William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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Spoiler Pictures are to go in the "Spoiler Pic" thread, please remember this in the future. Alot of people are trying to avoid any spoilers possible, which is why we have that thread, the lab, or the discussion threads for them. Thank you.
i don't know what to do!! i SO can't wait for the season finale and i am SO (!) curious what's gonna happen :eek: (i can't imagine what i'm gonna do next week, waiting for part 2)!!! i need to be very strong to resist the spoilers!!!!!!!! :lol: this is killing me! it's like you haven't eaten the whole day and in front of you someone is eating a huge chocolate cake! and you just can't resist it!!! :lol: it's soooo wrong ... i'm leaving this spoiler - tempting devilish board and putting my laptop deep under the bed!!! :lol: ...billy is going to be sooo sweet ... *sigh*
Hang on tight, Adzix.
I know it's hard not to read spoilers, because we're all dying to know what happens next :rolleyes:
I tried to do that once, I tried to be strong ... it didn't work :lol: :rolleyes:

Just ... think about Grissom. it will help. Tell yourself that you're doing it for him, that it is what he would want you to do ;):lol: *I'm nuts, I know*
Adzix-grissomFREAK-and Rocky 11 great pics. ;)

One of Billy & Gina- walking and talking in L.A. ;)as he spots me taking the picture :eek: :lol:

I admit I read spoilers sometimes, but I have to say that spoiler-free has rewards. Events have a much bigger impact when you don't see them coming. The surprise is half the fun! And that's why they call 'em "spoilers".

I sure didn't expect this.

i'm still hanging on there. no spoilers, i only know what everybody knows about the finale which is far too much anyway (i'm not going to say what i know cause it's a non spoiler thread, but ya'll know what i mean :D ). still, can't wait for billy to be the cutest in those eps :)
haha, amok you're saing?? i'll have amok during the finale, and they won't (that much as i will of course) :D
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Faints and Gets up from chair* OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Billy Hottness everywhere. I must be in Heaven! If Not Heaven Is missing one of it's Angels. Damn Billy is hot
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