Why Lindsay Must Go

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Top, I agree with you. I think part of Danny's appeal for me is the knowledge that, in episodes like "One The Job" and "Tanglewood", I was fully aware he could have done something terrible. Because it's Danny, and he doesn't fit into the nice neat square hole everyone expects him to. I liked the fact he would blow up, or cause trouble, or go with what he felt rather than what he knew.

I think RSRD was a disappointment to me for that reason. I would have loved Mac to go and find Sonny with a bust lip or a black eye and not know how he got them. Or something along those lines, and have the possibility Danny did it, only they can't prove it. To not know for certain that Danny had kept control.

But this season has seen Danny go from unpredictable, explosive and unorthodox to tame, controlled and frankly, boring. He panders to Lindsey in all of their scenes together, his character now more concerned with the pointless flirty lines and "moments" that the writers seem to want to force on us. Yet there's nothing there. It's only when you see him work with someone else that you see even a hint of the old Danny.
Jaer said:
I've decided to start drinking as I watch NY (somethings got to make it easier to sit through) Everytime Lindsay does her little stomp and everyone else stares at her wondering what planet she's from, I'm going knock one back.

Ergo: for the health of my liver, Lindsay must go.

You should probably start drinking about an hour before NY comes on and then just keep on going until the episode ends that way you won't notice the acting or the ridiculous character affectations. Make sure you keep a receipt of all your alcohol purchases and forward them to Les Moonves for reimbursement and attach a thank you note for the super de duper orgasmic changes he made to the show the greatest and grandest being Anna/Lindsay. Where would the show be without Lindsay I ask you? I'll tell you where and what it would be, it would be better than where it is now and it would be less painful to watch, somebody stop her please.

I laughed when the murderer told her to figure it out and then I yelled, "That's right beast, figure it out." How sad is it that the show has taken me to that place, but I think I might be on to something. What if, now stick with me, NY is the comedy of the CSI franchise, maybe we are supposed to laugh at the episodes, hence Anna's arrival. Wow, I’m feeling good and evil today, so hold on to your seats this might get uglier.

My new mantra is . . .please let Lindsay be the burned up body, please let Lindsay be the burned up body. Now, even I admit that is harsh and mean, but seriously unless her bags are packed for Montana and she has a one-way ticket in her hand at the end of the season finale what hope do we have for better, what I suggest is a quick and permanent fix. I mean surely if I am to believe the final scene of the next episode, Lindsay’s demise wouldn’t cause any great outpouring of tears so why not be brave, be bold, pull a surprise move NY, I dare you to shock me, I dare you to rock the world by pulling something so fantastically unexpected. However, I know this won’t happen, but it would have been awesome, I suggest you follow the guidelines that Top suggested and other posters have discussed simply have her go away without fanfare, without lengthy discussions and there is no better time to get that done than over the summer hiatus.

I’m asking the writers and show runners to fix what they broke and of all the problems this season Anna is half and her departure would go a long way to fixing a NY that is teetering on the brink of the irreparable. I’ve suggested acting classes, but who am I kidding, she is going to fix her timing problem, her voice not matching her facial expressions, her lack of chemistry with Carmine Giovinazzo, her inability to act overall in less than 8 weeks, no of course she isn’t. So, now it is time to get serious and get rid of the problem, if it is done soon there is still time for her to find work on any number of new and returning fall television series, maybe the O.C.

Not my best post, but my frustration level is creeping to unknown levels, I’ll be better tomorrow.

I have to agree with Lyn when she said Danny is morphing because of Lindsay I like that better than my explanation, because mine is disparaging to Carmine. I had chalked it up to bad acting on both their parts Anna’s all the time and Carmine when he shares a scene with her, but that isn’t fair because Carmine is a good actor. It is in fact the writers along with Anna sucking the very life out of him like some acting vampire trying to take in greatness because she possess none.

JDonne said:
What if, now stick with me, NY is the comedy of the CSI franchise, maybe we are supposed to laugh at the episodes, hence Anna's arrival.

Nahh, CSI: Miami will always be the comedy of the franchise for me, with the melodramatic acting and the unbelievable storylines ... CSI: NY was supposed to be my middle show, I like CSI: LV a lot more, but CSI: Miami a lot less. One of the main reasons I watch it is for Flack, Danny, New York and because (lets face it) it has the best theme song. It makes me sad that they're disgracing Baba O'Riley to that extent.

*shakes head in shame*

In regards to your other comment, I once dreamt that Danny was the vampire from the Pilot of Buffy and then became one of the main characters, and when Faith came along he joined the mayor and then they did the naughty a few times over.

I woke up feeling kind of freaked out.
JDonne said:
My new mantra is . . .please let Lindsay be the burned up body, please let Lindsay be the burned up body. Now, even I admit that is harsh and mean, but seriously unless her bags are packed for Montana and she has a one-way ticket in her hand at the end of the season finale what hope do we have for better, what I suggest is a quick and permanent fix. I mean surely if I am to believe the final scene of the next episode, Lindsay’s demise wouldn’t cause any great outpouring of tears so why not be brave, be bold, pull a surprise move NY, I dare you to shock me, I dare you to rock the world by pulling something so fantastically unexpected. However, I know this won’t happen, but it would have been awesome, I suggest you follow the guidelines that Top suggested and other posters have discussed simply have her go away without fanfare, without lengthy discussions and there is no better time to get that done than over the summer hiatus.

Well, I have to admit, if they had decided to blow Lindsay up in the finale, I wouldn't have been sorry. :lol: (See the NY picture thread #2 if you don't mind light photographic spoilers and I think you'll catch my drift.) But hiatus is a great time to look back over the season before and think about what worked and what didn't, and I hope that the writers might come back in June and decide to drop the dead weight from the show: an uncompelling character and an unconvincing actress.

I have to agree with Lyn when she said Danny is morphing because of Lindsay I like that better than my explanation, because mine is disparaging to Carmine. I had chalked it up to bad acting on both their parts Anna’s all the time and Carmine when he shares a scene with her, but that isn’t fair because Carmine is a good actor. It is in fact the writers along with Anna sucking the very life out of him like some acting vampire trying to take in greatness because she possess none.


Carmine is a good actor, and any man who can put such life and enthusiasm into his performance has my admiration. It makes his lack of energy in the scenes with Anna stand out all the more. If the writers want to give Danny a love interest I am all for it, but please, go with someone he has chemistry with! I loved the idea of a pairing with Stella early on which was hinted at in the first few episodes and then dropped, and the flirtation with Maka always made me smile.
Just for the record, I don't think Danny is the only character to have been altered.

Season One - Stella and Mac are more like best friends, with Stella supporting Mac and being there when he needed her. Sort of like Catherine/Grissom. Very equal.

Season Two - Stella is written in as victim, and Mac backs away and is barely involved in the case, offering her sympathy at the beginning at the end. Flack becomes Stella's emotional support, and the righteous anger that would have sat naturally with Mac or even Danny is given over to Lindsey.

Danny was furious when he was interviewing the guy who killed the weathergirl - why have him sit back and passively go "Mac can handle it" when his own friend nearly lost her life?

I guess the Stella episode really hit everything home for me, about just how far the characters have been altered this season. Not just to fit round the new girl, but to try and make the show light and "fun". It's not working.

Flack and Hawkes are the only two I see as consistent with their season one selves, and neither of them are seen as much as they should be.
I absolutly concur, the entire landscape of the show has changed and I think the introduction of Lindsay is symbolic of everything that has gone wrong this season. TPTB, specifically, Les Moonves, or as I like to call him the anti-Christ, wanted a show that was lighter, brighter, and innocent in its intensity, so what do they do, they farm in a CSI from Montana. The idea of a CSI from a small town is intriguing and would have been an excellent contrast to the seen-it-all New Yorkers, the problem is that they have morphed everyone into watered down versions of their season one selves. I think this happened to accommodate the introduction of a softer gentler approach heralded by the introduction of an actress that just couldn’t provide the type of spirit and dynamism the rest of the actors possess. They have tried to infuse Lindsay in every aspect of the show, giving her an almost center stage presence, now whether that is an actuality or relates directly to how badly she sticks out is up for debate. I believe it is a combination of the two, making her seem omnipresent even when she is nowhere to be found. They have tried to inject her into the Pratt case, Stella’s brutal assault, Danny’s life, and possibly, into a scene celebrating the life of a fallen comrade, she does not belong in at least three of these scenarios based on history, she does not belong in the fourth based on an embarrassing lack of chemistry, but she is there and that is where audience manipulation comes into play. The writers and show runners seem to want to make us love the new girl because of the freshness she brings while giving her some of Aiden’s gritty and authentic characteristics. The problem is that there is little to love about Lindsay especially given Anna’s delivery and her attempts at Aiden-like toughness so miss the mark that they aren’t even in the same stratosphere.

The rest of the cast is so gifted at breathing life into their characters and making themselves disappear that what Anna lacks is always apparent to me as well as others, I’ve never seen Lindsay, I see Anna delivering lines. The problem is too large to correct with mere acting lessons, which aren’t going to happen because I doubt Anna sees what we see, but I can’t believe TPTB don’t. I can only hope that they will take the summer hiatus to course correct and make decisions that may be hard on a personal level, but are for the best on an artistic and creative level. Even though the show is not on the verge of cancellation I feel as though I should start a save this show campaign.

JDonne said:
They have tried to infuse Lindsay in every aspect of the show, giving her an almost center stage presence, now whether that is an actuality or relates directly to how badly she sticks out is up for debate. I believe it is a combination of the two, making her seem omnipresent even when she is nowhere to be found. They have tried to inject her into the Pratt case, Stella’s brutal assault, Danny’s life, and possibly, into a scene celebrating the life of a fallen comrade, she does not belong in at least three of these scenarios based on history, she does not belong in the fourth based on an embarrassing lack of chemistry, but she is there and that is where audience manipulation comes into play.

And that's what annoys me more than anything, possibly even more than Anna's bad acting. The writers are shoving this irritating character down our throats at the most inappropriate times. I wanted Mac and Danny's reactions to Stella's situation, not Lindsay, whom we've barely seen on screen with Stella, and whom we have certainly not seen connecting with Stella! It's stuff like that that really rankles. As for Danny, the problem there lies in the fact that there's no chemistry and yes, it's another way to shove Lindsay down our throats. Did Ryan freak out unnecessarily over another team member's predicament on Miami? Did he immediately get written in as someone's love interest and not a character in his own right? No and no.

The rest of the cast is so gifted at breathing life into their characters and making themselves disappear that what Anna lacks is always apparent to me as well as others, I’ve never seen Lindsay, I see Anna delivering lines. The problem is too large to correct with mere acting lessons, which aren’t going to happen because I doubt Anna sees what we see, but I can’t believe TPTB don’t. I can only hope that they will take the summer hiatus to course correct and make decisions that may be hard on a personal level, but are for the best on an artistic and creative level. Even though the show is not on the verge of cancellation I feel as though I should start a save this show campaign.


It is pathetic when you can tell bad acting in still photographs, but seeing the ones from the finale with Lindsay "pointing dramatically" (no doubt it was in the script just like that) made me roll my eyes. :rolleyes: She is so bad it's frustrating.

I would be thrilled if they decided to write Lindsay out of the show over the summer. It could be so easily done--she decides to go back to Montana because she just can't take it in the big city. It would be such a vast improvement in the show already that it would make me downright optimistic for season three.
Carrieattheprom said:
After the bombing in the season finale she just might decide that the city's too crazy for her and hightail it back to Montana.

That would be an absolutely perfect way to write the character out. Even if it's not in the finale, it could be a throw-away line in the premiere: Lindsay was really shaken up by the bombing and decided to go back to Montana.
Top41 said:
Carrieattheprom said:
After the bombing in the season finale she just might decide that the city's too crazy for her and hightail it back to Montana.

That would be an absolutely perfect way to write the character out. Even if it's not in the finale, it could be a throw-away line in the premiere: Lindsay was really shaken up by the bombing and decided to go back to Montana.

Oh please, that's never going to work. It's CSI, after all. You can't just leave, you have to get blown up or shot five times or devoured by rabid hedgehogs. Then you get an hour of angst, then by the next episode everyone has forgotten you exist and you're never mentioned again. Until the sweeps arrive, when you're mentioned briefly for flashback and angst purposes.

On an even more random note...

If Lindsey and Flack go IN, and only Lindsey comes OUT, does this mean it was Lindsey wot done it? Do I win a prize for solving it already? :lol:
Only if you choose your prize to be bye bye Lindsay!
The hedgehog :lol:idea gets my vote for her exit storyline.
'tis a shame NY is going this way and miffing off it's fans because with rumours of WP leavin LV and Miami apparently going down the pot hole, this should be NY's chance to shine.
Gotta say...

I love the idea that Lindsay is the bomber! :lol: Hmmm...maybe that's what Carmine meant in that it will be clear how they feel about each other. Danny will hate her for hurting his best friend! If only...

Honestly, however they want to ship her out is fine with me. Just get rid of her!
Ooohh, I like the rabid hedgehog idea. :devil: That would be great, but like Top, I will take her departure anyway I can get it. The sooner the better. Don't care if it's painful, don't care if it's homesickness. Just send her off to the Montana sunset.
Top41 said:
Did Ryan freak out unnecessarily over another team member's predicament on Miami? Did he immediately get written in as someone's love interest and not a character in his own right? No and no.

Plus, Togo can actually act, which helps the viewer become involved with his character without trying to rip your hair out over a stiff and seemingly uncommitted delivery. Do you think Anna simply lacks imagination, the ability to see beyond the directions written in the script? I keep searching for answers, but it always comes back to the poor acting and the writers’ attempts at manipulation.

If she admits to having a bad audition, why would anyone believe her actual episodic performances would be any better? Where would she be without Hill Harper's recommendation to TPTB? I guess we'll never know, but I bet we wouldn't have spent almost an entire television season mortified by her weekly performances.

However, I'm all for the rabid hedgehogs.

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