Why Lindsay Must Go

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JDonne said:
Top41 said:
Did Ryan freak out unnecessarily over another team member's predicament on Miami? Did he immediately get written in as someone's love interest and not a character in his own right? No and no.

Plus, Togo can actually act, which helps the viewer become involved with his character without trying to rip your hair out over a stiff and seemingly uncommitted delivery. Do you think Anna simply lacks imagination, the ability to see beyond the directions written in the script? I keep searching for answers, but it always comes back to the poor acting and the writers’ attempts at manipulation.

If she admits to having a bad audition, why would anyone believe her actual episodic performances would be any better? Where would she be without Hill Harper's recommendation to TPTB? I guess we'll never know, but I bet we wouldn't have spent almost an entire television season mortified by her weekly performances.

However, I'm all for the rabid hedgehogs.


I've wondered about that whole audition thing. She says it wa awful, so asked Hill to put in a good word for her. I'm wondering how far the normal audition process was actually sidelined.
JDonne said:
Plus, Togo can actually act, which helps the viewer become involved with his character without trying to rip your hair out over a stiff and seemingly uncommitted delivery. Do you think Anna simply lacks imagination, the ability to see beyond the directions written in the script? I keep searching for answers, but it always comes back to the poor acting and the writers’ attempts at manipulation.

Togo can definitely act. :D As for Anna, I honestly think TV is just not the best medium for her. I was reading something about how Sarah Wayne Callies (the doctor on Prison Break) comes from a theater background, and I think she's a great example of someone who has made the transition to TV well. Anna just doesn't seem to have done the same. Maybe in another show, but she's just not convincing as a cop.

If she admits to having a bad audition, why would anyone believe her actual episodic performances would be any better? Where would she be without Hill Harper's recommendation to TPTB? I guess we'll never know, but I bet we wouldn't have spent almost an entire television season mortified by her weekly performances.

However, I'm all for the rabid hedgehogs.


The fact that her audition was bad doesn't speak well. I know actors can flub auditions now and then, but when what turns up on screen isn't good either, there is a problem.
Is anybody planning on asking Hill or Eddie about how they feel Anna's done this season, or about the (lack of) chemistry between them?
^Chemistry in general, or with Danny? The Danny thing is probably more question for Carmine.

I'm sure Eddie and Hill would have nice things to say about her. I'm sure she's a nice person, and hopefully nice to work with. It's just that she doesn't work in CSI: NY at all, from what I can tell.

It would be a great question for one of the NY writers, though, about how they feel about the development of her character and how she's fitting in (or not).
Another idea:

After the bombing in the season finale, maybe Lindsay decides she'll just be a lab rat for a while instead of working out in the field, seeing it as a safer place to be. Like she's recovering from Post Traumatic Stress or something.
I think they'll all be like that, at the end of this series. They'll have to bring in a whole new set of CSI while this lot recover.

Maybe Super H can do another NY flit and save the day!
Carrieattheprom said:
Another idea:

After the bombing in the season finale, maybe Lindsay decides she'll just be a lab rat for a while instead of working out in the field, seeing it as a safer place to be. Like she's recovering from Post Traumatic Stress or something.

I could see that too, except then we'll be treated too plenty of Lindsay Angst. The last thing we need is more Lindsay Angst. :lol:
Thing is, if they put Lindsey in the lab, stopped the random displays of emotion they apparently thinks she needs, as well as her need to be protected/loved/approved of by a man, then I might actually like her a whole lot more.

If she, you know, was all about the work. Yeah. I could live with that.
Lyn said:
Thing is, if they put Lindsey in the lab, stopped the random displays of emotion they apparently thinks she needs, as well as her need to be protected/loved/approved of by a man, then I might actually like her a whole lot more.

If she, you know, was all about the work. Yeah. I could live with that.

I couldm, too. It would be interesting to see what she's like without the forced emotional outbursts and the fixation on Danny.
Top41 said:
Lyn said:
Thing is, if they put Lindsey in the lab, stopped the random displays of emotion they apparently thinks she needs, as well as her need to be protected/loved/approved of by a man, then I might actually like her a whole lot more.

If she, you know, was all about the work. Yeah. I could live with that.

I couldm, too. It would be interesting to see what she's like without the forced emotional outbursts and the fixation on Danny.

I bet she'd be even better if they never let her speak. Seriously, the scenes involving emotional outbursts, some unnecessary, highlight what a terrible fit she is for the role talent wise, she is a bad actress in most scenes, save lighter scenes with Gary, but this is a crime drama. Her facial expressions never match her voice inflections, her body is always stiff, her movements tend to be mechanical, so though I'm all for placing her in the background, which is a distant second choice to her complete eradication from the show, I want it to be way way back, like behind Adam.

She could always replace the GCSM-thingy (me and science don't mix!) and stand in the corner. ;)

Or step in as one of those holder-thingies (again, me and science) where people put the test tubes they're using.

But really, a spell in the lab might do her good. Labtechs still get a sufficient amount of screentime - Adam - and she's being kept away from the interrogation room.
I'm pretty sure I'm in the wrong thread here, being a Lindsay-liker (I dare not say "lover" because...well, I'm not sure if I do), but I just have to say that some of what you guys are saying really cracked me up. Especially the rabid hedgehog thing. Lindsay running away from those flashed briefly in my head, and I thought it was funny. :D

Is there a thread here for semi-Lindsay-lovers? :lol:
keich said:
I'm pretty sure I'm in the wrong thread here, being a Lindsay-liker (I dare not say "lover" because...well, I'm not sure if I do), but I just have to say that some of what you guys are saying really cracked me up. Especially the rabid hedgehog thing. Lindsay running away from those flashed briefly in my head, and I thought it was funny. :D

Is there a thread here for semi-Lindsay-lovers? :lol:

I hope the hedgehogs catch her, take her down, and secret her away to a underground lair where she can entertain them with stories never to be seen or heard from again or they could devour her piece by piece until nothing remains but a wrinkled brow attempting to look either concerned, thoughtful, or irritated, who can tell really considering the limited acting skills.

Your thoughts and ideas are welcome here, we are equal opportunity. :) We don't bite . . . often. ;)

Hmmm. This thread is really interesting for a newbie like me. I've only seen 2 episodes of season 2 (Zoo York and Corporate Warriors) so am very jealous of all you lucky ducks that have seen the whole thing. Damn this CSI void I live in! Anyway I enjoyed Lindsey in the eppy's I've seen as I can completely get behind why she is sucking up to Mac and is nervous about moving to the big city. All reasons that have been posted by others. I'm really looking forward to seeing how I like the rest of the season and her role in it. It should be interesting since I am not a Danny fan *ducks for cover* so maybe my reaction to her will be different since I don't really care about how she brings down Danny. I am all about the Mac and the Flack really. The other thing I have found interesting, despite Zuiker's stating it is a character driven show, is how much I have always found it case/story driven. I see most episodes out of order on both LV and NY (hate Miami. Horatio = foot through TV) and can always pick up on what is going on bar a couple of minor bits that might make me go "huh?" for 5 seconds. Especially on LV there are times when you don't see half the characters for almost whole episodes at a time so that is what I have come to expect. Has anyone else read the recaps on televisionwithoutpity.com where Warrick is regularly chained up in the sub-plot sub-basement only to appear for about 5 minutes every second eppy? I found Aiden was not in season 1 a lot and Flack is not there much either. This season can be Lindsey having time and next season can be Mac and Flack. Please? I am also not expecting to like all the characters much as I think these shows are actually more realistic then most about depicting a workplace - as in everybody is busy working rather than having sex and backstabbing. Saying that there almost always has to be an office bitch/bastard/non-event and I am happy for it to be Lindsey this season. It was Danny for me last season. The whining really got to me. Anyway I shall be watching with interest since I don't usually make distinctions between characters and actors. At this point I declare myself happily on the fence! BTW thought I would make my first post to a thread with controversy and opinions and is therefore interesting rather than to the Mac/Flack are hot!threads which are fun but where I am happy to lurk.
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