William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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GrissomFREAK said: BTW guys, I moved my Grissom montages to the Fan art forum HERE
Much appreciated thank you. ;) It's easier when folks can see them that might not come in here or who might miss it due to loading time or what have you.
ebuzz55 said:
May I just express my happiness at seeing Grissom in short sleeves again? :p
Yes, you may :D

Did you see his forearm?? So muscled :eek: :eek: :eek: :p :p :p
I love that pic :D
Forearms. Whew. That's something that huh 'gets my juices flowing' :rolleyes: :lol:
ebuzz55 said:

May I just express my happiness at seeing Grissom in short sleeves again? :p

And this was such a nice moment.

He has "byootiful" arms, does he not? *Nods to self* Why, yes, he does. I also like the "Nice Moment" pic, even though I am not a shipper. It seemed more natural to me than the final scene of the episode (just my take on it, not shooting to sink anyone's ship here). I am not normally the type of lady who raves about how men look, and I am not a drooly fangurlie in general, but there is something about Mr. Petersen that is just incredibly attractive. Maybe it's because he looks so normal, like somebody I would run into at the grocery store or the corner gas station.

ducky01 said:
He has "byootiful" arms, does he not? *Nods to self* Why, yes, he does. I also like the "Nice Moment" pic, even though I am not a shipper. It seemed more natural to me than the final scene of the episode (just my take on it, not shooting to sink anyone's ship here). I am not normally the type of lady who raves about how men look, and I am not a drooly fangurlie in general, but there is something about Mr. Petersen that is just incredibly attractive. Maybe it's because he looks so normal, like somebody I would run into at the grocery store or the corner gas station.


Howdy ducky

Aaaaah the power of Mr. Petersen.
Yes, there is something about him!!

As for the blue shirt, it is the same. :eek:

desertwind said:
Thank's WP_rocks---see isf you all think this is the same shirt as the last scene-in "WTG" is it or not-- :eek:


Are you a mind reader desertwind?? :lol: :lol: I was thinking the same thing as soon as I saw it!! And yes, it is the same one!!! :D :D

I can't believe Grissom got so much under WP's skin that they're sharing clothes now!! ;) :p

He looks soooo cute, finally we get to see the other side of Grissom, the mellow one... :)

...However, a simple white t-shirt would please the fans ;)...a bath robe maybe ;) or ... something like this?? :devil: :lol: :lol:
(I know it's pretty lame, but cut me some slack, eh? First time i'm doing a photo montage!!)
ducky01 said:
Maybe it's because he looks so normal, like somebody I would run into at the grocery store or the corner gas station.
Oooooh I wish. :rolleyes: I honestly think that's a lot of Billy's appeal... he's just a real guy. The fact that he's a HOT SEXY real guy is just icing on the cake.
WHOA GrissomFREAK you rock- really awesome- breathtakng- :eek: thank's-if you did meet this yummy man what would be the first question you'd ask him----after you wiped the drool off your face :lol:


Good one FallenforGrissom :D same shirt- Billy/Grissom-- :D and welcome disprncss358 another Grissom/Billy fan--get in line :lol:
FallenforGrissom said:

I can't believe Grissom got so much under WP's skin that they're sharing clothes now!! ;) :p

He looks soooo cute, finally we get to see the other side of Grissom, the mellow one... :)

...However, a simple white t-shirt would please the fans ;)...a bath robe maybe ;) or ... something like this?? :devil: :lol: :lol:
(I know it's pretty lame, but cut me some slack, eh? First time i'm doing a photo montage!!)

That's too funny :lol:

The photo manip is not bad at all.
desertwind said:
WHOA GrissomFREAK you rock- really awesome- breathtakng- :eek: thank's-if you did meet this yummy man what would be the first question you'd ask him----after you wiped the drool off your face :lol:
:lol: AWW, that's a toughie.
The question is, would I be able to speak ... not sure.
I'd be paralyzed. Speechless. Like this :eek:

'White t-shirt', 'no t-shirt' ... OK ... but how about 'wet t-shirt'? :p
:lol: Ohhhhh yeah! THE jersey :cool:

But still I'd like to see all wet :p
Well we did see him wet once actually -season 1 $35 OBO ... but only once :mad: -and well, he didn't have a beard yet *I know, I'm rambling on like an old lady, but GAWD he's hot with it :eek:

We should have a quota for those scenes -"no t-shirt", "wet t-shirt" ... something like at least once per season :D

Let me explain to you what I'd like -would have liked :rolleyes:
*call it my little fantasy :lol:*

Grissom finding the tire marks on the side of the road.
Steps out of his car into the woods.
Starts raining cats and dogs *poor Griss, lucky us ;)* ---> HE'S ALL WET *and VERY hot* ... beard, grey t-shirt, pants ... whew, how I would have looooved to see that!! :p :p
I'm thinking, since Grissom is wearing WP's clothes now,
it won't be long before we get to see him in our fav jersey as well!!

GrissomFREAK said:
:lol: Ohhhhh yeah! THE jersey :cool:

But still I'd like to see all wet :p

Grissom finding the tire marks on the side of the road.
Steps out of his car into the woods.
Starts raining cats and dogs *poor Griss, lucky us ;)* ---> HE'S ALL WET *and VERY hot* ... beard, grey t-shirt, pants ... whew, how I would have looooved to see that!! :p :p

Bravo Ladies Bravo!!!

By all means GrissomFREAK keep rambling. :lol: :lol:
Your Jackpot scene is brilliant

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