Why Lindsay Must Go

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Maybe they could keep Lindsay until mid-season 3 but have her in the background and escape the Danny/Lindsay 'thing' by her realising it's unrequited.Then her 'deep dark secret' could be revealed and so she decides to go back to wherever she came from to face it(she could actually leave of her own accord without being murdered or fired,as people sometimes do). :)
As for replacing her they could have Hawkes take her position :D and then what about bringing in two new trainees who Mac and co mentor, then at the end of season 3 the viewers get to vote over the internet for which one they want to get the job and return for season 4! :devil:
That way it'd be our own fault if we dint like them.what you think?
summer89 said:

Yeah i guess there are the people who really like Lindsay and who ship her with Danny to consider aswell. If they just dropped her they might anger and loose some fans on the other side of the fence.I know the writers can't please us all but i would settle for them to at least attempt to do something about it!Anything!She doesn't have to vanish off the face of the earth but limited lindsay would be an improvement.

Or what could happen is they change things just enough to upset the Lindsay fans, but not enough to make the non-fans happy either. Like others have said, you can't please everyone and those who try usually end up dissapointing everyone instead.
I've decided to start drinking as I watch NY (somethings got to make it easier to sit through) Everytime Lindsay does her little stomp and everyone else stares at her wondering what planet she's from, I'm going knock one back.

Ergo: for the health of my liver, Lindsay must go.
I'm starting a Save Jaer's Liver campaign! Lindsay must go. :lol: Watching her scream at that father who owned the boat for no reason was painful. The stomping is annoying, too.

JDonne said:
Like Top I would also like to see the show do the brave thing, do the risky thing and jettison Anna for the sake of show and not out of some cruel need to see someone unemployed. I liken it to customer service in stores, if I repeatedly have a horrible experience in a particular store eventually I will stop shopping there, will there be some people who don’t see a problem with the service, of course and there is nothing wrong with that, but you are more likely to keep losing customers than gaining new converts, at least until the problem is solved.

I think the writers gave themselves an out last night. Theoretically, Lindsay could decide New York is not for her and head back to Montana. She could pack it in with little fanfare, tell Mac she's going back to somewhere with wheatfields that mermaids can walk through (wearing iPod headphones) without getting murdered, and hightail it out of the city on the next train to Bozeman. Please?
Top41 said:
I think the writers gave themselves an out last night. Theoretically, Lindsay could decide New York is not for her and head back to Montana. She could pack it in with little fanfare, tell Mac she's going back to somewhere with wheatfields that mermaids can walk through (wearing iPod headphones) without getting murdered, and hightail it out of the city on the next train to Bozeman. Please?

Dude, that sooo defies the concept of the show: introducing new characters without exploring them. Can't you see the drift? First, Hawkes leaves the morgue to become a CSI - getting less and less screentime and fading into the background. Next one, Lindsay, all the way from Montana to, well, raise some plot bunnies *cough*darksecret*cough* and to, er, stick around for no apparent reason?
Just wait till next season, when the robospanker starts working in the lab, because Adam decided to become a CSI so he could stick around in the back of the crimescenes? And the season after that? Rumour has it the robospanker starts working in the field, too.
So, most of the time, we see people hanging around the crimescenes, bagging things without uttering a word lest someone reveals some backstory.

Wait. What do you mean, this isn't the sarcasm thread? Ooops. My bad!
Top41 said:
I'm starting a Save Jaer's Liver campaign! Lindsay must go. :lol:

My liver will thank you. :lol: All donations will be taken only in the form of an email to TPTB at CBS explaining in polite, understandable words as to why Lindsay would be better off in Montana. The pain must end. Think of the tiny, innocent liver cells and their lives. :lol:
You can have my liver Jaer, I'm an organ donor and everything! :lol:

There have been some concerns in the spoiler thread, concerning the aftermath of next week's episode and the shipping that's been shoved down our-um, I mean *hinted* at between Lindsay and Danny. Just to be on the safe side I'll use a spoiler box:

That Aiden's death is what will bring Danny and Lindsay together romantically.

A couple of people(myself included) have vowed to leave the show if TPTB dare try that. I really hope TPTB aren't that twisted.
They'd better not go there. I've had about all I can take of the 'crush' being shoved in my body orifices and this is so not the way to make Lindsay likeable.
Jaer, if anything it'll make her even less likeable. Danny and Aiden were cute together but Danny and Lindsay? God forbid , they might even have to change Danny's personality a bit to make the two get along better.

Bunny, you defitely hit a nail, or two there :lol: I bow down to your astute observation skills ;)
Celefinwe said:
Jaer, if anything it'll make her even less likeable. Danny and Aiden were cute together but Danny and Lindsay? God forbid , they might even have to change Danny's personality a bit to make the two get along better.

Bunny, you defitely hit a nail, or two there :lol: I bow down to your astute observation skills ;)

They've already changed Danny's character to fit round Lindsey, and that's one of the reasons I'm getting so annoyed with this damned storyline.

I'm reading The Godfather, and it's kind of got me thinking about how Danny was meant to be the Sonny Corleone of the show. And last season he was - explosive, passionate, hot headed. Now he's dishing out advice and doing what he's told. I agree with evolving characters, but this is not the Danny I fell in love with. It feels like they've watered him down to fit in with this romance thing.

As for her leaving - if Miami can do it, I don't see why NY can't. I don't believe for a second that any sane person would choose to ruin a successful show rather than fire an unsuccessful actor. The show does not revolve around Lindsey - she is not Gil Grissom - right now, she is expendable.
So how would we get rid of her? Stealing Home showed she had an obsessive streak in her going back to the jail to ask the guy yet again why he killed that girl. Maybe something could be done with that? Then again, that kind of obsessiveness is what got Aiden fired(and have her killed next week) so they might not want to go that way again. Or maybe Lindsay will learn from Aiden's death what happends if you become obsessive.

A close friend of mine was wondering if we're truly supposed to believe that there's shipping going on or if, like others have said it's all one sided and Lindsay has a crush, and that if Lindsay tries to act on it, Danny will shoot her down. Like maybe Hammerback had been playing the role of one of those cruel kids from high school who can tell when a person has a crush on someone, goes up to them and says, "so-and-so is crazy about you, you should ask them out." knowing that the object of the crush couldn't care less about this person and will shoot them down.

Evidence that this isn't anything more than a one sided crush:

1. In All Access when Danny pulled Lindsay back on track there was no sympathetic tone, no expression of compassion from Danny for a clearly distraught Lindsay

2. In RSRD, Danny didn't show any gratitude to Lindsay for her faith in him, none. Kinda odd if he supossedly had a crush on her, or even liked her as a friend.

3. Stealing Home Danny could see that Lindsay was struggling with the case, but instead of asking how she was holding up, he clearly reported to Mac when asked for his preformance evaluation. No flirting.
The easiest answer to that first question would be - she goes back to Montana. The homesickness gets too much and she moves back home.

As for Danny/Lindsey, the whole thing is inconsistant, which is part of the problem. Danny's marriage remark, for example. No, I didn't find it particularly flirty, but it was put in there for a reason. The writers don't seem to be making it very clear about who likes who, if there's any liking actually going on, or if it's just them stringing us along because really no-one likes anyone else and - ha ha - it was all a big joke. Personally, I think the crush remark is building up to something in the finale, which will probably result in my head going through my desk.
You're right. Danny's character is changing because of Lindsay. You know what? I've never really looked at that before and now that I'm seeing it, it too is making me really upset.

That's probably one I like season one. All the characters were New York. Now because they're adding Lindsay to the mix, each character is slowly changing one by one because they have to deal with her problems.

If she was a lab tech, I probably would not be wishing that she'd leave so suddenly but as far as I'm concerned, she has ruined my feelings for loving CSI:NY so much.
Lyn said:
They've already changed Danny's character to fit round Lindsey, and that's one of the reasons I'm getting so annoyed with this damned storyline.

I'm reading The Godfather, and it's kind of got me thinking about how Danny was meant to be the Sonny Corleone of the show. And last season he was - explosive, passionate, hot headed. Now he's dishing out advice and doing what he's told. I agree with evolving characters, but this is not the Danny I fell in love with. It feels like they've watered him down to fit in with this romance thing.

Damn, that is dead on and yes, I think part of what bugs me about the whole thing. I loved controversial Danny. Was he a pain in the ass and a drama queen sometimes? Yeah. But that's what I like about the character, and so many others seem to as well.

Now, I get what Carmine said about Danny having to mature somewhat, to kind of grow into someone who could be a supervisor at the lab, but I don't really like the idea of having it happen all at once. Not only that, but it actually undercuts Lindsay's character; when the lab fuck up is more competent and professional than you are, you've got problems.

I hate how much Danny has changed this season. I love emotional, difficult Danny--that's the character's draw. I love it when I sympathize with him and I love it when I'm frustrated with him. But I don't like it when he's even-tempered and just there.

As for her leaving - if Miami can do it, I don't see why NY can't. I don't believe for a second that any sane person would choose to ruin a successful show rather than fire an unsuccessful actor. The show does not revolve around Lindsey - she is not Gil Grissom - right now, she is expendable.

Yelina was written out with no fanfare whatsoever--Lindsay should go the same way. I have no wish to see her die or get murdered. Just ship her back to Montana--they've already set that up well...she can't deal with NY and realizes it's not the place for her. I would honestly be thrilled if they went that way.

Carrieattheprom said:
A close friend of mine was wondering if we're truly supposed to believe that there's shipping going on or if, like others have said it's all one sided and Lindsay has a crush, and that if Lindsay tries to act on it, Danny will shoot her down. Like maybe Hammerback had been playing the role of one of those cruel kids from high school who can tell when a person has a crush on someone, goes up to them and says, "so-and-so is crazy about you, you should ask them out." knowing that the object of the crush couldn't care less about this person and will shoot them down.

I don't think Hammerback is mean--I think he's projecting his own crush on Stella onto Danny and Lindsay's situation.

I've always seen the crush as mostly one-sided, on her side. In addition to the examples you've given there's also several others. One being that he's just not nice to her. He snapped at her in "Necrophilia Americana"--generally when adults like someone, they're nice, not mean to that person. ;) His body language is also off--he's still and stand-offish around her--and in "Live or Let Die" he actually held up his hands and told her to slow down. That says a lot--people don't generally do that to someone they're physically attracted to. ;)

Evidence that this isn't anything more than a one sided crush:

1. In All Access when Danny pulled Lindsay back on track there was no sympathetic tone, no expression of compassion from Danny for a clearly distraught Lindsay

He was very business-like, and maybe a little annoyed that she was jeopardizing the case they were already working on.

2. In RSRD, Danny didn't show any gratitude to Lindsay for her faith in him, none. Kinda odd if he supossedly had a crush on her, or even liked her as a friend.

He never thanked her, and barely looked at her in the hospital when she asked him how he was doing. He made eye contact with Mac and Flack, though.

3. Stealing Home Danny could see that Lindsay was struggling with the case, but instead of asking how she was holding up, he clearly reported to Mac when asked for his preformance evaluation. No flirting.

Yeah, I thought that was very significant. Danny sent Mac in to deal with her, rather than going himself. If he really had a crush, I would have expected him to go to her himself, to show her he cares. That's pretty telling.

The most damning thing in my eyes is the lack of chemistry between them. If you look at how Danny sparked with Stella or Aiden or Maka last season, it just underscores how there's just no chemistry between Danny and Lindsay.
And yet in that interview with Carmine he was hinting at something possibly happening in the season finale that might bring Danny and Lindsay together. And like Lyn said it'll probably be something that'll result in your head going through your desk, or in my case, my fist through my t.v.
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