William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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LemonJelly06 said:
Yeah! I didn't find the sawdust song scary either. It was well used, and was a pretty freaky ass song to use in the scene... but yeah it didn't scare me that much either.
It didn't scare me, but it got stuck in my head and drove me crazy! :lol:
Welcome muidos ;) glad your joining us.. and I don't know about 'scary' it was spooky and creepy, like her :confused: I will be glad to see her get put away, with her other bizzare kind! if that's the plan :(
I think the creepy part of her saying that song was when Grissom was shaking her and getting frustrated.. and her expression didn't even change. It was like she wasn't even there.. she just kept singing *shudder*
And it was kind of like Grissom wouldn't be able to break her, and find out where Sara is :(
It didn't scare me. I actually laughed when the guy was singing it, but it sure was weird. The creepy part was her with Grissom.
yeah, me too...although i wouldn't be against shirt ripping on griss's part at all...it's kind of random
the song was creepy but funny when the guy sang it...a kind of disturbinly humorous tune
and when natalie was singing it...it was like freaky psycho frustratingly erie (frustrating because she wouldn't tell him where sara was!!)
i still sing it randomly in my head. and my mom saw living doll for the first time this week, and i was singing along to the song and she just kind of looked at me...
they (the family keeps telling me i need help)
but she thinkgs billy's hot too, so i'll forgive her for her good taste
Heylo my fellow Bill lovers! Ams is coming in loud and clear from Leeds! Just got in (its 3.21am!) from a nightclub which is in an old church! Spot on. So yeah, i'm good and loving uni! Booya!

You know I can't actually remember the sawdust song? I just remember seeing it for the first time and dying of laughter. Not that it was bad writing, like Lemsip said, i'm easy to make laugh. WSW indeed mate.

Yummers, shirt ripping :devil:
did you know it was written in like 1909? it's an actual song. you can find it @ wikipedia i think it was, under "Little Bisque Doll" if i'm not mistaken. i thought the writers came up with it. it's so random and quirky...
Yummers, shirt ripping
those were my thoughts exactly, after i lifted my chin off the ground from the images in my head...
Thank's GSRfanatic25 for that tid-bit on the song, interesting..I did not know that.. and as far as I can remember this ep. there was no ripping of a shirt :( continutity, stay on the topic.. PLEASE :rolleyes: I wonder who made that creepy little talking doll? There's probably a store where one can buy these ventrioquist dolls, there's alot ot those people in show-biz, that do this.. I've always thought they were kinda of out there! Natalie's dad wasn't so hot at it, you could see his lips moving :D I still can see Grissom's and Cath's expressions, and her "Are we in a David Lynch movie , and where's the dwarf" :lol:
I remember dummies being sold when I was a kid, which wasn't *too* long ago. I haven't seen any around lately though.

I wonder if that song will factor into the premiere. No doubt it'll haunt Grissom!
britfan said:

PLG wants him dashing in on a white steed... I just want someone to rip his shirt open as they restrain him from running for Sara! :devil:

i most certainly do want him rescuing her on a white horse! hero grissom - sigh! somehow i don't think tptb will be up for that! :lol:

and BF the shirt ripping thing is genius! it about time we had a little something like that aswell! :lol:

those ventriloquist dolls completely freak me out aswell. urgh!
five days to go though - deep breaths!!
and BF the shirt ripping thing is genius! it about time we had a little something like that aswell! :lol:

Why thank you. It seems a popular notion.
i wouldn't be against shirt ripping on griss's part at all...

Exactly. We want it in Dead Doll! :lol: Cath restraining him from running and pop pop pop go a few buttons on that shirt... hee hee hee!! Sadly, it will never happen, but it will in my mucky little mind! :devil: :devil: :devil:!!

As Ams, coming in loud and clear from her new Yorkshire lair says, 'Yummers!' :lol: Welcome to God's Own County m'dear!!

PS - dummies and dolls are wrong wrong WRONG!! Creepy!

'I got a pain in my sawdust...
What's the matter wi me?
Something is wrong with my little insides...
I'm just as sick as can be...'

(I have WPHS... that is a serious sickness. It is. Truly. :devil:)
Cath restraining him from running and pop pop pop go a few buttons on that shirt
Sounds bloody asbloodyfantastic t'me dear. I think you should write to Carol and tell her. She'll well appreciate it.

Cheers BF, Yorkshire is guuuuurd! Nice people. And, we all have WPHS, wouldn't be here otherwise ;) Mwahaha. I love it, it shall never be rid from body.
desertwind said:
:confused: I'm trying to figure out the connection from the discussion of "LIVING DOLL" to ripping his shirt off :confused:

Why not. ;) I do believe this topic is open to any form of discussion concerning Grissom/Billy providing it's PG13, and I don't see how his shirt being ripped off is breaking any rules, his shirt could have gotten ripped a number of ways. ;)
I quite like the topic of billy shirt being "RIPPED OFF".

Hope uni is ok Amso. :D
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