Lyn's long post inspired me to think some more on Lindsay, sorry about the lack of parahraph breaks.
I absolutly agree and believe the writers should shoulder some of the blame for the failure in Lindsay’s characterization, however I also believe Anna shares that blame with them. I don’t believe that had the writing been better it would have made Anna a better fit for NY. An actor’s job is to sell a character, bad lines, bad background, bad set up, and all. The writing was atrocious all around this season not just in the case of Lindsay and yet everyone else managed to keep their wits about them and their talent at the forefront still making me believe with each outing that I was watching Stella Bonasera, Danny Messer, Don Flack, and all the rest, but never with Anna. The limitations on her dramatic skills are apparent to me when I see her on WOT playing essentially the same person she is on NY and the same with moments on The Handler and Medical Investigations, that is because all we ever see is Anna. Anna’s inability to disappear is a detriment in dramatic roles and it makes her stick out like a sore thumb, I agree perhaps a comedic role would suit her better. I’m not convinced that the character is redeemable because what it would take to make a course correction would be so severe and so omnipresent that it would inevitably steer the show even further off course. It would dedicate yet another season to highlighting a character that is not worthy of the attention or an actress whom I believe is not fully invested in her role. They can’t back track now and do all the things they should have done when she was a new character they have spent an entire season showing us how she is acclimated and showing us what a member of the team she is that they can’t go back now and show us the emerging bonds of friendship without it looking like what it is a small inadequate band-aid on a large gaping wound. Even if they did attempt a course correction I’m not sure Anna could pull it off, nothing has indicated that she has the ability to do so. I’ve never been fond of the character and my dislike grew each week, but I don’t ever think Lindsay was supposed to be this bouncy friendly character otherwise why have her snatch, because that was the final straw for me there is unadulterated enthusiasm and there is just plain rude. Honestly, I have always found the character and little overbearing and a lot obnoxious. It certainly wasn’t helped by the writers constantly trying to convince me that I was supposed to like her, how can you not like her shtick. Rather than feeling stupid over not liking her I felt insulted and angry by the writers’ blatant manipulation tactics of pairing her with the show’s most popular character hoping that she would become popular through her mere proximity to Danny rather than going back to the drawing board mid-season and undoing the mess they made. I don’t mind little hints a romance or outside lives even on crime shows, but I do demand that they be believable, I do demand that the actors have a obvious chemistry to them, and I do finally demand that it not become so obvious that people can’t help but mention disappointment when a scene between the two characters doesn’t happen or unbridled giggly joy when one does. I mean what about the cases, what about the way the characters develop because of their cases, and the impact it has on their lives isn’t that what this show should be about every week? I have to admit I’m perplexed about why the writers fought so hard to make us believe in Danny and Lindsay this season, why it seemed to be their sole agenda, until the final episode, because I can’t think of any reason other than they hoped to make an unplanned and undeveloped character work and this was the fastest and laziest way to do so. The attempts to fill Danny and Lindsay’s conversations with sexual innuendo as they did with Danny and Aiden was sigh worthy and just plain annoying. Where as Aiden seemed game for the challenge Lindsay comes off like a confused 4th grader being introduced to the nuances of intimacy, in those scenes Lindsay comes across as the shy wall flower girl who giggles during a chaste movie kiss, and I ask myself is she just this clueless and unskilled at the art of flirtation. I find the pairing intolerable and like Lyn, I dread seeing Danny on screen because I know Lindsay is sure to follow, to come yapping at his heels as if to say I’m cute Danny loves me according to the writers so you should to, you should love me. I say to that I would settle for liking Lindsay, for liking Anna’s portrayal, sadly, I don’t and I never will.