Why Lindsay Must Go

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sumsum, I think you articulated perfectly! :D

I think a lot of us have a problem with how Lindsay has been shoved down viewers' throats. Rather than integrating her into the cast slowly and gracefully, like the writers did with Ryan on Miami, they immediately threw her into this flirtation with Danny. Even that wasn't done subtly--Catherine and Warrick were done with so much more finesse and ease on CSI. But then, Catherine and Warrick have chemistry; Danny and Lindsay do not.

They are playing to the lowest common denomenator with the romance thing, and it's too bad, because I think done right, a relationship between two CSIs could be very interesting to watch, especially if it didn't dominate the show. But when one CSI supposedly has a "crush" and the other seems obsessed, it just doesn't play well.

It really is too bad Lindsay wasn't better cast, because I think there was potential for the character to be interesting. But when the actress can't deliver emotional scenes and screams in interrogation ones, it's just not the right fit.

sumsum, you're right--I've not really seen any evidence at all that Lindsay is pleasant. She started out brittle, and she's only ever really loosened up in Mac's company. She doesn't even treat the object of her obsession, Danny, that well.

I wish they'd write her out, but if not I'd rather see them go a darker route with the inevitable relationship than try to force a cutsy or angst-filled relationship on us.
i am living in the uk so i am not as far along as most of you but i find her character boring and unimpressionable she is too flat. i think that the reason she doesn't live up to expectations is that she is no AIDEN who cared about the victims (which is why she lost her job). Lindsey doesnot have the passion for the job like Aiden and in saturdays episode "cool hunter" when danny carries her newlywed style across the sand i saw no emotion. i was practically screaming at the tv "You are being carried by one of the hottest guys on earth SMILE!!" That would have been a great Aiden Danny moment.
That is something that grates about Lindsay as well...aside from the girl from Montana, I've seen no evidence that Lindsay cares about the victims in the cases. It seels like most of the time she's either trying to show off how smart she is or how she came to some conclusion in a case. There's very little human emotion from her, though I think part of that is Anna's stiff acting.
Top41 said:
That is something that grates about Lindsay as well...aside from the girl from Montana, I've seen no evidence that Lindsay cares about the victims in the cases. It seels like most of the time she's either trying to show off how smart she is or how she came to some conclusion in a case. There's very little human emotion from her, though I think part of that is Anna's stiff acting.

The cases where she does do that, i.e., the first Pratt case, the mermaid girl in "Stealing Home"...it definately came off flat and forced anyway, so I don't think it makes too much of a difference.

Actually... that's twice Lindsey has bonded with the dead corpse of a young woman. I'm slightly creeped out now.
I told you! She's a necrophiliac! It's her deep dark secret! Remember how she snatches things from Hammerback? It's because she envies him and wants his job. She wants to play with the dead bodies and be the creepy coroner. :lol: It will never happen, though. There's only room for one creepy coroner in my life . :D
Lindsay as a necrophiliac. :lol: I can see it--the cliffhanger next season will be her about to kill Danny so she can have sex with his corpse. A big ewwww all around! :lol:

Lindsay only seems to care if she sees herself in the victims. Though how she could relate to someone as sexual as Lillian Stanwick is beyond me. :lol:
Top41 said:
Lindsay as a necrophiliac. :lol: I can see it--the cliffhanger next season will be her about to kill Danny so she can have sex with his corpse. A big ewwww all around! :lol:

Lindsay only seems to care if she sees herself in the victims. Though how she could relate to someone as sexual as Lillian Stanwick is beyond me. :lol:

No way I can touch any of that without have the Lindsay fans burning me in effigy.

And thank you for the nasty visual of Dead Danny and Lindsay, Top. Gonna sleep good tonight. After the screaming, I mean. ;)
Ew, Top! That's nasty!

Bad enough we've got those two "flirting" if they end up hugging or something on camera after the bombing in the finale I'm going to be royally pissed.

For the first time in a long time I watched CSI:Miami last night. It was PAINFUL. I don't want the same fate to befall CSI:NY. Would getting rid of Lindsay be enough? It would certainly help.

Why couldn't Lindsay have been put in a coma as a result of the bombing? No way could she screw up that preformance.
I think word has spread amongst the cast about the lack of Lindsay love.

I bet she would screw up the coma by bringing in the world famous all purpose scrunch face that we all know and hate.

As far as Lindsay feeling up a dead female body I thought I saw something between Lindsay and the photographer that murdered her girlfriend.

How about rather than becoming increasingly obsessed with Danny she really wants Danny for a threeway with her girlfrind, now that would be a CSI first and quite progressive for network television. However, that would keep her on the show so scrap that idea.

I guess we are back to the necrophiliac idea or the rabid hedgehogs. My favortie idea though by far is a big wake up call on the part of those that run this show, because I have to hold out hope that they still might care just a little.

JDonne said:
I think word has spread amongst the cast about the lack of Lindsay love.

I bet she would screw up the coma by bringing in the world famous all purpose scrunch face that we all know and hate.

I predict scrunch-face, too! And, triple ugh on that. That might top my list--someone please get the woman a new expression!

As far as Lindsay feeling up a dead female body I thought I saw something between Lindsay and the photographer that murdered her girlfriend.

How about rather than becoming increasingly obsessed with Danny she really wants Danny for a threeway with her girlfrind, now that would be a CSI first and quite progressive for network television. However, that would keep her on the show so scrap that idea.

:lol: I have to say, that's one threesome I wouldn't need to see! :lol:

I guess we are back to the necrophiliac idea or the rabid hedgehogs. My favortie idea though by far is a big wake up call on the part of those that run this show, because I have to hold out hope that they still might care just a little.


I'm hoping the summer will be a time of reckoning for the writers and TPTB. I can't understand how they could watch the screaming and the face scrunching and the stomping and think it's a good thing for the show.
RE: Lindsay as a necrophiliac.

So, I thought about this today, and strangely enough, it makes perfect sense.

Remember the scene in 'Supermen' (at least that's where I think it was) when Pino talks to her about COD? And he was really, really nice to her?
He knows about her affinity for dead bodies! Hah! Being nice, my ass. Maybe those two have a thing going on down in the morgue. Now here's a theory! :D

I predict scrunch-face, too!
She's got one more facial expression, actually.
The I-think-I-just-saw-this-portobello-mushroom-move-face.
But don't worry if you can't remember it. It's very close to her normal expression.
LMAO. i remember that face. she actually stared for about a million years at the so called "mushroom". i dunno why stella didnt just slap her hard on the face and say "GET A GRIP YOU BUFFALO THING"
and also. the acting at that bit was terrible
you mean this face?
So we have the scrunch-face and the portabello-mushroom-moving (PBMM for short :lol: ) face. I think she really needs to work on her reaction shots. It's really obvious that what she's looking at calls for her to react, and so she does...and it all looks terribly, extremely scripted. Her problem seems to be that she doesn't inhabit the character--she's still Anna playing Lindsay.
Wow! In addition to bad acting there is something decidedly vacant in that look, I agree Top she is Anna playing Lindsay, I would even go so far as to say that Anna is entirely detached from her character and the camera, she does not engage the audience at all. Hence, the reason she is so easy to forget when she is not offending with her one note, I’m sorry two note performances. Anna's skill is no better and possibly worse than a five-year-old playing dress up on a Sunday afternoon.

I mean I appreciate Eddie and Hill’s politeness, but guys come on, there is nothing worthy of praise or applause there, and certainly, no need to get carried away and use words like great when it comes to Anna’s displayed skills this season. Eddie and Hill are skilled actors always, but especially if they managed to type that with a straight face, but I give them much applause for loyalty.

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