Who is world's favorite CSI character?

If you were a regular character, which role would you choose?

  • CSI

    Votes: 60 70.6%
  • Detective

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Lab tech

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Coroner

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Other (tell us which role you'd choose!)

    Votes: 5 5.9%

  • Total voters
Posted by FoxRox:
Fair enough :) I agree! It´s a lot of competition because of ships I guess. But it´s more fun to write about what you like on the show I think. Critique should be constructive and nuanced.

I hope you´re right and it´s changing for the better cause I thought it was horrible over there. Those hate-sara groups are weird. Why watch the show if they hate a character so much they can´t stand to see her? *sigh*

I agree Fox...I think it's much more fun to write about what you LOVE on the show and what you dont.

I am always amazed at how people get so angry over fictional characters. I think my least favorite characters are Ecklie and Hodges, BUT I also enjoy "Hating" them. The actors do a successful job in that regard and I would miss them if they were gone.

I have always LOVED Catherine. She used to be my favorite character. However, Greg has made his way on top of the list. Last season, Sara became my least favorite character but now she is back on my like list.

I have to say this is why I really really like CSIFILES cause everyone is so positive and open about pairings.
I was thinking the same about Catherine... If someone's not my favorite I play less attention to him/her. It's so simple. It's so nice to discuss these thoughts with a Sara fan, Thank you!
Oh, and I like hating Ecklie, too. Lately he's been decent. Give my @sshole Ecklie back!!! :lol:
Totally! We need the bad guys to make the others look good hehe. Actually I have to admit I started liking Hodges so much lately.. :eek:
I have to admit that Hodges has always been sympathic to me. I like the way he tried to kiss Grissom's ass, and the competition between him and Greggo! (FUNtain rocks!) :lol:
Come on Sara!!! you are first, tied with grisom and cath, but first anyway...
i'd just like to say for anyone that has ever read what i have written about not liking Catherine and being mad at her for fighting or arguring with Sara, i have only mentioned it on the topic of least faves or gave my 2 cents about her when there is an ep discussion. i try not to say things that are too harsh. Catherine isn't my fave character and sometimes i like her but i am a die hard Sara fan.

i try not to say too much about a character that i don't b/c i know how i feel when i read something mean about Sara or any other character i do like. and let me just say i can say mean things about Sara or other characters on tv that i like i don't always have to say nice things about her or agree about what she's done in an ep.
My favorite character for CSI:
my fav character for CSI Miami:
my fav character for CSI NY:
and no its not a girl thing. In my oppinion most of the guys on CSI MIAMI are pretty FREAKY. And on CSI NY Danny and Mac are cool but Aiden is awosom! And On CSI I just realy like Sara then NICK then Grissom then Warrick then Cathrine
As of March 13, 2005 at 6:11 pm est.
110 Votes

Grissom 26

Catherine 26

Sara 26

Greg 20

Nick 9

Warrick 3
Aww my fav would have to be Grissom <3 He's just so...wise and all-knowing. I would love for him to be my dad,or grandad,but hes a bit young for that. YAY FOR GRISSOM!
I always really liked Sara (Sara and Catherine were my favorites, girl power and all ;)) but I have to admit, her stock went down after Bloodlines. I don't care what you're going through, you're an idiot to drink and drive. I still really like her, but that is still in the back of my mind. There's no way you can defend that.
At least Sara doesn´t make mistakes at work like Cath. Sara´s almost-DUI was off the clock and it is her only mistake to date. Cath messes up constantly, putting her colleagues lives and careers on the line.

Apart from her professional mess Cath is selfish, cold to Sara and Greg, and treats Grissom like her servant. She always blames others for her problems and shows no remorse.

After she cashed Braun´s check I thought it couldn´t get worse. But when she got promoted her bad traits were enforced. Her territorial and power tripping attitude made me dislike her even more.

I think the only times I´ve liked her was in Crash and Burn and Compulsion. So I really hope they try to make Cath nicer and more professional in the future. Compulsion was a good example of how Cath SHOULD be written IMO. Go Berman :)
Posted by FoxRox:
At least Sara doesn´t make mistakes at work like Cath. Sara´s almost-DUI was off the clock and it is her only mistake to date. Cath messes up constantly, putting her colleagues lives and careers on the line.

Apart from her professional mess Cath is selfish, cold to Sara and Greg, and treats Grissom like her servant. She always blames others for her problems and shows no remorse.

After she cashed Braun´s check I thought it couldn´t get worse. But when she got promoted her bad traits were enforced. Her territorial and power tripping attitude made me dislike her even more.

I think the only times I´ve liked her was in Crash and Burn and Compulsion. So I really hope they try to make Cath nicer and more professional in the future. Compulsion was a good example of how Cath SHOULD be written IMO. Go Berman :)

What does Sara's DUI have to do with Catherine? Why must you (and others like you) continue to bash a character as a means to prove your obsession with another? It's kinda twisted.
My favorite character is Catherine. :)

I agree with Birdie. Drinking and Driving is a serious thing. When I was 13 my mom, sister and I were hit by a drunk driver. My sister (who was only 11) nearly died. I was lucky, although I still have some knee issues and a long scar at my hairline.

Foxrox, you sound ignorant when starting an argument about whose mistakes are worse (although, I'd argue that drinking and driving isn't a mistake, it's a choice :rolleyes:).

I for one am a huge Sara fan too, and I think you make us all look bad when getting into attack mode like that, calling Catherine names.

It was your post that inspired me to register, actually. I HAD to respond, so I should thank you. :)
Posted by queenbeelee:
Drinking and Driving is a serious thing. When I was 13 my mom, sister and I were hit by a drunk driver. My sister (who was only 11) nearly died. I was lucky, although I still have some knee issues and a long scar at my hairline.

wow! You guys are so lucky (not lucky...you know what I mean). When I was in high school, my good friend's father hit and killed a couple when he was driving drunk (not sloshed, he'd just had a little too much wine at a dinner). He even had a short prison stay. He said at the time he might as well stay in prison his whole life, it would never be as much punishment to him as the knowledge that he'd taken those lives. His kids were devastated too, and his wife.

I NEVER drive after drinking. I don't care if it's a glass of wine, one beer...it's not worth the risk. I'm a big fan of transit. :)