William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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Yeah, it must be it. Because I've watched Hard Promises last week, and there was no such scene :rolleyes:

*too bad if you ask me :D
Are you trying to finish us all off?? :p :p
Man, desertwind and GrissomFREAK show some mercy!! :lol: :lol:

Beep beep beep!!.... Coming to get you!! :p

And thinking how i didn't like men with beards before...WP ruined me...Now i look at guys in beards differently...Of course having a face (eyes, lips etc, you get the picture) like WP's is a big plus... ;) :p
FallenforGrissom said:
Are you trying to finish us all off?? :p :p
Man, desertwind and GrissomFREAK show some mercy!! :lol: :lol:

Beep beep beep!!.... Coming to get you!! :p
Alright alright. So maybe you don't have such a scene in Hard Promises ...

BUT you have this, and also this ... oh! and THIS :D

And thinking how i didn't like men with beards before...WP ruined me...Now i look at guys in beards differently...Of course having a face (eyes, lips etc, you get the picture) like WP's is a big plus... ;) :p
hehe that's funny because same thing happened to me :D

Now I just have a 'thing' with beards. I LOVE beards :rolleyes:
yeah, you know i like him more and more with this beard ... what's happening to me???!! :lol: still i like it more when it's really trimmed (bushes - heck no :lol: ). yup, he's hot with a beard. i still love him without it though :p
Adzix nice banner. :D

Meow meow! :lol:

What is that?

Ahhh . . . a lady bug. :)

hehe I like it too WPRMW :cool:

Love your new av as well. Very nice. It's a montage right? Grissom's pic -on your av, which episode is it from? I like the angle. Griss has always had a great profile ;)
And Fallenforgrissom is that empty seat next to him for you :lol: good shot- he is so sexy with his sunglasses- wonder what brand/make they are-you can be sure their not a drugstore item :lol:--

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