Why Lindsay Must Go

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And I think she's kind of obsessed with Danny. Seeking him out for help with cases, digging for info about him from him and others, etc. I guess if they're going to proceed with a relationship with the two of them, I'd kind of like to see it played that way. It would at least be interesting to see how Danny would react to a relationship that starts to slowly go down a dangerous path.
Developing Lindsay as obsessive and potentially unstable would show a great deal of forethought on the part of the writers, and I'm inclined to doubt that could have done so, considering the season we've had this time around. No no, she's just interested in Danny and dedicated to her job, seeing as how she's such a sweet, tough, capable CSI and all. :rolleyes: I think the writers are just going to plow blindly on the course they've started with Lindsay and her romantic involvment with Danny. They just seem so damn determined that the fans are going to like her. Gee, what am I missing?
Faylinn said:
Developing Lindsay as obsessive and potentially unstable would show a great deal of forethought on the part of the writers, and I'm inclined to doubt that could have done so, considering the season we've had this time around. No no, she's just interested in Danny and dedicated to her job, seeing as how she's such a sweet, tough, capable CSI and all. :rolleyes: I think the writers are just going to plow blindly on the course they've started with Lindsay and her romantic involvment with Danny. They just seem so damn determined that the fans are going to like her. Gee, what am I missing?

The same thing the rest of us are missing! :lol: :D

You're right about the writers--I honestly don't think they'd have the guts to do it, quite frankly. To show a CSI becoming obsessed with her job and one of her colleagues.

Dedicated to her job and in love with Danny. *yawn*

It's probably just wishful thinking that because she's seemed totally unbalanced in the last few episodes that it would be something the writers are actually developing with her character. :( It's too bad, because if they had the guts to do it, I think I'd be all for Lindsay mania in season three.

It's also a shame because I think they really had fun with Danny and pushing the boundaries with him in season one. And I honestly believe that's why he's the most popular character on the show.

I think Psycho Lindsay would have more fans than Mary Sue Lindsay.
Top41 said:

I think Psycho Lindsay would have more fans than Mary Sue Lindsay.

You know what Lindsay would have the biggest fanbase of them all? Back in Montana Lindsay, I'd send a Christmas card every year and become president of that club. I'd even make buttons and special satin jackets for all the members.

Well, Back in Montana Lindsay would be best, but if she goes off the deep end in season three, Psycho Lindsay rather easily transitions into Back in Montana Lindsay. :D
Geez, if she goes off the deep end in S3 I hope it's in the first couple of eps. Maybe even the first 10 minutes of the season premier. Anna can't act and having to sit through her trying is painful. She should be up to a huge, emotionally charged psychotic break, however. She can shriek and stomp around a lot. Anna can handle that part.
oh dear. a crazy lindsay you say? i think fab idea.
one drawback though!
moi, being a danny/flack shipper, would fear that she might go so crazy about wanting danny, she may kill flack.
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
oh dear. a crazy lindsay you say? i think fab idea.
one drawback though!
moi, being a danny/flack shipper, would fear that she might go so crazy about wanting danny, she may kill flack.

See? Someone else thinks the same way as me!
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
oh dear. a crazy lindsay you say? i think fab idea.
one drawback though!
moi, being a danny/flack shipper, would fear that she might go so crazy about wanting danny, she may kill flack.

You know I wouldn't put it past her to do that. I am a HUGE Danny/Flack shipper as well and Lindsay just gets in the way. She is like a bug that you want to flick out of the way. If she could just be shipped back to Montana, I will pay for her travel expenses back.
ThumpyG said:
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
oh dear. a crazy lindsay you say? i think fab idea.
one drawback though!
moi, being a danny/flack shipper, would fear that she might go so crazy about wanting danny, she may kill flack.

You know I wouldn't put it past her to do that. I am a HUGE Danny/Flack shipper as well and Lindsay just gets in the way. She is like a bug that you want to flick out of the way. If she could just be shipped back to Montana, I will pay for her travel expenses back.

We could start a fund. Although we may be missing out on Danny/Flack angst here, in some kind of Psycho remake...
^^damn right she did. why else would she have stayed outside? to keep others away? MY ASS!!
damnit. why are the writers so homophobic sometimes!
teh slash is teh sex! is what i said to my friend earlier today.
we dont need a bloody newcomer to be the apple of danny's eye. especially not soem country girl who resembles a buffalo. seriously. google it, and theres one buffalo with horns the exact shape of lindsays hair.
Greetings. ^_^

Now, let me state, right off the bat, that I don’t like Lindsay’s character, and while I’m not very good at articulating my thoughts, I’m hoping that some of you may be able to help me. I’m not going to go into the acting, as I’m no expert on that, but there are other things that I do notice.

First, some of the “good country hick” comes from her -still- having calluses on her hands after being in New York (for how long?) from braiding leather in relation to horse riding. Now, I’ve worked in a stable for a couple summers (I needed the money, shut up!), and I don’t remember ever braiding leather. Maybe it was because I was working at a Fox Hunting/Polo stable, and not some other kind of stable. Maybe it was because we re-used our reigns, and just cleaned them and then treated them with leather oil/grease/whatever that stuff was. I don’t know. But I remember helping shoe horses. I remember washing horses. I remember mucking out their stalls. I remember helping maintain their gear. But I don’t remember braiding leather.

Also, it comes from when Danny asked her if the view of New York was better than that of a wheat field, and she countered with, “Have you ever seen a wheat field?” as if to say that “no,” the city-scape was not better than that of the country.

The main problem I have with her is that she’s being forced on me, as a viewer. I don’t like things being forced on me. I’m not into the ‘Hypodermic Needle’ idea of Mass Communication Theory, where things/ideas/whatnot are just injected into the passive audience. I’m more of a ‘Uses and Gratification’ theory girl, or even an ‘Interactive Media’ theory girl. And this romance? This ‘romance’ isn’t the least bit romantic. It’s… staggered, stuttered, awkward, and just not genuine. It’s uncomfortable for even a high-school level crush.

And though it seems the actress gets along well with Hill Harper, was it just me, or did Lindsay -not- strike the right cord with Hawkes? She might have come across as just a little bit shy, a little bit hesitant, but… why? Surely they’d at least passed each other in the hall a few times by then. Surely they knew each other, even if they hadn’t worked together.

Now, speaking of Hawkes, I’m a Hawkes fan. I could give or take Flak. I don’t particularly care one way or another about Mac. And Danny’s okay. But Hawkes? I adore him. He’s so sweet, considering, and passionate. Hella intense. In this last episode, he was there, book in hand, learning how to reconstruct faces from just the skull. And then he used the computer. He’s always trying to learn new things, conducting experiments like the one with the arson case to test his theories (very Gil-like in that regard). He started as a surgeon, and when three of his patients died, he became an ME, and then later a CSI. But through out everything, he’s… he’s always been so -human-, so authentic. (And was it just me, or did his involvement with the three-some case amuse others? Especially his reaction to the coroner’s confessions?)

She’s not. She’s just… sorta there. All the time. Taking away from Sheldon’s development. It’s annoying. And it needs to stop.
Sumsum, welcome to the dark side :) I don't think you demonstrated any problems with articulating your thoughts, and we're glad to have you here! I don't think anyone in this thread is going to disagree with what you've written, as you've outlined most of the things we find really annoying.

I don't like Lindsey being forced on me either, and I agree about the "romance". I'm a push-pull kind of person. The more something is pushed down my throat, the more I will react aganst it. The need to put a contrived Danny/Lindsey scene in every episode has me clawing my own eyes out, a lot of the time. It's just the most painful, unecessary, pointless thing ever.

We don't really know how Lindsey gets along with Hawkes. This last ep was the first time we've seen them together, mainly because of the writers putting Lindsey with Danny all of the time, and because Hawkes has had his airtime severely reduced. What we did see wasn't really worth commenting on, because it was only a couple of lines. But the cast seem to universally seize up in scenes with Lindsey. I assume the hesitancy in "Heroes" was because they were discussing Aiden, though.

For what it's worth I'm a Hawkes fan too. The fact he's not getting enough airtime makes my fists itch. I think they should have held off introducing Lindsey, because they already had a new CSI and he was more than capable of filling that role. I've said before that Hill is more than capable of bringing emotion, compassion and gravity to the scenes he's in, as well as being the curious "breath of fresh air" that people say Lindsey is. Whatever Lindsey is, I say Hawkes can do it better. He's a perfect CSI, and he's being wasted. Totally, utterly, wasted right now.
I hope Lindsay goes off the deep end in the first five to seven episodes of the season and then they can usher her out during November sweeps. What am I saying, even that would be too many episodes for me to stick around and endure another season of pain.

I can't imagine 24 more episodes of Lindsay, not to mention, "off the deep end" Lindsay would probably tax Anna's emotional range and the viewers fortitude. Let us not forget that particular incarnation of Lindsay would probably include shrill, tiresome, laughable outbursts also known as what passes for acting in Anna world.

Can you imagine 24 episodes of an increasingly obsessed Lindsay, someone save us, better yet someone save this show.
I'm not that intrigued by a nasty, unhinged, or mean Lindsay because I haven't seen any evidence that she is a pleasant person, she certainly hasn't proved to be a pleasant character or anyone I would befriend, probably quietly disdain across a restaurant, but nothing more.

Just thinking back to her outburst in "All Access" makes me laugh a bit and cringe a lot. I can't imagine being the person behind the camera in that scene or the conversation that took place in the editing room when they realized that performance would be unleashed on the world. It must have involved lots of head shaking, drunkenness, or drugs just to persevere. I honestly find it a struggle to even tolerate her scenes no matter what Anna is trying to sell and no matter the context. I never believe her emotions, more importantly I never sense that Anna believes her emotions. There is both an uncertainty and an arrogance to the performance that is off putting and unattractive. I think it further tarnishes Lindsay and an already mediocre performance. It would be good if Anna spent the summer expanding her repertoire beyond the all purpose scrunch face that she used on MI, WOT, and the Handler. The time has come to learn some new tricks, some better tricks, some convincing tricks, if she can learn new tricks, though the other saying says you are never too old.

Damn Leslie Moonves and the ideas he pulls out of his ass, the small rise in viewers cannot have caused a significant monetary difference in advertising revenue. So, in the end was it worth it to take a show that was authentic and good, and dumb it down, filled with forced and uninteresting romantic undercurrent, and a mediocre performance that is like poison in the midst of a talented cast all for the sake of wooing a certain demographic. NY needs an intervention, 12-step program at the ready.

Speaking of the heinous romantic undercurrent, what NY has done is possibly prove that romance has no place on these shows, or maybe it just proves that one lacking chemistry has no place on NY. The grading thread is overwhelming proof that romance , this faux romance at least, can't take a back seat to the science, because, weekly the grading thread is inundated by comments, gushes, and squees concerning D/L. That certainly is not a back seat when those in favor of the pairing can rarely offer up a grade without mentioning the greatness of a D/L moment or the sadness that there wasn't one this week. How heavy that makes my heart and forces a series of tired and bored sighs to escape my mouth.

JDonne said:
Damn Leslie Moonves and the ideas he pulls out of his ass, the small rise in viewers cannot have caused a significant monetary difference in advertising revenue. So, in the end was it worth it to take a show that was authentic and good, and dumb it down, filled with forced and uninteresting romantic undercurrent, and a mediocre performance that is like poison in the midst of a talented cast all for the sake of wooing a certain demographic. NY needs an intervention, 12-step program at the ready.

Speaking of the heinous romantic undercurrent, what NY has done is possibly prove that romance has no place on these shows, or maybe it just proves that one lacking chemistry has no place on NY. The grading thread is overwhelming proof that romance , this faux romance at least, can't take a back seat to the science, because, weekly the grading thread is inundated by comments, gushes, and squees concerning D/L. That certainly is not a back seat when those in favor of the pairing can rarely offer up a grade without mentioning the greatness of a D/L moment or the sadness that there wasn't one this week. How heavy that makes my heart and forces a series of tired and bored sighs to escape my mouth.

It's the dumb-down approach. The more you dumb something down the more people "get it". So you end up with something that isn't as clever as it was, but hey, that's ok, because OMG viewer numbers are going up. >_<

It's sad when the entire episode can be dismissed in favour of a scene where two certain characters interact, I agree. If all CSI:NY is going to boil down to is Danny/Lindsey, I won't be watching next season. Because right now, Criminal Minds is beating it for me, in terms of dark, intelligent storylines, awesome characters and good writing.
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