Why Lindsay Must Go

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JDonne said:
Wow! In addition to bad acting there is something decidedly vacant in that look, I agree Top she is Anna playing Lindsay, I would even go so far as to say that Anna is entirely detached from her character and the camera, she does not engage the audience at all. Hence, the reason she is so easy to forget when she is not offending with her one note, I’m sorry two note performances. Anna's skill is no better and possibly worse than a five-year-old playing dress up on a Sunday afternoon.

:lol: I used to play-act as a kid, and trust me, I was better. :lol: If you look at the rest of the cast, they really get into their roles and make it feel real. Not so with Anna. I keep coming back to it, but I'm always conscious of the fact that there's a script when I see her on screen. The viewer can see her decide how to react to something and then react, and that's not good. Real people don't think about how they're going to react and then do it--they react. The other actors have that down so well.

I mean I appreciate Eddie and Hill’s politeness, but guys come on, there is nothing worthy of praise or applause there, and certainly, no need to get carried away and use words like great when it comes to Anna’s displayed skills this season. Eddie and Hill are skilled actors always, but especially if they managed to type that with a straight face, but I give them much applause for loyalty.


To be fair, if someone asked me about my co-workers by name in a public forum, I wouldn't trash talk them either. They both said Anna is very nice, too, so I'm sure that if they had reservations (and they honestly might not) about her work, they wouldn't say it. And there is something to be said for loyalty.

Either way, Eddie and Hill are both class acts, and very talented actors.
Top41 said:
To be fair, if someone asked me about my co-workers by name in a public forum, I wouldn't trash talk them either. They both said Anna is very nice, too, so I'm sure that if they had reservations (and they honestly might not) about her work, they wouldn't say it. And there is something to be said for loyalty.

Either way, Eddie and Hill are both class acts, and very talented actors.

They are class acts and I do understand not trashing co-workers in a public forum, especially when asked about them directly, not to mention when the actress's performances have been negatively received, but when they start throwing around phrases like "great actress," we are in overkill territory. Perhaps, Hill feels a bit guilty for whatever role he may have played in the horror. I guess it is possible that Eddie and Hill do find her performances great and that fact is quite discouraging, but it could be that the two of them have shared only a handful of scenes with Anna and have not experienced directly the soul and talent sucking nature of her performances. They have suffered little this season unlike Carmine who has been her almost constant victim.

I guess I could point out that Carmine had no such compliments for her, but I don't want to put words in his mouth...or in this case, read into things he didn't say. ;) As for Eddie and Hill, if they were sticking up for her, they probably felt they were putting a good word in for someone they like personally.

I guess taste in acting is subjective--some people love one actor, while others hate him or her. But when it looks like you're reading the script off a teleprompter, that's just bad. And that's how I feel sometimes with Anna--I hear lines, not words. And that's bad. Not to mention the screaming scenes and the facial expressions. There are some clear things she could work on.
I wonder why is it that whenever Flack and Lindsay have a scene together, Flack completely ignores her. Seems strange. I mean, at least Danny and the others actually *Talk* to her. Flack doesn't even do that. Since Eddie likes Anna I guess the reason is that it's in the script.
They actually talked to each other in last night's episode, and Flack nearly died in a bombing. I don't think he'll ever try speaking to her again, she's bad luck.
I've got to say, the Wyoming line she said was funny. Something about where do Montanans go for a block party and she said Wyoming.

Ahhhh, Wyoming. Where Men are Men and sheep are nervous. Although, after Brokeback Mountain, the sheep may be relaxing a bit
So. Let me get this straight.

Lindsey is a necrophiliac who, unable to get any real action from Danny, turns her attention to his best friend and decided to kill him, because god damn, she's not had any in MONTHS. So she plants a bomb, and triggers it with her evil mind powers (I saw that scene where she's staring at the windows, don't you tell me she doesn't have them), and then sends a random sent-in-to-help guy bonkers with afore-mentioned evil mind powers so he thinks he did it.

Same powers also enabled Danny to go in as search and rescue with no helmet/face mask and be totally unaffected, and for Mac and Danny to suddenly think they're bomb experts. (Because she likes those two)

Do I have that about right?
Lyn said:
So. Let me get this straight.

Lindsey is a necrophiliac who, unable to get any real action from Danny, turns her attention to his best friend and decided to kill him, because god damn, she's not had any in MONTHS. So she plants a bomb, and triggers it with her evil mind powers (I saw that scene where she's staring at the windows, don't you tell me she doesn't have them), and then sends a random sent-in-to-help guy bonkers with afore-mentioned evil mind powers so he thinks he did it.

Same powers also enabled Danny to go in as search and rescue with no helmet/face mask and be totally unaffected, and for Mac and Danny to suddenly think they're bomb experts. (Because she likes those two)

Do I have that about right?

Don't forget the part in the hospital, where she 'gets' Danny to give her a ride home, only to ensure he stays away from Flack - whom she, alas, didn't manage to get blown to pieces. One can only imagine what she used her powers for on the ride home.

Apart from that bit, yep, it sounds about right.
I don't usually voice my opinion on whether or not Lindsay should stay or go, but I was watching 'Stealing Home' on tape last night- even though I enjoy the "have you ever even seen a wheat field?" dialogue between Danny and Lindsay, her exit irked me (I know, I'm weird :lol:). But it just seemed...awkward to me, the timing was off, like she was just waiting for someone off camera to yell "And...exit!". Anyone get what I'm saying or am I just rambling here? :p
Nahh, you're not rambling. Many of us had pointed out that it seems obivious that Anna is reading from a script, and can't disappear and become Lindsay. Maybe some practice over the summer hiatus would help, if not, let's just hope she gets shoved into the background.

No ... she's toning down a little. I don't think that it's in me to like her, but I can put up with her for the time being (mainly because I'll be spending the next four months CSI: NY-less)
Her performances in Heroes and Charge of This Post were fine, but then, she was hardly in either episode. Further proof that the more in the background she is, the better.
Top41 said:
Her performances in Heroes and Charge of This Post were fine, but then, she was hardly in either episode. Further proof that the more in the background she is, the better.
The writers could always do a big episode in which Lindsay's secret is revealed because there is a case similar to it or something and it effects her so much, she realizes she can't be a CSI and moves permanently into the lab...just a thought. ;) :D
Anna seems like a great person and very much liked by the other cast members, so I do hope she does get better and Anna rises to the challenge of the role...I guess we'll just have to wait until next season to see.
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