William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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Unedited behind the scenes takes.

Alrighty then we have let you all take the word play pretty far and now the question is what the heck was the subject/topic of this thread? Err yes William/Grissom. Now here is funny thought why not move back on to that topic. ;)

Okay then Happy discussions. :)
Yeah im glad too, too much to take in, I like our original ones. ;)

Been watching a ton of season 3 eps (borrowed the dvd from my mate) and I have to say I love this season. :D Poor Grissom and his hearing loss. :(
Uh huh, I get ripped the crap out of for my broad accent. *sigh* its a shame. Not just saying this but I kinda have a British version of Billys voice. CaRRRRRRRRRRR paRRRRRk. If's and takers? Not a clue. I don't do cockney rhyming slang.

Yeah I don't want anymore CSI spin offs. I only really watch LV & Miami, can't really get into NY s'much. Bona, I was on about your Mac/Stella avi, it went bye bye for a bit. Back now, wierd.

Grissom's hearing loss was one of my fave story arcs. The S3 finale is just loverly too. I love how stubborn he can be sometimes. Finale of S2 (The Hunger Artist I think?) always makes me cry at the end. It's like he's doing a voiceover thing *weeps*
Yeah the hunger artist has good ending. I like the end of 'Inside the box' too, where he doesn't need the chair. And Cath going to say good luck. :p
I like the end of 'Inside the box' too, where he doesn't need the chair.
I like that bit too. ;) ;)
I don't do cockney rhyming slang
With its are food that comes with it: peas, beans, brocolli, etc. Afters are what comes after of course: apple pie, ice cream, chocolate, etc. :p
Bona, I was on about your Mac/Stella avi, it went bye bye for a bit.
It wasn't just you Ams, I noticed it had gone too lol.
Grissom's hearing loss was one of my fave story arcs
I liked how they moved from Grissom's perspective to other peoples, etc. I loved the scene in the Accused is Entitled, when they go to the gang's reaction to Grissom not being able to hear what the woman was saying.
Those are all great scenes.
I LOVED Inside the Box at the end when he said he didn't need the chair. And also The Hunger Artist which was a year earlier. Season 3 was a great season for that story arc. There were some great episodes.
One Hit Wonder I think also deals with his hearing loss. Am I right?

OOOO and don't forget Lady Heather's Box
Lady Heather: "Are you loosing your hearing?"
Tonight is a repeat of the finale "LIVING DOLL' and one of Grissom's most riveting performances..ever..outstanding
when he's interogating freak-show Natalie, from calm-cool collected "Hi, Natalie, I like your work" to full on rage, "Tell me where Sara is" :eek: the range of his emotions, great acting ;) and then drum-roll.. the premiere.. can't wait!
"Tell me where Sara is"
When he says that, it terrifies me so much. I love scary movies though, you know that Argh feeling? Right laugh. Billy's never done a scary movie has he? He'd be great as like ...I don't know something scary.
Week left? Mother of. That's gone so fast. I remember when we were like Holy Crap Sara's under a mustang-y, but now we've all kind of calmed down. Like now, I don't really care so much. Well I do care, but you know. You know?
Hey! Thought: (It's a drunken thought, I may edit tomorrow, I'm not that drunk, I had to drink fast though because I've got a lecture early again. Bastards.) I've forgotten the thought. No wait! Right my thought was that if Sara dies, Griss will be all mopey, and so he might work more cases solo and go on road trips and such because he's got nothing to go home to *wink wink nudge nudge* lol so we might get a Griss centric episode where he goes off and he loses his forensics kit and such again, although they wouldn't do that story line again because it's already been done, but I already said that. What? Yeah. No I've forgotten. General jist was that we'll get the G centric ep that we've been wanting for ages. Sucks that such a thing should happen, but got to think positive people. lol
Alllllthough! He might be so over joyed (sp?) that Sara lives that he loses all his clothes.
Night all.
LMAO, omg drunken Eggy is hilarious *hugs* LOL!

You do know when they first filmed that 'good luck' scene from 'Inside The Box' he was buck naked and Marg got an eyefull of some Billyness :devil: LOL.

I don't really care so much. Well I do care, but you know. You know?
You know, I do know what you're on about. I'm kinda sick of waiting lol. It's just, jesus does she or doesn't she?! Urghness in a bottle.

I definatly want another Gman centric episode. LOL, watching Secrets & Flies and Griss just said the corniest thing. 'Because dead flies, tell no lies.' it's even challenging 'I think she just ratted herself out' as cheesiest one liner ;)
I thought this season we were going to get a G-centered episode. The director of TLADILA is supposed to direct an episode of CSI. That's what it said on the files section

^^ you know, just in case ;)
So I didn't go to bed. Who needs sleep?
You know, I do know what you're on about.
You know? Me neither.
Urghness in a bottle.
I definatly want another Gman centric episode. LOL, watching Secrets & Flies and Griss just said the corniest thing. 'Because dead flies, tell no lies.' it's even challenging 'I think she just ratted herself out' as cheesiest one liner
CSI is THE cheesiest programme on telly. There is no competition. I love it though. OMG OMG OMG! I forgot to tell everyone! I got my SOCO kit today! Cost me a friggin' bomb, like £57.10, actually it was that much precisely. I got two lab coats, one so that microbes don't kill me and the other for general lab use, just in case I'm clumsy there and I spill something down my front. :lol: You know they've got showers in the labs? They don't have those on CSI do they? Now THAT would be an episode. I think that Greg should chuck something on Griss, so he has to use the emergency shower! I would die from the laughter...then replay a million times. ;)
What was I saying? SOCO kit. Then I got tweezers, search needle, face mask, over shoes, FULL OVERSUIT!!! I'm gonna look like such a plonker. :lol: Never mind. I'll put a photo in the pic thread for you guys one day. :lol: You can all laugh at me. ;) What else did I get... I don't remember. Any who, I'm gonna be just like Griss with all my csi things. I totes chose the right degree. :lol: I don't get a box thing though. :( Just a .. omg my safety goggles! They're hilariously large, deluxe though, I was a bit adventurous and spent an extra quid and got the more posh ones, they've got a black thing around the edge. Dead snazzy. But really big... I get a picture, no worries. ;) Griss never wears his, he looks SO sexy in his, OMG *melts* I love a geek. I haven't seen many geeks on my course, although I chose a uni for dumbasses. :lol: Yeah... I don't look so sexy in my goggles, I just look like... an ant being looked at with an electron microscope, you know? What a laugh.

Thanks for the box hhunter, totes appreciated. :D
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