Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

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^No kidding, Fay. Anna can't seem to emote to save her life. :rolleyes: Stella got more emotion in the one line to Frank than Anna did in all her scenes.

Just a quick question, I am really curious to see why you think Lindsay is considered to be selfish in Sleight Out of Hand. I just want to hear your side, I have my own version and it would be interesting to see why you think that.

I don't know if I'd call her selfish in that particular episode per se--maybe others would. I just saw her as pretty shallow--suddenly the trial is over and it's gone, forgotten and she's ready to jump Danny. It made it appear that she lacked any depth whatsoever--the trial is over and boom, she's ready to get it on with Danny. A simple "thank you for being there for me" would have said so much more, and made her look like a real, three-dimensional character and not the Mary Sue cliche she's always come across as.

That's just my take--I'd be curious to hear yours, and any others. :)
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Just a quick question, I am really curious to see why you think Lindsay is considered to be selfish in Sleight Out of Hand. I just want to hear your side, I have my own version and it would be interesting to see why you think that.

Top kinda took the words out of my mouth. I was bothered that during the trial where she was supposed to cry and be all upset (which to me seemed that she was in somekind of physical pain) and minutes after she was all smiling and jumping Danny and forgetting to say "Thank you, the guy whom I treated like s*it for coming all the way here to support me, although in general I've been a little bit**y with you". That attitude to me sounds selfish.

Didn't see Admissions yet, I will see it. And I would like to express my concern about next week's episode. I know it's unlikely that'll happen, but for what it's worth: please cabbie killer, stay away from Lindsay. I can't go through that "series killer" angst again. Because she'll survive, and become all emo again and Danny will try to please her again. Well, been there, done that, didn't work. Could the writers not pull out another chlichee for "building" Lindsay?
Yeah, but I think that is more because the writers seemed to rush the story, it was already near the end by the time we got to that scene. There were a lot of missing scenes such as what happened in between her testimony and the conviction...

And since we know that the writers like to be way over the top, they thought the fans of this couple (and I am including myself obviously) would like to see them randomly almost kiss. I thought that they really rushed things and it kind of pissed me off. But I did not see this as her being selfish really, the actual thanking was something that was left to the viewer's imagination. The part where she sees him walking in kind of showed (to me) her thanking him with her facial expression (BTW, can you explain that Dead Fishes Eye thing? Even though I don't agree with it, I find that expression hilarious! :lol:)
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^For me she came off as selfish. If a guy did that for me, I will thank him before jumping on him.

I finally saw the episode, I want to thank TPTB for no D/L in Admissions, that was an outstanding episode. While in the interrogation room with Mac, she seemed uncomfortable, and I got a vibe like she doesn't know how to sit on that table and look interested. After Mac left, she became a little bit more relaxed, but as Fay said, Dead Fish Eyes :lol:
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In my experience most guys find being 'jumped' to be the perfect physical expression of gratitude (or any emotion in fact) :lol:

I think Lindsay could lay down her life for the whole team and she'd still be considered selfish by some. Each to their own. If ya don't like her ya don't like her I guess. :D
In my experience most guys find being 'jumped' to be the perfect physical expression of gratitude (or any emotion in fact) :lol:

I don't think most guys would enjoy being jumped in a courtroom without any explanation by the woman who has pushed them away and treated them like a doormat up until that point.

I think Lindsay could lay down her life for the whole team and she'd still be considered selfish by some. Each to their own. If ya don't like her ya don't like her I guess. :D

If Lindsay acts unselfishly, even some people who don't like her would notice. Several people who don't like Lindsay gave her some sort of props for taking responsibility for leaving the evidence unattended in LWfM. It's just that so far the people who dislike her haven't been convinced she's not all about herself. Some of the people who like Lindsay give her endless excuses for any type of inappropriate behavior, so seeing what you want to see isn't exclusive to some people who dislike Lindsay.
Because the original made me laugh, I thought I'd repost this nugget (with modifications) from an open post on my LJ f-list for your amusement... (or not if you're a Lindsay fan...)

Here’s a sure fire method to start every day with a positive outlook toward CSI:NY...

1. Open a new file on your computer.
2. Name it 'Lindsay Monroe'.
3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.
4. Empty the Recycle Bin.
5. Your computer will ask you. "Do you really want to get rid of 'Lindsay Monroe'?"
6. Click Yes.
7. Feel better? Good!

Some of the people who like Lindsay give her endless excuses for any type of inappropriate behavior, so seeing what you want to see isn't exclusive to some people who dislike Lindsay.

I agree with you. I guess I just don't 'get' the 'seeing what you want to see' and translating that into something concrete on either side of the fence. Irrespective of my like or dislike of a character I could never be so vehemently dogmatic in my view as I've seen some people be (both likers and dislikers).

I've said it before and I'll say it again now, I just find it intriguing that there is this consistent lack of sympathy for Lindsay's character. But, I see your point about the other side of the coin as well.

I find it just as intriguing that some people were completely turned off of Danny after RND and that people saw Rikki in such a negative light. To me the whole situation was sad with everyone's behaviour being understandable on some level given the circumstances.
I think that many of the reactions after Right Next Door were more than overreactions. I already said a few times that if Lindsay gets a chance to stand on her own two feet and gets a storyline that doesn't involve Danny in any way, shape or form I will give her the millionth chance. Right now, she's just a character that doesn't fit with the others, although the attempts at showing that she's "one of the cool kids" are more than obvious to me.

I simply don't like her, everytime she's on the screen she rubs me the wrong way. I'm not dogmatic in my dislike, I just tried to like her and I simply didn't. She had good moments in the show, a few, but she had them. But that's in fact the problem, there are only a few. A few in almost three seasons.
I've said it before and I'll say it again now, I just find it intriguing that there is this consistent lack of sympathy for Lindsay's character. But, I see your point about the other side of the coin as well.

I don't know if it's totally consistent. When Lindsay does something good, I'll say it, and I know others have as well. I thought Lindsay rocked the case in "Cool Hunter," and I think the one genuinely selfless thing she's ever done was bringing the DNA evidence to Danny in RSRD first rather than going right to Mac. Yeah, she liked him so that influenced it I'm sure, but I do think that was genuinely caring. And her going to Flack about Danny's disappearing act in "All in the Family" was similarly thoughtful, though her little eye roll when she covered for Danny wasn't flattering. And of course, it does suck for her that she's in love with Danny when he isn't with her.

But your point is fair--it stands to reason that people that dislike her are going to find more fault with her than those that like her, and see her actions in a negative light, while those that like her are going to be more forgiving. I think most people acknowledge she was unprofessional in "Silent Night," but those that are fans of her excuse it with the whole dark secret thing while those that dislike her think she crossed the line. It's the same with Danny--people who dislike him don't excuse him for being a brat to Flack in "All in the Family," while those who like him do.

I simply don't like her, everytime she's on the screen she rubs me the wrong way. I'm not dogmatic in my dislike, I just tried to like her and I simply didn't. She had good moments in the show, a few, but she had them. But that's in fact the problem, there are only a few. A few in almost three seasons.

This sums up my feelings as well. I've tried to like her. I don't want to dislike a character on my favorite show. But every time a situation comes up where I might sympathize with her, she does something to negate that. It's the writing, it's the acting, it's the scrunch face--it's just everything about the character.
Here’s a sure fire method to start every day with a positive outlook toward CSI:NY...

1. Open a new file on your computer.
2. Name it 'Lindsay Monroe'.
3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.
4. Empty the Recycle Bin.
5. Your computer will ask you. "Do you really want to get rid of 'Lindsay Monroe'?"
6. Click Yes.
7. Feel better? Good!


That was hilarious! :guffaw:

I really don't like Lindsay's character. In my opinion she entered the show too early ( I mean after Aiden left). And the fact that she is a survivor of a massacre... :rolleyes: I can't feel sorry for her, I'm so sorry. She plays with Danny, once she wants to be with him, othertimes she's not. So how is it? :wtf:

And I realized that I don't like Anna Belknap either... I saw her in Law&Order, Medical Investigation, Without a Trace ... etc. and everytime I see her performance it seems to me that she can only act in ONE way. In addition I really don't like her facial expression(s). For example when Lindsay talk with the girl in the last ep... OUCH! :vulcan::scream:
That was hilarious! :guffaw:

I really don't like Lindsay's character. In my opinion she entered the show too early ( I mean after Aiden left). And the fact that she is a survivor of a massacre... :rolleyes: I can't feel sorry for her, I'm so sorry. She plays with Danny, once she wants to be with him, othertimes she's not. So how is it? :wtf:

She's very, very inconsistent and she plays games. If Lindsay were a real person, she'd be the type I can't stand. Brown-nosing, self-involved know-it-all who treats the sweet, cute guy like crap? Yeah, she's just not likable.

And I realized that I don't like Anna Belknap either... I saw her in Law&Order, Medical Investigation, Without a Trace ... etc. and everytime I see her performance it seems to me that she can only act in ONE way. In addition I really don't like her facial expression(s). For example when Lindsay talk with the girl in the last ep... OUCH! :vulcan::scream:

Belknap is an incredibly limited actress. Maybe she's been good on stage--I don't know, I haven't seen any of her stage work--but on television she's flat and lacks the ability to disappear into her character, which is something actors need to be able to do. Gary isn't Mac, Melina isn't Stella, Eddie isn't Flack, Carmine isn't Danny, etc., etc.--but those characters are totally convincing and real because the actors playing them are damn good at what they do and put a lot of thought into their portrayals. The same is not true of Anna.
And her going to Flack about Danny's disappearing act in "All in the Family" was similarly thoughtful, though her little eye roll when she covered for Danny wasn't flattering. And of course, it does suck for her that she's in love with Danny when he isn't with her.

What you saw as an eye roll, I saw as a relieved expression at her apprehension from having to lie to Mac. Your comment about Danny not being in love with her is exactly what I'm talking about in terms of your obvious clarity that he isn't, in much the same way as other's are absolutely clear that he is in love with her. To me, nothing is so certain. I think he has feelings for her, they could be friendship, they could be love. I guess I'll just wait and see how it plays out.

It's the same with Danny--people who dislike him don't excuse him for being a brat to Flack in "All in the Family," while those who like him do.

The difference being that more people like him than don't imo, which is why he's often given the pass from fans that Lindsay has rarely had. Fair enough, we all like what we like. I like them both, in fact I like them all, which means I get to analyse their actions without them grating on my nerves. I have, however watched other shows where characters are not so likeable to me so I know where you're all coming from. :)
The difference being that more people like him than don't imo, which is why he's often given the pass from fans that Lindsay has rarely had.

I gave her so many passes that I lost count. That's the problem with her. And Danny has this innocence that makes him endearing, and vulnerable and in any given situation, Carmine knows how to make the audience sensible to Danny.

I agree with Top41, Cool Hunter was a good episode for her, and so was Stuck on You. Silent Night made me want to destroy my TV. And bare in mind, that at the time I saw Season 2 and Season 3 I didn't even know about the fact that there are forums for talking about TV shows.
She's very, very inconsistent and she plays games. If Lindsay were a real person, she'd be the type I can't stand. Brown-nosing, self-involved know-it-all who treats the sweet, cute guy like crap? Yeah, she's just not likable.

What games? She stood Danny up once. Right? That wasn't good of her. After that, she made it clear that she didn't want a relationship, that she needed space. Danny pursued her, right?

In fact, I could turn that around on Danny. He pursued her, flirted with her, went to Montana for her, slept with her, continued to flirt (he calls her "hon" at one point), then he forgets her birthday, lies to her (or omits the truth), sleeps with his neighbor, and then seems to be pursuing Lindsay again after she tells him that she needs to fall out of love with him.

What's Danny's motivation? Is he healed now from the trauma of Ruben's death? Was sleeping with Rikki a one (two) time thing, or is she on the side while he attempts to fix things with Lindsay? Or is he trying to fix things with Lindsay romantically, or just to be friends?

To me, Danny looks like a jerk. Lindsay isn't perfect, but what is attributed as selfish and rude in Lindsay is apparently made perfectly fine in Danny -- because he's cute? That's pretty much the impression I've been getting.

And the irritation at Lindsay isn't always fair. I recall a review that was written that complained about Lindsay in "Sweet 16". She commented that on her 16th birthday she got a beat-up car. This was rude and selfish and petty of Lindsay to say about a girl who just lost her father.

The kicker is, that wasn't the whole quote. She said she loved her beat-up hand-me-down car. She was commenting on the excesses of wealthy society -- something that many other characters have done over and over in this show.

Belknap is an incredibly limited actress. Maybe she's been good on stage--I don't know, I haven't seen any of her stage work--but on television she's flat and lacks the ability to disappear into her character, which is something actors need to be able to do.

Again, that's an opinion, not a fact. Lindsay isn't my favorite character, and Ana isn't my favorite actress, but she's not nearly as bad as some make her out to be. Sure, she needs to improve. Eddie needs to improve too, as does Carmine.

I agree with JellyBelly about Lindsay's supposed eye-roll in "All in the Family". To me she didn't roll her eyes at all. It looked like she let out a breath that was partial relief that Mac (pretended) to buy her lie and partial disbelief that she had in fact lied to her boss.

I think a real part of the problem with the way people respond to Lindsay is that she is NOT an endearing character. I don't think she was ever meant to be endearing or soft. She is meant to be a young, brash, country girl who comes to the big city and tries to prove herself. She isn't good at reaching out and connecting emotionally.

In fact, she goes out of her way to try avoid that kind of thing, and when someone she knows needs help, she asks for advice first (All Access, Raising Shane, Child's Play). Moments of closeness with others tend to be awkward for her. I don't think it's necessarily a lack of skill on Ana's part that makes Lindsay so unappealing; it's just that Lindsay won't allow herself to be warm and open.

Part of that, I'm sure, comes from the deaths of her friends. It's not an excuse, but it will affect her behavior much the same way Ruben's death affects Danny (and will continue to affect him for a long time).
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