Will the REAL Danny Messer Please Stand Up?

I cried when I scrolled up and read my former post.

I'm afraid I must retract it for good this time. And seriously, much *lol* at JDonne's post ^. Couldn't have been said any better.
Just when we were thinking: wow, the old smart, snarky drama princess was back, we get this. This episode did nothing else but serve up Rocky Mountain Oysters a la Messer.
Who was in that episode tonight? Really? I don't know if it was just the writing, or if it was Carmine as well. Danny has been so great in the past few episodes, and now it's like they took that all away. :(
Great thinking bumping this thread!!!

Will the real Danny Messer please stand up? He can't. As JDonne so accurately pointed out -- he died tonight. Who is this Danny? Sure, I might like to have him as a boyfriend, but I don't want to watch him on TV. I could go on forever, but why waste my breathe? The nail is officially in the coffin.

R.I.P. Danny Messer.
Is it safe to say that the CSI:NY writing sucks?

I think so. They could fill the roster with gushing high schoolers and I don't think I can see the difference. Even Carmine is having a hard time bringing the words to life. Heck, no matter how great the actor is, if the writing/material sucks... there's nothing anybody can do about it.
Sadly, I have to say that the real Danny Messer finally succumbed to his illness on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 10:49p pm EST.
I'll be sending flowers.

I should have known such a promising character was too good to be true. The writers are tricky like that.
TPTB giveth, and TPTB taketh away. Such is the way the world works. I'd like to say a few words for the young life that was so tragically taken from us, but the pain is too fresh. :( *sniff sniff weep*

Now what is Sid going to do with Danny's manbits? Just leave them in the jar, or send them to his parents to place on the end table next to a picture of Danny as-he-used-to-be?
Just leave them in the jar, or send them to his parents to place on the end table next to a picture of Danny as-he-used-to-be?
He'll hold them for ransom. Poke at 'em with a stick every now and again as he tells his latest cadaver the story of how it all came to be.

But I think I'm more amused with your latter statement. It'd be more like Sid to ship the manbits off to his parents where on the mantel piece will sit a picture of Daniel Messer, his police badge and other awards he may have received...and a jar of manbits. Poetic, really. :lol:
Oh come on. Leave poor Danny alone. We all know what it's like...you fall for someone and you get a little fuzzy around the edges. The "old" Danny is still in there, but give the man a minute to be happy. Also, I think that Carmine is too good an actor to let Danny slip away. We're seeing a different side of Danny, not a new Danny. Relax.