William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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You wanna make me die with these photos :D,they're great!
Beard, no beard...no matter he's perfect :devil:
I looove the second one with Lady H
GrissomFREAK said:
hehe I like it too WPRMW :cool:

Love your new av as well. Very nice. It's a montage right? Grissom's pic -on your av, which episode is it from? I like the angle. Griss has always had a great profile ;)

Yes it is a montage. :p I'm sorry GrissomFREAK I've seen so many screencaps and I just can't remember which ep. :( Maybe someone can help out? :) I love the angle too. :p

FallenforGrissom said:
Two pics especially dedicated to WPRMW :)

Awwww that was so sweet of you Thank you FallenforGrissom! :D


Billy was interviewed this morning. He didn't reveal anything about the 3 remaining eps. :rolleyes: I just wish the interview was much, much longer and the camera focus on Billy. :(

Wheeeeeeee new ep!!!

I watched the Early Show and he didn't really give much away aside from saying that Grissom has a really big heart which he tires to cover up. I was reduced to a pile of mush when WP said that he hated the episodes they do when they mess with kids. :( He is just a bona fide cutie. :)
Man I haven't been on for 2 days and OMG hotness everywhere. *DROOLS* I bow down to all yous and WPRMW Awesome Banner. Damn Hard Promises was a good flick.
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