Why Lindsay Must Go

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For the record, I never once said I wanted the rabid hedgehogs to kill Lindsey. Why am I reading this in other threads?! My point was, CSI is never happy with someone just leaving, they have to kill them off in a ridiculous way. Thanking you all :lol:

Sharniq - I don't think we demand you have to be Danny fan. Lots of people aren't, and it generally doesn't bother Danny fans. In fact, most Danny fans I know really like the sport of Danny-bashing.

Saying that though - I disagree about the characters getting air time bit. LV has a huge cast and tends to rotate for that reason. We still see Warrick, even if it's not a character background ep. This season has been about pushing Lindsey forward, to the expense of Sheldon Hawkes. His absence is not only noticeable, it's becoming downright silly. He's the same rank as Lindsey, has experience and good relationships with the rest of the team, and yet we barely see him. Ever. He gets one or two scenes an episode, and is often confined to the lab. I wouldn't even mind if they rotated like LV does, so that we saw him every so often, but right now, it's not happening. Maybe in season three they'll address it.

For the record - most people who don't like Lindsey do NOT also hate Anna. They might dislike her acting, but they don't hate her personally. I don't like Lindsey, but I have nothing against Anna. I even think she might be extremely good in a different type of show, maybe comedy or sitcom. I'm just not convinced about her in CSI:NY.

Keich - There are more semi-Lindsey lovers than most people think. You're welcome here and in the Lindsey Love thread, and if anyone says you're not, they're wrong. It's actually nicer to have a middle-of-the-road opinion, I think, because you can see both sides of the argument :)
Thanks! :D

Hedgehogs remind me of Sonic (now I can imagine him whisking away Lindsay to his lair).

JDonne said:
or they could devour her piece by piece until nothing remains but a wrinkled brow attempting to look either concerned, thoughtful, or irritated, who can tell really considering the limited acting skills.

Good, I like the wrinkled brow. :D
At least she and Danny didn't share a scene in last night's episode. I know she was in the bar, but the rest of the cast was also there so it doesn't really count. I'll chalk up her being there as offering emotional support. Besides, she didn't really do anything in that scene, except laugh at Danny's story and join the team in a toast.

Though that line to Stella really PO'd me. Since she's talking to Stella, shouldn't she be asking how *Stella* felt about Aiden? After all, they had been the only two females on the team. (Like Lindsay and Stella currently are) so wouldn't that be something should would want to know? Why did they have to bring up the "crush" again?
Okay, is it just me that thinks when Anna is supposed to be compassionate, she ends up looking constipated? The look on her face makes her seem like she's in pain.

The line to Stella was disgusting. Thanks for the compassion, Lindsay. Did you help Pratt start that fire yourself? Whatever can push you forward in your mad quest to jump Danny's bones I guess you'll do. Completely out of place. Tell me, Lindsay, do you troll funerals for dates as well?

Flat out, TPTB either get rid of her for the 3rd Season or I'm not watching. The poor storytelling is bad enough with Anna's horrible acting, but that line was just wrong and I am not going to sit through any pitiful attempts to make Danny and Lindsay a couple when there is no chemistry, no acting talent on Anna Belknap's part and no real reason that Lindsay should even be on the team.
Jaer said:
Okay, is it just me that thinks when Anna is supposed to be compassionate, she ends up looking constipated? The look on her face makes her seem like she's in pain.

She does. She scrunches up her face...oh, the face scrunching is bad.

The line to Stella was disgusting. Thanks for the compassion, Lindsay. Did you help Pratt start that fire yourself? Whatever can push you forward in your mad quest to jump Danny's bones I guess you'll do. Completely out of place. Tell me, Lindsay, do you troll funerals for dates as well?

:lol: That line was terribly insensitive of her (love how Stella glossed over the Danny aspect of it, too), but I have to say, if they're going to keep her, I'd rather they go ahead and make her into a bit of a controversial character. The sweet little hick who gets weepy from Montana does not interest me. A woman so cold-hearted and conniving that she digs for info on the object of her obsession during the investigation of his best friend's murder? Totally evil and kinda fascinating, too. I'd take that over Mary Sue anyday...I kind of love the characters we're supposed to love to hate.

Flat out, TPTB either get rid of her for the 3rd Season or I'm not watching. The poor storytelling is bad enough with Anna's horrible acting, but that line was just wrong and I am not going to sit through any pitiful attempts to make Danny and Lindsay a couple when there is no chemistry, no acting talent on Anna Belknap's part and no real reason that Lindsay should even be on the team.

This is still the best option, though.
^No, I meant getting rid of her altogether was the best option. I messed up my quote tags! :eek:
Got it! Yes. Getting rid of her is still the very best option. The sad thing is, really, as far as storytelling goes, last nights ep reminded me a lot of S1 and the stories they did then. For one of the rare times this whole season, I had a genuine feel of S1 and Lindsay completely ruined it. Insensitive comments, drilling an empty part of the dashboard, the expression on her face. I swear you actually see her thinking "Must look sad and distressed here". Completely ruined the emotion of the ep for me.
^I loved that she wasn't part of the group when they all first looked at the FastScan of the skull. That did feel like season one to me, too.

Her acting has got to improve, no doubt of that. The insensitive comment interested me because it's one of the few times I didn't feel like we were being forced to feel like we should like her. It told me a lot more about her character than all the screaming has.
Your asking about having her as coldhearted and conniving has got me wondering if I wouldn't like her more as obsessive and manipulative and determined to do whatever she needs to so she can have what she wants. I'd definitely respect that more than the sweet schizophrenic we've got so far. It would make her more interesting, but I don't think Anna could deliberately pull it off.
Jaer said:
Your asking about having her as coldhearted and conniving has got me wondering if I wouldn't like her more as obsessive and manipulative and determined to do whatever she needs to so she can have what she wants. I'd definitely respect that more than the sweet schizophrenic we've got so far. It would make her more interesting, but I don't think Anna could deliberately pull it off.

While I have doubts about Anna pulling it off, she did come across as convincingly obsessive in that last scene in "Stealing Home" with the guy in jail. I'd respect her much more too than if she's supposed to be a sweet naive girl. I like the idea of some darkness, and let's face it, she'd make a much better psycho in a relationship than Stella's Instant!Psycho boyfriend, Frankie. It would be kind of chilling and creepy to see her manipulate her way into Danny's pants and then see where it goes from there.
Unfortunately, I think that would be returning the show back to the 'dark' and heavy days of early S1. Which I would be perfectly fine with, but Les "The Bastard Who Ruined My Show" Moonves wouldn't go for it. I think someone should make him sit down and watch Anna try and act and ask him if this was really what he wanted for NY.
Top41 said:
:lol: That line was terribly insensitive of her (love how Stella glossed over the Danny aspect of it, too), but I have to say, if they're going to keep her, I'd rather they go ahead and make her into a bit of a controversial character. The sweet little hick who gets weepy from Montana does not interest me. A woman so cold-hearted and conniving that she digs for info on the object of her obsession during the investigation of his best friend's murder? Totally evil and kinda fascinating, too. I'd take that over Mary Sue anyday...I kind of love the characters we're supposed to love to hate.

I doubt it would be of great interest or convincing since Anna has shown repeatedly that she lacks any discernable acting range, all it would do is increase her on screen time and turn the show into even more of a high school soap opera than it already is when it comes to Danny and Lindsay. I think that type of storyline is best left to the soap opera of the franchise – Miami. The only bright side to that scenario is that the character would eventually have to leave the show, but why bring a show down further that already has so many problems to fix by adding such an extreme characterization, especially in the hands of a bad actress. Everyone says they don’t enjoy her shrill screaming, I’d imagine that an obsessed woman with a dark side would be angry a great deal of the time and spend a large amount of time doing just the thing that many find unbearable.

I haven’t seen evidence of the sweet little hick, which goes a long way in detailing the problem with Lindsay's character, the fact that she isn't one. There isn't much concrete anyone knows of her other than she is from Montana, is a CSI, and has a thing for Danny. Lindsay could be from anywhere in the US and I haven't seen much evidence of sweetness, ass kissers tend to be a conniving bunch.

Instead of trying to find ways to use her more the show should focus on ways to use her less if at all.

Oh, there hasn't been much of the 'sweet little hick'. That's what she's supposed to be, not what Anna is making her.

Top's got me noticing how obsessive she is, however, and I would love it if Lindsay had a mental breakdown. You know she's got to have a closet at home with candle stubs and a collage of Danny photos with lipstick on them.
JDonne said:
I doubt it would be of great interest or convincing since Anna has shown repeatedly that she lacks any discernable acting range, all it would do is increase her on screen time and turn the show into even more of a high school soap opera than it already is when it comes to Danny and Lindsay.

Anna's range is a big problem. It is too bad they didn't find someone who's a better fit for the character and who has better chemistry with Carmine, because if they did spin the obsessive way, it could be really interesting.

I haven’t seen evidence of the sweet little hick, which goes a long way in detailing the problem with Lindsay's character, the fact that she isn't one. There isn't much concrete anyone knows of her other than she is from Montana, is a CSI, and has a thing for Danny. Lindsay could be from anywhere in the US and I haven't seen much evidence of sweetness, ass kissers tend to be a conniving bunch.


Jaer said:
Oh, there hasn't been much of the 'sweet little hick'. That's what she's supposed to be, not what Anna is making her.

You guys make a good point. We're supposed to be seeing a sweet character, but Anna's performance doesn't really convey that. Compare her to Calleigh on Miami--Calleigh is genuinely sweet while still being tough. I don't think Anna knows how to balance the sweet with the tough--she ends up coming across as brittle and uptight. In "Stuck on You" when she went out of her way to discover Mac's afterhours activities, I never got the feeling she was doing it to be cute--she wanted to show up and impress Danny all in the same breath.

Ass kissers generally aren't sweet, no. :lol:

Top's got me noticing how obsessive she is, however, and I would love it if Lindsay had a mental breakdown. You know she's got to have a closet at home with candle stubs and a collage of Danny photos with lipstick on them.

Lindsay's very obsessive--that's been evident in the way she handles cases. That's why I kind of thought it was cool at the end of "Stealing Home." She wasn't just really into the case, she was obsessed.

And I think she's kind of obsessed with Danny. Seeking him out for help with cases, digging for info about him from him and others, etc. I guess if they're going to proceed with a relationship with the two of them, I'd kind of like to see it played that way. It would at least be interesting to see how Danny would react to a relationship that starts to slowly go down a dangerous path.

I could definitely see Danny tied up in a bathtub by the end of the third season. :lol: But the team will have to step in and save him--I can't see him gunning down Lindsay like Stella took care of Frankie. :lol:
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