William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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that's what i wanted to say too!!!!!!!!!!! he was looking REALLY HOT!!! wow, he lost some weight recently, and i liked the beard too!! ya'll know that i usually like him better without it, but today i loved it!!! :D i liked his lines so much either!! just great! can't imagine what's gonna happen in the next episodes! :eek:
Please u guys give a line or two from last night's epi!! It would be months before I will be able to watch it! :rolleyes:

Ok, we need to arrange a meeting in Chicago to see WP, when he's back on stage!! :D :D Wouldn't that be cool??
I am definitely up for it (even though I would have to travel a great deal many hours!! ;)
But for Billy I would cross the ocean, that's for sure... :p ;))
hey i already crossed the ocean :lol: the primary reason wasn't actually him, but it counts anyways!!! :D i wonder if he'll shave his beard after csi ... :p
Hehehe. Dersertwind You cracked me up. Thank you for the avi compliment. I can't wait til he goes back to the Chicago and do theater. I'm so gonna buy a ticket. I'm gonna be a very happy girl. :D
this is a spoilerish picture from "Time of your Death" and i couldn't resist posting the link here, b/c he looks just ADORABLE!!!! :D

***EDITED for spoiler information. Please retrict your spoilers to the two dedicated threads for spoiler discussion and images. Once the episode in question airs in the US then the discussion can be contined in the assigned thread for that episode.***

NOTE: These continued transgressions regarding spoilers in non-dedicated threads is becoming an issue and will be dealt with accordingly if it persists. So please be mindful to be considerate of the sensitivities involved. Thank you.
I don't think you're supposed to post pictures from up-coming eppys :(-please bear in mind I'm not telling you what to do-ever- but I read the "spoilers" thread and it stated "no pics" till the eppy airs-- I love it- so hope it's OK- ;)thank's for sharing- here's one from S/5 "Ch Ch Changes" his delicious profile :p

Cute dog ... very lucky too ;)

Like your new av, Adzix :cool:

Congrats WP_Rocks_MY_World :cool:

Adzix said:
that's what i wanted to say too!!!!!!!!!!! he was looking REALLY HOT!!! wow, he lost some weight recently, and i liked the beard too!! ya'll know that i usually like him better without it, but today i loved it!!! :D i liked his lines so much either!! just great! can't imagine what's gonna happen in the next episodes! :eek:
Well, I just hope he's not gonna shave that beard. Uh-uh. I'm beggin ya. Don't do that, Billy

That would kill me. Honest :lol:

And guys, if you're going to Chicago, just tell me when. I'm definitely in :D

You comin' or what?

EDIT: Sorry, Destiny. You pbbly thought ^ that was part of my sig...was not. Just a pic. I shouldn't have put the -----
GrissomFREAK please see the "Help Guide" here in the LV forum reference to "Banner Signatures", and please adapt your accordingly. Thanks. :)
desertwind said:
I don't think you're supposed to post pictures from up-coming eppys :(-please bear in mind I'm not telling you what to do-ever- but I read the "spoilers" thread and it stated "no pics" till the eppy airs-- I love it- so hope it's OK- ;)thank's for sharing

sorry for that spoiler pic. as i said i couldn't resist posting it here, cause he just looked too hot ;) but i wrote it's a spoiler so i think it's ok. sorry if i did something wrong though.

GrissomFREAK said:
Like your new av, Adzix

Well, I just hope he's not gonna shave that beard. Uh-uh. I'm beggin ya. Don't do that, Billy
That would kill me. Honest :lol:

thanks a lot GrissomFREAK :D i don't have a lot of awesome graphic programs so i just did what i could :p and yes, he was amazing on Rashomama :D shaving the beard?? hmm..i don't know if i'm so much against it :p well now i think he looks the same good with or without it ;)
Adzix said:
this is a spoilerish picture from "Time of your Death" and i couldn't resist posting the link here, b/c he looks just ADORABLE!!!! :D

I don't mind spoiler pics. To me it's just a photo of Billy. :D

Adzix said:
sorry for that spoiler pic. as i said i couldn't resist posting it here, cause he just looked too hot ;) but i wrote it's a spoiler so i think it's ok. sorry if i did something wrong though.

I'm afraid you will have to exercise an acceptable degree of self-control when it comes to posting spoilers in non-dedicated threads. I suggest you please read the LV Forum Help guide for additonal information on this issue.

Thank you.
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