William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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CSI Level Three
Welcome to the William Petersen/Gil Grissom HOTT Picture Thread. :)

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Please remember the rules of picture threads.
**Pictures Max Size 400 x 400.
**If they are bigger use the "URL" Code.

Pictures per post:
1 large (400x400)or
2 medium (130x130)or
3 small (115x115)

URL Links: try not to do over 6 in one post please and when you do them (if your using the UBB Code box) paste in the addy you have then, when it asks for a name PLEASE do not paste the address in again.
But rather give it a name like "Cutie Pie". The reason we suggest that is because the addresses are sometimes so long it stretches the screen.

Please remember that "Hotlinking" is not allowed at any point, and will be edited, hotlinking is: when you link a picture to be viewed from a site that you do not own or operate. If you wish to have a picture viewed that belong to another site use the URL Link.

I also have to put in that there is the "Adult content" rule please don't violate it.

Have fun and share your favorite pics of Mr. Petersen. :D
Woooohoooo we made it to Number Five!!

Thought I'd start off with this cute one:


ETA: As you can see, I kept the thread name the same.
As long as the word "HOTT" is next to BP's name I'm happy. :D
Let's start postin' BPNs!!
Congratulations for the 5th thread !!! :D
I'm also a WP's fan and I think the only one who's happy about him shaving off his beard. :cool:
Welcome Hormiga yes we all love billy and the beard and now the dimple ( his adorable chin dimple)
TB and TD as they are refered to
Come join the party... WHHHHOOOO
YEEPEE! new thread :D gee it went fast, didn't it?

but well - Hooray for number 5! freakin' awesome.
MMGGHMMMGGHHH, *chewing cookies** FYI ladies JACKPOT is on SPIKETV tonight! it's on here at 4pm/7 eastern and again at 9pm/midnight eastern
or check www.spiketv.com

JACKPOT! AGAIN, more Grissom at his best :D
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