William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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desertwind said:
.. like I said previously.. without the beard it looks like his younger brother Bill Grissom :D
:lol: :lol: Bill Grissom - I wish there were more Grissoms running around on the earth!..er the land of television I should say :p:lol:
I'm in a stinky mood after a crappy day at work and computer trauma so I've come here for therapy...

We had 'I-15' murders last night on five US and I loved this photo from the stills...

Arrest and search me now...

This was the eppy that made me look at The Griss in a whole new light! Yummy Yummy! :devil: Very under rated eisode in my opinion... Some fine Grissom action in it! :D
Awww! That's lovely of you, but I feel more like this about today... :(

But keep up the therapy... it'll break my mood eventually! :)
Whoa!!!!!! That is fantastic!! Ooh! I feel so much better now! Cheers, chuck! Now that would kill anyone's bad mood! :D You are really spoiling me! Thank you! Where did you get it from? I feel like a new woman! :lol:
I had fun making it one day... Tongue porn always makes me smile! :D And it's been a while since we had some, so... ;)
Tongue porn always makes me smile!

Tongue Porn!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Where do you get it from?! I'm chuckling again! First time today! Yay for 'Tongue Porn!' I'll remember that next time my tongue escapes when I'm concentrating... playing in a band for example! I'll probably laugh!
Oh, we coined that expression a looong time ago! And I think it really fits well... Don't you agree? :devil:
OHHHH yes tongue porn :p that made my afternoon
that phrase has been going around the thread for a while briftan, but it fits don't you think?
Thanks too GGgirl1 for the great pictures!!
Why, I surely do! And with tongue porn floating around my little head, I must bid you good night! It is a school day after all! :mad:

By the way, thanks. I mean it! ;)
ote]GGgirl1 said:
Okay, then... If that's what you want, here it is!!! :D


YUMMY-YUMMY..thank's delicious.. he does use that tongue alot doesn't he??? hmm--fantasies run rampant :p. again

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