:

When you have a passion for your favorite team, believe me, no television show could ever come first. :D
Sports only happens "Live" once and that's it, whereas tv shows are repeated and bought on dvd. Actually I prefer to just rent any show than watching it on tv. You maybe a year behind, but it's way better without the commercial. Heck, you could watch a whole season in just one weekend. :lol:

As for the season opener, Season 5 is still the best IMHO. :D
It was also my very first yr of CSI. Awwww Billy and the Beard.

I'll be cheering for his team. :D

Wooohooo my Rocks are still in it!

Go Rockies! Go Cubbies!

Though we have a baseball thread in the MISC forum, a couple folks wanted to know how to find out about the Cubs so here you go. MLB - Cubs official Page again we do have the baseball page so as long as it doesn't dominate were good. ;)
Destiny said:
Though we have a baseball thread in the MISC forum, a couple folks wanted to know how to find out about the Cubs so here you go. MLB - Cubs official Page again we do have the baseball page so as long as it doesn't dominate were good. ;)

Thanks Destiny I didn't know we had a baseball page.
I pretty much just read and post in a few threads.
I only mention the Cubbies because of Mr. Petersen passion for the Cubs. :D
If only Grissom had that same passion. :lol: Wouldn't that be so dang cute? :D

Yeah, sorry Destiny Billy is such a fanatic for the CUBS.. hard not to be happy for him.. but I understand.. and WP_Rocks my daughter is like you with the Dodgers.. on to the WP news ;)

This week two of his movies are on TV here in the USA..

"FEAR" 1996..on ENCR Tues. at 11:15

"YOUNG GUNS 2"..1990..AMC Wed. 10:pm

He's great in both of these..such different roles! clean cut business man/father/husband, who deals with a pyscho.. and a long-haired bearded sheriff, after Billy The Kid!
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