Why Lindsay Must Go

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I've come to the conclusion that Lindsay Monroe is the little sister of CSI: NY.

There are times when she comes across as sweet and endearing, but the majority of the time she's an annoying tag~along who gets in the way and tries too hard to fit in with the big kids.

With Aiden gone for good, I've come to terms with the fact that we're most likely stuck with Miss Monroe, but that sure as hell doesn't mean I have to like her.
I am just praying that they drop that stupid "crush" thing. Zero chemistry between Danny and Lindsay. That ship just won't sail. For me, it is the Titanic.

Shove her into the background and give the extra screen time to Hill Harper. I thought the whole point of having him become a CSI was to give him more screen time. I want some character development on him.

Those are my dreams for season three, it'll be interesting to see what happends.
I hope season 5= Less of Lindsay/Danny! I'm not particularly fond of ships of any sort, but this is outrageous! I think Miss. Monroe needs to go back to Montana where she's more acquainted with everything. New York [and the guys living there] are too much for her.
ThisIsMe said:
The writers could always do a big episode in which Lindsay's secret is revealed because there is a case similar to it or something and it effects her so much, she realizes she can't be a CSI and moves permanently into the lab...just a thought. ;) :D

I think I could even stand the screaming/attempts at emoting if I knew it was her last episode! :lol:

Anna seems like a great person and very much liked by the other cast members, so I do hope she does get better and Anna rises to the challenge of the role...I guess we'll just have to wait until next season to see.

I'm sure she is a great person, and I never begrudge actors jobs because I know they're hard to come by, but I don't think a procedural is the right fit for her. I hope at the beginning of the next season she works on the delivery of her lines and really getting inside her character's head--anything to make her portrayal more natural and more real. Because right now I mostly see Anna Belknap playing Lindsay Monroe, and not Lindsay Monroe.

Midnight_Kisses said:
I've come to the conclusion that Lindsay Monroe is the little sister of CSI: NY.

There are times when she comes across as sweet and endearing, but the majority of the time she's an annoying tag~along who gets in the way and tries too hard to fit in with the big kids.

Fantastic analogy! I think it really fits.

With Aiden gone for good, I've come to terms with the fact that we're most likely stuck with Miss Monroe, but that sure as hell doesn't mean I have to like her.

Anyone can be replaced on a TV show, save for maybe one of the leads. I wouldn't be sorry to see her go, and either a new (and better cast) character added, or more focus on the cast they have now, who are wonderfully talented. Hill Harper really does deserve more screen time. I'd much rather see his development as a CSI than try to watch Anna act in a genre she's clearly not suited to.
My take on the above issues. At first I did feel as if much of her performance was forced. What I think it needs is for a time (hopefully the start of next season) when Anna (and indeed, the writers/directors/producers..whoever) feels that Lindsay is now settled within the team and therefore it comes across better. Incidentally, I did read somewhere (I don't remember where, perhaps on this site!) that, although she was made very welcome by her fellow actors, she still had to play a newbie. I imagine it would look better when she, as a welcome member of the cast who fits in, plays a CSI who is no longer the Montana girl lost in the big city/NY CSI setup, but a Montana girl settled in both the city and the team. With the change of CSI:NY seasons, from what I've read and seen I expect her to change also. I think that would be best. (But hell, what do I know?)

Hill does deserve more screen time, I agree. (Perhaps while Hawkes/Flack is the foreground early next season, a lack of focus on Lindsay might enhance the idea that she has settled et cetera.)
Phew. Haven't been on in a while, my friends. I've been lurking for a long time, just too lazy to sign in (you all know what I mean). Anyway, I just couldn't resist giving my thoughts (anyone have a penny? ;)).

In my opinion, Anna's acting doesn't bother me. I find it rather good. It's the character that get's under my skin. She's just so...inconsistant. One minute, she's looking over every single piece of evidence, and then, all of a sudden, she's jupming the gun and pointing fingers (a la, 'All Access', I think...if my memory serves me right). The writers seem to forget what she's supposed to be like, and she changes from episode to episode. Heck, she changes from minute to minute.

I won't lie and say I outright hate Lindsay, but I don't like her all that much either. I'm on the fence, teetering this way and that, not sure where I'm gonna fall. Frankly, sometimes I feel an episode is gonna be awesome (like the season finale), but right after the credits (and I hate to say this) and Lindsay speaks, I'm all of a sudden thinking, 'get lost!' Poof! Outta nowhere, guys. It's crazy. Not that that ruined the episode for me. I just pushed passed it. But she continued to upset the scenes for me.

I think...it's because I feel Aiden should be there. I'm mostly bothered big time when it's character relevent, and because Lindsay hasn't been there a whole season yet (in my books), my brain seems to think that she doesn't have the right to feel bad or ask questions or anything. Like, for example, at the end of 'Heroes' (? sorry, I'm bad with titles) when they have the toast, I can't even imagine being there if I were her. Sure I'd want to lend support, but c'mon! She was giggling like the rest of them, like she'd known Aiden a lifetime. And what really upset me was her asking about Aiden throughout the episode. Hello! Can't you see that's the last thing they want to talk about in the middle of the case?

*deep breath*

Okay...that's done. I think I'm done with my bashing. Sorry if anyone became the least bit offended (though, judging by the title of the thread, I doubt it). And like I said (I think), Lindsay does have her good qualities. She's tough, she's determined, she cares. But like I said, she jumps from one side of the river to the other, from happy to angry, from emotionless to desperate/sad. She's INCONSISTANT, my dear writers.

And for the record, Phsyco/Obbsessed-Lindsay would be so TOTALLY AWESOME!! I know, I'm late on that, but what can I say? I like to return to earlier comments. Just ask my friends (I almost always manage to change the topic from whatever to CSI NY) :D!
noodles said:

i think the actors and writers need to get together to discuss the Danny/Lindsay non relationship because it's obvious the writers want it and the actors dont feel it.The scenes between them are uncomfortable to watch.
Plus they make no sense, to me, the only vibe between Danny and LIndsay is a sort of brother sister vibe which makes the flirtation even wierder

Well I hope they come to their senses and drop the D/L thing, because I fail to see the magic there. Danny had an instant click with Aiden, Danny has it with Stella, but with Lindsay its not there.
bklynCSIfanatic said:
Well I hope they come to their senses and drop the D/L thing, because I fail to see the magic there. Danny had an instant click with Aiden, Danny has it with Stella, but with Lindsay its not there.

I'm really, really hoping the writers have taken a good long look at the lack of chemistry between Danny and Lindsay and decided to drop that pairing. I'm hoping the fact that something between them in the season finale was dropped is a positive sign that the writers are done with that pairing.

Rhosalyn brings up a really good point for discussion, too--what do you guys dislike about Lindsay specificially? Is it the character, Anna's acting, or both?

For me, it's both. I just don't think Anna is the right fit for the show, and on top of that, Lindsay is pretty much a Mary Sue character, straight out of fanfiction. She's too eager to please, she immediately impresses the boss, she's chasing the babe on the show...I've seen this character in fanfiction so many times. Why did we need a character straight out of fanfiction on a hit television show? Surely the writers, who created so many other great characters (pretty much every other main character on the show) could have done better?

And the screaming is so painful to watch that it makes me hope they never give her a case she's emotionally invested in ever again. I thought her lack of emotional investment in her job was a detriment, but compared to the screaming...well, anything's better than the shrill screaming.
Top, I can so see where you're coming from with that, and you bring up some really good arguments.

She's too eager to please, she immediately impresses the boss, she's chasing the babe on the show...I've seen this character in fanfiction so many times.

That's another thing that bothered me (though, for me, it paled in comparison to her inconsistentness). She definately is a Mary-Sue. I've never ever been able to read those stories without rolling my eyes, and eventually closing the window.

Not that I'd ever stop watching the show. Like I said, I'm addicted. It's the only show I watch in the week. I ain't gonna let one semi-rotten apple spoil it for me.

And the screaming is so painful to watch that it makes me hope they never give her a case she's emotionally invested in ever again. I thought her lack of emotional investment in her job was a detriment, but compared to the screaming...well, anything's better than the shrill screaming.

I completely agree, my friend. Those scenes bothered me so much, and are pretty much where I think her conflicting personality began. She was not like that before, and then to all of sudden, she's flippin' out? Did I miss something...?

I also am totally behind dropping the Danny/Lindsay stuff. And it's not just because that's my least favourite 'ship...

Now, I don't want Lindsay to go, really. I started out the season liking her. But today...I just want to see her change. But if she ain't gonna change and leaving is the only option, she can just hit the high road because I'm reaching my last thread of sanity here!
Rhosalyn said:
That's another thing that bothered me (though, for me, it paled in comparison to her inconsistentness). She definately is a Mary-Sue. I've never ever been able to read those stories without rolling my eyes, and eventually closing the window.

I can't read them either. And it annoys me that Lindsay seems cobbled together from the traits of characters in those stories. It's a bad thing in fanfic--it's even worse on screen.

Not that I'd ever stop watching the show. Like I said, I'm addicted. It's the only show I watch in the week. I ain't gonna let one semi-rotten apple spoil it for me.

Honestly, I wouldn't either. There's too much I love about the show (the other characters, mainly) for me to stop watching. But she stands out like a sore thumb to me, and not in a good way.

I completely agree, my friend. Those scenes bothered me so much, and are pretty much where I think her conflicting personality began. She was not like that before, and then to all of sudden, she's flippin' out? Did I miss something...?

I know! One of the things I did like about her at times was her ability to keep her cool. Though sometimes her detachment made me seem cold, at least it was something that set her apart from the other characters. But suddenly, she's losing it left and right--it is inconsistent.

I also am totally behind dropping the Danny/Lindsay stuff. And it's not just because that's my least favourite 'ship...

It just doesn't work--there's no chemistry there, and the writing for them is so bad. It's like 4th grade all over again--in the crime lab.

Now, I don't want Lindsay to go, really. I started out the season liking her. But today...I just want to see her change. But if she ain't gonna change and leaving is the only option, she can just hit the high road because I'm reaching my last thread of sanity here!

LOL, that's totally fair. While I probably would prefer to see the character go at this point, if she's going to stick around (and she probably is), I'd like to see the writers develop the more interesting aspects of her. Bring back the cool-headed Lindsay, and develop that darker, slightly obsessive side of her.
Rhosalyn said:
I also am totally behind dropping the Danny/Lindsay stuff. And it's not just because that's my least favourite 'ship...

Now, I don't want Lindsay to go, really. I started out the season liking her. But today...I just want to see her change. But if she ain't gonna change and leaving is the only option, she can just hit the high road because I'm reaching my last thread of sanity here!

Lindsay is okay with me, but they need to NIX the D/L, because its really nauseating. The only Danny ships I'm for is: D/H, D/F, and D/S.
bklynCSIfanatic said:
Lindsay is okay with me, but they need to NIX the D/L, because its really nauseating. The only Danny ships I'm for is: D/H, D/F, and D/S.

Danny pretty much has chemistry with everyone else but Lindsay. If we want to be realistic as to what we'll see on screen--I think he sparks much more with Stella or Maka, both of whom strike me as the type of woman he'd go for. I don't mind flirtation between the characters, but when it falls flat like it does between Danny and Lindsay, it's time to stop writing it. It seems like the harder the writers push it, the worse it comes out on screen.
Since I'm in a delurking mode right now, probably still on the high from taking down the horror known as d/l in the 'ship elimination game (sorry if I took away the satisfaction from those of you who deserved it more, i just didn't want to take any chances - there are mary-sue lovers out there!), I just want to say, that whoever pointed out the Mary-Sue reference was spot-on! Lindsey is like all the Mary-Sues of the world incarnated in one dreadful, dull, irritating character. And Anna Belknap's performance isn't helping either.
Welcome gudari! :D Very glad to have you out of lurk mode. :D Believe me, I found it all kinds of satisfying that the D/L ship was voted off first--I think it's telling that there's been a lot of reisistance to the pairing, and that's only grown as the season has gone on. I think most of that is Lindsay just being a boring, irritating character. I don't think they would have needed Danny to "sell" Lindsay if she'd been at all compelling in her own right.
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