William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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oceanbirch said:
One of the best scenes in the movie, especially when he gets out of bed and starts to walk away :rolleyes:
Ohhhh, yeah *SIGH* Unforgettable :D
He's got a nice butt, that's for sure.

Adzix said:
love da BB (Billy's Belly) :lol:
:lol: :lol:

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Here's another B that I like VERY MUCH :D :p :p
i love the second one too!!wanted to make an avie out of as well, but you were faster ;) and the first one rocks completely *melts*!! :)
So muscular :eek: :eek:

Billy's got a nice Butt, a cute little Belly, a hot Back and a super duper HOT Beard

The '4 B's' :D :lol:
Silly goose- :D I know that the avie is Billy- I meant the banner- not a "Star Trek" fan- so I've never seen this guy before---- thank's for clearing that up- ;) :rolleyes: and all of your pics amazing- beautiful- :p you girls rock--- here's one for all of you who really like him when he was soo young :p


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GrissomFREAK said:
desertwind said:
Hey GrissomFREAK only two- :( that's not fair- how about 5- :lol:but it's your "poll" so I'll put two-that makes it so hard- :(
I know. I'm mean :devil: :devil: :devil: :D

and on Gary Oldman- yuck- :(
Oh, yeah. YUCK! [image]http://www.discodelic.netfirms.com/sick-yuck2.gif[/image] [image]http://www.discodelic.netfirms.com/sick-yuck2.gif[/image]

Definitely not in the same league as WP :cool:
It's like comparing a limo to an old broken down car :D

Yeah as far as hottness goes very true, Billy is so far off the scale of hot no one comes close! I just thought there was a 'slight' resemblance in that photo. I'd never switch from WP to that other guy! :lol:
AWESOME GrissomFREAK-very nice- ;) good job :pthe 4 B's huh- OK-- sounds right- :lol:- yummy all of them--- :p :p :p
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