William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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newflame13 said:
Gil/Lady H

I love that wallpaper. :p
You know how I feel about the Lady.

I'm watching this! :p :p

Ladyheather's Box. I never got to finish watching it. :( But I another Lady H and Gil if your interested PM me and I'll send it. :D
i see you're all back again :D LHB is one of my favorite episodes!! (till the moment Griss is calling for a warrant). have you seen the dailes video from the "losing balance" moment?? it's awesome, i wish they didn't cut that scene so early :devil: :D
newflame13-that is very cool :pyummy--this is my desktop-but it takes up the wole screen :p so when I'm running my spyware- or whatever- I look and he's looking back at me- and smiling- :cool: :p


and GrissomFreak- great pictures- funny you should say about him being a model- my daughter said - "sometimes he look's so posed" and he look's like a model in some of his pics :p
desertwind said: - funny you should say about him being a model- my daughter said - "sometimes he look's so posed" and he look's like a model in some of his pics
Well he was, sort of, in GQ from the 80s. :p
I have the biggest crush on Will Graham. I loved manhunter cause he was so sexy in that movie. A lot YOUnger Grissom. ANd he wears jeans alot in the movie.:lol:Which is a major plus and then The purple shorts. :eek:
this is soooo awesome that he modeled a little!! i didn't know that!! WOW! that confirms in 100% that he is a cutie, and we are not freaks!! :lol: and b/c of it i won't be able to concentrate on my biology now!!! :lol:
It's okay this marking period were staring anatomy in my class in Science you try keeping a straight face when your look at your notes for that calls along with the pics of Billy. :lol: It's not easy.
OMG-- ebuzz- that's the one she was speaking of :pthe 1st one- he knows he's cute- :pto jump ahead- one from "Viva Las Vegas" one of my all time fav's the premier in S/5-in the "adult book store"

Adzix said:
have you seen the dailes video from the "losing balance" moment?? it's awesome, i wish they didn't cut that scene so early :devil: :D
Yeah, so do I :D

I loved those dailies. Really cool. At one point, you thought wow they're gonna kiss *YAY!*, but you heard CUT! *shoot!*. It was so close, though :D
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