William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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Whoa, Handmade_freak, it's good to catch you here, too! :D This picture is really cool, he's pretty hot! ;) But I prefer like him w/ beard :rolleyes:
Nice pic, Handmade_freak

But like you, WillowsWannaBe, that beard is drivin' me nuts!!
Willowswannabe HMMMMMMMMMM-your not a big WP fan-yet you made this beautiful wallpaper- maybe deep down your really are- :p very nice ;)
desertwind said:
GrissomFREAK- you pic wouldn't come up- said "web-site not responding" :( bummer- what was it-?


I fixed the link :) You should be able to see it now.
Well, that was not much really...just...my first time with Griss ;) :cool: lol

Funny pic, btw :D
Make up artists did a great job

newflame13 said:
My favorite moment in the pilot on the other hand is This one. it just says Sexy. LOL
OMG! :eek: that's my favorite moment too!!! :eek: You say sexy, I say wow YOU BET :D

What about this one -same scene, only a few secs later ?
The pout
desertwind said:WHAT!!!IT'S ME!
I would almost bet money that pic was his idea.

My first look at Grissom? I think I fell in love with him when we saw his first experiment, after which he sat and had a casual conversation in his blood-spattered safety glasses. I'm thinkin' hmmm... sexy, insane AND dangerous... works for me. :p
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