Will the REAL Danny Messer Please Stand Up?

Long story short, Danny throws his manhood and dignity away, gets on a plane to go see Lindsay in Montana. They hold hands and go in for what would have been the world's most awkward kiss, but are interrupted by photographers. The end.
^ Pretty good summary except that it leaves out a couple of my favorite moments. Like when a hot chick walks past and Danny hallucinates that it's Lindsay. Who actually dreams about a less attractive woman than the one who's really there? :lol: And the cheesy eye-lock from across the crowded court room. Who finds time during witness testimony recounting the horror of surviving a teenage masacre to make lovey-dovey eyes at their faux-boyfriend? :rolleyes:
Oh right! I forgot about the hallucination! That was my favorite part! I can't remember all that much of the courtroom scene. It's hard to watch things when you're rolling your eyes.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Like when a hot chick walks past and Danny hallucinates that it's Lindsay. Who actually dreams about a less attractive woman than the one who's really there?

Rofl. Thats exactly what I thought when it aired. It must have been the sleep deprivation.
^ :lol: Me too. When I saw the actual girl who he was checking out I was like, "Damn, she's way prettier!" And was it just me or did it look like she winked at him too? I loved how she was checking him out :devil:. But anyhoo...

Does anyone else fear now that Danny's balls are gone the writers will replace them with a vagina & pair of boobs. I swear, if he turns feminine for any chick, Lindsay or not, I will lose it. Oh god, please no pet names :eek:.
jorja_fan86 said:
Does anyone else fear now that Danny's balls are gone the writers will replace them with a vagina & pair of boobs.

Actually, if he actually grows a real pair of boobs on the show ... I wanna watch it. :lol:
First off, JDonne, you had me rolling in the floor with that post. :lol:

Thank you. The NCIS writers and NY writers must have gone on the same writing retreat, because they're doing the same thing with DiNozzo and Danny. Both have fallen for a girl, and have changed their ways. I don't know why that's so unpalatable.
I have to disagree with this. The NCIS writers are way better than the NY writers. Yes, Tony is in a relationship but it certainly isn't as lame as Danny/Lindsay and she and Tony actually do have chemistry. The only difference I've seen with Tony is that he doesn't talk about women as much as he used to but he still flirts with Ziva and Abby.

Now, back to the death of Danny Messer.
Like when a hot chick walks past and Danny hallucinates that it's Lindsay. Who actually dreams about a less attractive woman than the one who's really there?
I was wondering how he could mistake her for Lindsay. :rolleyes: That doofy look on his face just made that scene worse. Of course, I brought pictures.

The doofy look...are we back in junior high?
1CSIMfan said:
The doofy look...are we back in junior high?

Looking at that screencap, I'd say he's just plain high. :lol:

jorja_fan86 said:
Does anyone else fear now that Danny's balls are gone the writers will replace them with a vagina & pair of boobs.

If they did that, at least it would explain the bitchiness and exaustion of the last ep. They could also bring him back to his old self easier; just give him a bottle of maximum strength Midol. :D
i'm so glad you got that pic out it's AMAZING.
when i was watching the ep i was thinking "what's that?!?" :lol:
but then i got it.
he already has a vagina and a pair of boobs, you can see them if you look closely....
Top41 said:
Partly, good points. I can see Danny taking a look at what's happening around him and realizing things in his own life need to change. Certainly in the cases of Louie and Aiden, he saw how dangerous being impetuous can be.

I guess my problem is that Danny seems to be becoming passive rather than maturing. A person maturing isn't going to change the core of who they are. No matter how mature Danny becomes, he's still going to be a passionate, emotional person, because that's who he is. That is, if the writers stay true to his character.

Just because a person realises what is and isn't acceptable in terms of work, and they "mature", does not mean they need a full personality transplant. Where's the sark? The bitching? We could have had Danny fly off the handle less but still have him complain about stuff, or make stupid remarks, or wind the hell up out of Hawkes and Adam. None of those things are going to get him fired. Gods, some kind of reaction to being stood up would have been nice. Lots of short tempered people work in law enforcement - they just learn when it's appropriate to "blow". (Ahem...) Danny wandering off muttering or thumping walls would do just as well when he's mad. At least it would be some sign he's still in there.

Danny began as a passionate person. Above all else, he had that Italian fire. The idea of him being the lapdog in a relationship disgusts me, and I've all but stopped watching at the moment. I always saw Danny as the kind of guy who'd need an equal - someone who would stand up to him and they'd have raging arguments and hot make-up sex. Someone who he'd totally be in love with and hate at the same time. Someone who controlled him in terms of him being unable to think of being with anyone else, but who also allowed him to be dominant when he needed to.

*sighs* It could have been a thousand times better than it is.

PS) I should have read the last page before posting, oop. JDonne, I worship you, you know that, and you've managed to hit the nail on the head in your own perfect style. I stopped watching when I knew she'd be back, and now I think I'm going to either watch it and fast forward through the Death of Danny Messer, or pretend the episode doesn't exist at all.

I think I may be leaving the NY forum shortly, because my patience with this show is just about up.
myName said:
i'm so glad you got that pic out it's AMAZING.
when i was watching the ep i was thinking "what's that?!?" :lol:
but then i got it.
he already has a vagina and a pair of boobs, you can see them if you look closely....

That doofy look kills me. I pray Carmine never does any sort of romantic comedy, thereby forcing me to endure that corniness for a full 90 minutes.

I shouldn't be mean to Carmine over this though. No need to take shots at him because that scene was absolutely comical. His doofy look was exactly what the scene called for. It is afterall the writers, not Carmine, who have killed Danny.
:lol: That photo reminds me of a certain Afroman song. *coughbecauseIgothigh*

Anyhoo, I think the writers should realize that Danny is one of the characters not made to have a love interest. I don't care if it's Lindsay, Cindy, big Bertha, whatever. His personality change is too drastic & he is losing the edge that draws me in. If the writers plan to keep the D/L loving going on I just hope they bring back his manly & tough side. That includes no daydreaming. After all, he can still love someone with a set of balls. I hope the writers realize they're wasting a good piece of talent.
jorja_fan86 said:
:lol: That photo reminds me of a certain Afroman song. *coughbecauseIgothigh*

Anyhoo, I think the writers should realize that Danny is one of the characters not made to have a love interest. I don't care if it's Lindsay, Cindy, big Bertha, whatever. His personality change is too drastic & he loses the edge that draws me in. If the writers plan to keep the D/L loving going on I just hope they bring back his manly & tough side. That includes no daydreaming. After all, he can still love someone with a set of balls. I hope the writers realize they're wasting a good piece of talent.

That big Bertha, I miss her. They needs to bring her back already. She was all woman. :lol: