William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

Some more "results" from the CSI Magazine readers poll from S/8~

It just had to involve Sara, didn't it? In this wonderfully judged scene, which takes place at an ice hockey arena, a curious Sara asks Grissom, "Since when were you interested in beauty", to which Grissom replies "Since I met you" AWW~

WINNER "Since I met you" from "Primum Non Nocere"
2nd "Crazy or not, here we come from "Committed"
3rd "I'm wrong all the time, that's how I eventually get it right" from "Justice Is Served"

When William Petersen took a mid-season break in S/7, the CSI writers opted to bring in Liev Schreiber for a 4 episode run, as a troubled CSI Michael Keppler, shame he got killed off~

2nd Roger Daltry as Mickey Dunn
3rd Matt O'Toole as Paul Milander

WINNER Jessica Collins as Natalie Davis
Who drove Grissom nutty as the Minature Killer, she was chilling and riveting~

2nd Melinda Clarke as Lady Heather
3rd Faye Dunnaway as Lois O'Neill
Ahhh, you are a crafty one BF. ;) Congratulations to you and PLG on your hard earned autographs!!!! :beer:
Ok, any of y'all ever watched 12 Angry Men that Billy was in? I finally got to watch it all (I had only watched a little more than half before) and I really liked his character. I didn't think the movie really focused on him all that much, but with what he got, I thought he did a great job. I liked how his character never really could make up his mind and kept switching back and forth to guity, not guilty, etc. I thought Billy played that really well and you could relate to what he was feeling. I think he was like what most of us would be like in that situation. Plus, he was just down right cute at times trying to make a joke here and there, but never really coming off as funny to the others lol.

Next up on my Billy movie list to watch....Gunshy. Woohoo! Then, after that I can't decide if I wanna watch Passed Away or Long Gone:devil:. Heck, I'll probably watch both. I'm gonna make it a Billy movie weekend, can ya tell?;)
I think you should watch both, and then go for curacao ..........:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: and then watch Gunshy again!!!! :thumbsup:
I can see your problem CSIz_4:
I haven't watched 12 Angry Men, nor have I been able to watch Gunshy yet *sigh*.
I have seen Curaco (aka CIA Exiled) Lots of Billy hotness in that film...*grrrrowl*:drool: And of course in Long Gone he's just delicious :adore:
Passed Away is one of those films where Billy isn't the main character, but he does a lot with the small role he's been given. He plays the good looking but dumb brother to Bob Hoskins. Billy looks adorable in his letter jacket etc... and he smiles quite a bit which is wonderful. ;)

I say watch everything you can with Billy in it. The movie itself might be less than stellar, but Billy ALWAYS manages to be wonderful , no matter what.
Gunshy he has FANTASTIC chemistry with Diane Lane. ;) !

I don't think I've seen Long Gone or Curacao

Indeed, I often wondered after watching this, if they had some kind of relationship while filming or after this movie. HOTT And "Deadly Currents" a mish-mash of parcularities, very choppy and disorganized, but once again he's so handsome. Great rapport with George C. Scott.

From the CSI MAGAZINE they're words on the last time we saw Grissom in "'One To Go" S/9~

Having solved the Dick & Jane murders, Grissom prepares to leave the LVPD building for the very last time [we'll see about that] Not one for emotional goodbyes, he walks slowly through the crime lab glancing affectionatley at each room he passes. Inside these rooms are his friends and colleagues are hard at work. No one notices Grissom's gaze until her reaches the final room where Catherine is sitting with Brass. She looks up and gives him a wink--she will miss him desperately, but understands his reasons for going. A smiling Grissom turns and makes his way towards the exit...with the help of a navigation tool [GPS] a sweaty Grissom makes his way through the dense underbrush, of Costa Rica. He turns a corner and comes to an abrupt halt. There in front of him is Sara Sidle. She doesn't notice him at first, but as Grissom steps closer, she feels a presence and turns around. The pair tearfully smile at one another, before Grissom drops his backpack, and goes to her and embraces her. As the camera swirls round and round Grissom and Sara kiss passionately--FADE TO BLACK~~~~~~~~
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Wow, I appreciate everybody's advice. You gals are great.:thumbsup: I actually forgot about CIA Exiled. I know, shocking right?! How can I forget that one?:devil: I think Long Gone will definately be watched now. The more I think about it, the more I wanna watch it. I really wanted to watch Passed Away just for the sole purpose that he looks so dang adorable in it lol. I love when he works his comedy chops. Oh, and Keep The Change just crossed my mind...get my Billy cowboy fix.:drool: Geez, I'm just gonna have to play hookie from work all weekend and spend the weekend with Billy.:devil:
uff!! how can you forget CIA exiled / curacao / deadly currents!!??!:eek: (why DOES it have three different names?!! - so confusing!!) sooooo much billy hotness in that - such a tease.........:drool::drool::drool: :devil::devil: But oooh... keep the change......... At the beginning....... when he's just in his boxers.....:drool::drool::drool: . I'm sure work would completely understand if you played hookie (or 'wag it', as we say) - its billy!!

Excellent tv night tonight - my boyfriend is out, so i've got wine, a few progs about the Beatles to watch, followed by Billys last episode on CSI. perfection! Beatles & Billy - cannot get any better! :bolian:
I know, I know!:brickwall: Shame on me, but I didn't forget Billy and all his glory in it.:devil: Ok, have I just completely lost my mind or are you thinking about Long Gone when you mention him in his boxers at the beginning? Course, it has been awhile since I watched KTC, so the opening is kinda fuzzy, but Billy and boxers:drool:...I don't think I could forget something like that. Heck, I don't wanna forget something like that!:drool::devil:

Woohoo, just a few more hours until my date with Gunshy!:D
I've got "DEADLY CURRENTS" and it was filmed on the island of "CURACAO", I've never heard that 3rd name:confused:

Some summaries on S/9, from the official CSI MAGAZINE~

The season opens with the team discovering Warrick shot dead. As they search for evidence to bring his killer to justice, Grissom delivers the eulogy at Warrick's funeral, and Sara returns to Las Vegas when Grissom calls her of the news. Riley, a new CSI, joins the night shift and a councilor comes in to help the team cope with Warrick's death. Shorthanded, Hodges is temporarily is brought out into the field, while Grissom struggles with his grief for both Warrick and Sara, under the guise of asking for advice on a case, visits Lady Heather to try and regain some perspective. Greg is promoted and Dr. Langston joins the night shift as a Level 1 CSI, after Grissom decides to lave the lVPD for good. Langston is quickly thrust into the thick of the action, even managing to get himself taken hostage in his first few months.

Grissom. he struggles with the death of Warrick and loses the woman he loves~

Grissom telling Super Dave that he will miss him. Dave gets teary and walks away, and don't forget that kiss in Costa Rica~

I know, I know!:brickwall: Shame on me, but I didn't forget Billy and all his glory in it.:devil: Ok, have I just completely lost my mind or are you thinking about Long Gone when you mention him in his boxers at the beginning? Course, it has been awhile since I watched KTC, so the opening is kinda fuzzy, but Billy and boxers:drool:...I don't think I could forget something like that. Heck, I don't wanna forget something like that!:drool::devil:

Woohoo, just a few more hours until my date with Gunshy!:D

He's walking about in a pair of dark green boxers at the start of Keep The Change. How. Could. You. Ever. Forget. That. CSIz???? Nursing a cold beer in his hands. :devil: Two of my favourite things... Billy and a cold beer. :drool::drool::drool:

But his little white boxers in Long Gone. There is nothing finer as far as I'm concerned. Growl!! :devil::drool::devil::drool:

Gunshy has the best story line of all his films, I think. It doesn't leave me going, huh?! is that it? at the end! But Long Gone turns me into a raving lunatic! LOL!!

I haven't seen 12 Angry Men. Or The Kennedy's Of Massachusettes. They aren't available in the UK with our stupid, different to America, DVD coding! Poo.
OMG, that's why I couldn't remember cause I thought they were shorts, not boxers.:lol: Gah, I'm so stupid. Geez, can you girls ever forgive me? Billy and boxers, I automatically think of the white ones. See what LG has done to me?

Oh, I love Gunshy! He does it all in that movie...he's funny, he's dramatic, he dances (ok, slow dancing, but still)...AND he sings. How adorable was that?! He's got the sweetest voice.:adore: I love it! Seriously though, I thought the storyline was great and well played out. He's just sensational in it.

Next up.....Long Gone.:drool: