William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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Ny teddy bear came from Vegas. :D A gift from my sister. :)

I love the look on his face. :p

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Hmmmm love this epi.
So many great shots in it. Beautiful cinematography, great music, and great acting perf by WP :cool: and great storyline. Grissom, investigating the murder of this young woman, finds himself investigating his own feelings for Sara. Disturbing episode ... for him ... and for us.

Butterflies -*sigh* I don't know what to say. Beautiful shot. Beautiful beard.

Confusion -my av. Love this profile. #1 in my book. Handsome. Love it when he's lost in his thoughts like this :rolleyes:

What did you bring? -that look on his face. Loved the whole scene actually, when Cath asks him if he's eaten anything, and he looks at her and says 'What did you bring?' his eyes glittering with anticipation
*peanut butter! YAY! :p*

Remember the first time we saw the beard? HEL-LOOOOO!! :D
Yummmy scene....mmmmm....!! :devil: :p

Ok, seriously, CSI has changed the way i look at certain things for good:
1) i used to hate peanut butter...now, it's "mmmmmm....Grissom...." :lol: :D
2) i used to totally dislike insects...now, it's "lovely Grissom's bugs" ;) :p
3) i used to freak out when i saw a cockroach (well, i haven't seen for some years, thank God :lol:),...now it's "cute Grissom's pet" (ok, honestly, they make me think of Grissom, but i'm not loving them...yet :lol:)
4)i used to be indiferent about simple objects such as duct tape, chalk or white powder...now they're cool Grissom's tools! :cool: :D

And it's not necessary to tell you that whenever i see a butterfly (and it's quite often this time of year), my mind goes to ...

Edited to change pic because GrissomFREAK u have just posted the same one with the butterfly-great shot indeed!!So that's my number two pic :)

Which objects remind you of Grissom (objects that meant nothing to you or you disliked before CSI)??
Before CSI, to me a flashlight was just ... a flashlight :lol:
Well, it's not! It's HOT!
Now, I look at them differently. Sometimes, I even wish I was one :D
Being handled by Grissom's expert fingers :rolleyes: *my dream* ;)

And I know this is not an object, but ever since season 4 episode 1 -first encounter with 'The Beard' :D, I don't look at beards as used to.
To be honest, I didn't like beards. But now :rolleyes: ... I SOOOOOO DO :lol: :p
Believe me. I have a list of things I look at and say aww Grissom.
1.Jeans- Jackpot anyone
2.Cellphones-Yes I wished I was Grissom's Cellphone at times.
4.Drinking-well even though Grissom Drank twice on TV I always wished I was the Glass.
5.Music- Now I listen to Classical Music.
6.I also never look at a fire place or a book the same way ever again.(Read Cold burn and you'll understand what I mean)
FallenforGrissom said:
Which objects remind you of Grissom (objects that meant nothing to you or you disliked before CSI)??
Flashlights. I always think of how he holds them.

Tarantulas. They're all over TX, and I used to be terrified of them, but now I'm just somewhat curious. Still not sure I could hold one... well, maybe if Grissom were right there I could. :rolleyes:
hi i'm new. can i just say this thread is absolutely hiralious to read. nice to see people who appreciate the perfect example of the male form the is mr petersen!!
Hi there poppylvsgriss

Welcome. :D Yes, we do love and appreciate Mr. Petersen.

"The perfect example of the male form"
You got that right poppy!!!

Perfect :p

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