William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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I'll be it was his idea too- :lol: he's got a caustic sense of humor :lol: and this was the moment I fell for him- I went WOW- this guys' so senusous :p :p S/3 LHB


And Rocky 11 love your little poster- very nice-and welcome :p
I'll bet along with that. He was just so sexy with the pout. LOL.He's just Crazy. I always have a thing for dangously hot guys. Why must I suffer from this curse and gift. LOL
desertwind said:
I'll be it was his idea too- :lol: he's got a caustic sense of humor :lol: and this was the moment I fell for him- I went WOW- this guys' so senusous :p :p S/3 LHB
brilliant idea anyway

Sometimes I have this dream where I am Lady H :rolleyes:
Bet I'm not the only one... :D
She's the only woman we know of with whom 'sthg' happened -even though we didn't see anything ... I'm sure they didn't drink tea all night long :D ;)

I'll never get enough of his pout. So sexy when he's making faces, don't you think? :eek: :D
well I noticed in lady heather's box that he wears the same clothes the morning he's at the house and the night when he "kissed" Heather. SO I agree on the theory something happened between them. Though Billy says nothing happens.

About the Dream issue. Glad to know I'm not alone. :D :lol:
WELL- I've got my theories on this subject but that's for the "shipper" thread- so here's a picture of him in the next premier eppy called "RASHOMANMA"

ANOTHER PROFILE.....can't wait- he look's so gooooood :p
Thank you Desertwind. Now all I need to do is manipulate the picture.
Make the woman in the wedding dress me. And then I'll cap the pic as Mr. and Mrs. Gil Grissom

That's a good pic. Still I'm getting gutter thoughts. Hehe.

***EDITED because the post contained spoiler information. Please be mindful that even the slightest bit of information can be considered a spoiler. Also note that all spoilers are to be discussed in the designated Spoiler Lab until the episode airs in the US, then the discussion can be carried on in the specific episode discussion thread. Thank you.***
Sorry newflame13 you'll have to settle for being bridesmaid :D cause that's me in the wedding dress- :lol:and now they've got his hair light brown--HMMMMMM-his skin looks so smooth- :pthis should be a really good eppy Grissom at a wedding- hint-hint- get a clue dude :eek: from another upcoming eppy- with Sara-called "Time Of Your Death"


***EDITED because the post contained spoiler information. Please be mindful that even the slightest bit of information can be considered a spoiler. Also note that all spoilers are to be discussed in the designated Spoiler Lab until the episode airs in the US, then the discussion can be carried on in the specific episode discussion thread. Thank you.***
Desertwind I likey the picture. Another thing I'm not gonna be the bridesmaid. He's gonna Marry me sooner or later. :lol:. That man is so Gonna be mine. LOL. AFter all he's my teddybear. :D. And he's gonna propose to me at the Cub's Game like he promised.LOL
Love that pic you've posted, desertwind :p

desertwind said:
and now they've got his hair light brown--HMMMMMM-his skin looks so smooth
hehe I've noticed that too.

He looks great on those pics from Rashomama. Looks great in brown.
He's ... he's ... so ... HANDSOME :eek: :eek: :p :p :p :p
ebuzz55 said:

My first look at Grissom? I think I fell in love with him when we saw his first experiment, after which he sat and had a casual conversation in his blood-spattered safety glasses. I'm thinkin' hmmm... sexy, insane AND dangerous... works for me. :p

Whenever I see those pilot photos I think of what Grissom said "So many reasons" :lol: :lol: and it was sooo sweet to hear him say it again in Viva Las Vegas.

Guys you all know the rule about posting spoilers in unmarked threads, please adhere to them, either use the tags or the lab, there are some that do not want to be spoiled.
HMMMMMMMMMM- a bit baffeled- we were just chit-chatting stupidities --about wanting to be married to him-no SPOILER info at all- :eek: unless the pics were considered that :(I have no idea what this epsiode is about- :rolleyes: so if the pics weren't supposed to be posted- sorry- :(so here's one from the past- ;)

desertwind you will notice that TallyHo has edited both the posts, the problem isn't with the joking, its with the fact that you (and maybe inadverently) gave out some info regarding the ep. We felt it safer that they be put in tags. As to the picture that really should have been put in the "Future Eps Picture *Contains Spoilers*" thread.

The point is that whether you are aware of it or not even joking if you are dropping clues on an ep that hasn't aired then you are giving spoilers. and there were some hints dropped regarding "Rashomama".

Anything further please feel free to pm me to discuss it, so that it doesn't go farther in here. :)
Thank you newflame13 it can be hard to judge what is considered a joke by some and a spoiler by others. ;)

*We now resume you're regularly scheduled posting.* :D
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