Who is world's favorite CSI character?

If you were a regular character, which role would you choose?

  • CSI

    Votes: 60 70.6%
  • Detective

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Lab tech

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Coroner

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Other (tell us which role you'd choose!)

    Votes: 5 5.9%

  • Total voters
Catherine is my favorite. :) She's strong, funny, so smart, attractive...it goes on and on!

FoxRox, why complain about how much you dislike a character in a thread entitled "Who is the world's favorite CSI character?". I think that's lame. You sound very insecure.

When I was in high school, I remember a girl was just dumped by her boyfriend. He soon started going out with another girl. The other girl was very sweet, smart and nice to everybody, but the girl who had been dumped started spreading rumors about her and leaving her nasty notes...ect. It was all incredibly stupid. She was 18, but acted like she was 12.

That's kind of off topic, but it's what your post reminded me of.
Posted by CSILevel1:
I would like to see that peace, too. I think it's not up to the two of us. I really hope you won't take that evil turn that FoxRox took 1 or 2 days ago ;)

i promise i will not take that evil turn that FoxRox did.
evil, ignorant, lame...what is it? :(

just ONE post was enough to tell foxrox that it is unfair to bash another character too much. there are like TEN post there totally against her. calmn down ppl, i'm sure she already knew how some of you felt after the first complain. Now if she did make a mistake by bashing CAt, you ppl are doing the same mistake by too much criticizing her.

I'm a die hard fan of Sara, but i don't mind Cat.
And it is just uncool to say that whoever like Sara hates other females around Grissom. NOw that's what i call LAME.

I like to come to this site because i like share my opinion and hear others, not complain about each other. :(
Um, yes. I'd just like to step in to say that FoxRox is probably feeling pretty bad about what she wrote before. I find it easy to believe that maybe she just didn't think about what she was saying before it was posted, perhaps because the topic was something she had a strong opinion about. Personally, I've done stupid things before too, and I know that if I were FoxRox I would feel terrible, both because of the fact that I might've hurt someone else's feelings, and because of the way that people here have reacted. I think all you guys have gotten your point across to her, and maybe it's time to get this thread back on topic, and away from the abuse of other posters and characters.

Um, yeah. It's probably not my place to speak for FoxRox at all, but I couldn't help it.

P.S. Oh! You got there before me, Sidle_my_Idol.
Posted by TallyHo:
*polite reminder* So, unless the points of contention can be debated without resorting to personal attacks and additional negativity, then the best course of action would be to agree to disagree.
...back to having fun on this Board.... :)
One more time ^^^^^
Okay lets move along now as one asked lets get back on topic of why this orginially started.
Thank-You ;)
This week on CWWE Smack Down! (CWWE= Catherine Willows Wannabes and Enemies) In this corner...

Looks like I missed something explosive. *L* Probably for the best. I've been on good behavior...so far... :devil:

I almost registered WillowsWannabe as a handle. I was afraid it would have been taken the wrong way. (It was probably taken anyway.) The shortest form of my name is easier to type when I log in at a different computer anyway.

Catherine is always at the top of my list of favorite CSI characters. Thinking of that list reminds me, Destiny wanted us back on topic, didn't she?

When I posted my list of favorite CSI characters in order, I realized the order changed slightly by the next day. A different mood, a different second and third favorite. Only Catherine being at the top stayed consistant. Did anyone else who did a list find that their opinions varied on different days?

For sure! For me, it's after I've seen a certain episode where a character is especially memorable (in a good way!).
hey birdie,
I've been thinking about your comment on Sara in Bloodlines. Ya I was unhappy to see her like that; they're trying to show how even good people make mistakes that's why they put Sara in that situation cause she's always tryining to help ppl without even caring about herself.
Did you see how she was looking down when Grissom went to pick her up, she couldn't even face him. Just shows how sad and embarrased she was. She excepted her mistakes and regreted it.

Everybody makes mistakes that's why there is eraser on the end of the pencil.
Posted by CSILevel1:
It was in the Season 1 finale, The Strip Strangler. Cath was so cool with the gun in her hand!

Cool! Thanks! :)Although my fav is Grissom, I do like both Sara and Catherine. I don't always agree with what they do, but,overall I do like them. Sara, b/c she's passionate and she's got a thing for Grissom. Catherine, b/c she's a strong woman and she saved Grissom. :D
Posted by Sidle_my_Idol:
hey birdie,
I've been thinking about your comment on Sara in Bloodlines. Ya I was unhappy to see her like that; they're trying to show how even good people make mistakes that's why they put Sara in that situation cause she's always tryining to help ppl without even caring about herself.
Did you see how she was looking down when Grissom went to pick her up, she couldn't even face him. Just shows how sad and embarrased she was. She excepted her mistakes and regreted it.

Everybody makes mistakes that's why there is eraser on the end of the pencil.

Oh, I know. I adore Sara.
I think that the writers put that incident in the show to show her emotional state (building up to the knowledge about her past). It's just, drinking and driving is a sore spot for me, and I don't view it as a mistake. It's something you choose to do.

I don't really hold it against her though. She's still one of my favorite CSI's. :)
yea Sara deserves to be adored, doesn't she?
I'm trying hard for Catherine as well, that's the reason I come here. hehe for now, Sara is on the very top of my famous list. :)
It is so bad and senseless when ppl become totally ad hominom, isn't it? A month ago, i visited couple of Catherine and g/c ship sites and I was totally... I mean totally shocked to read their comments on Sara. They posted wayyyy meaner things than Sara fans ever did. I was so heart broken and mad and started hating Cat. But then I knew it was unfair for her character just because of those psychotic fans,so I calmed down.
I'm glad now I've found decent sites.
But gosh never any fansite has made me that mad.
Those freaky nutjobs.

sorry...I just had to let this out, only because here ppl hear what others have to say and we've got candid moderator.

huh I might have gone off topic...so well anyone could guess...I voted for one and only Sara Sidle. If there was second second fav vote, I would have voted for Grissom or Brass(he deserves to be mentioned by the way).
ohhhh....sara is winner, i like gil ,sara and greg. but so i had to go with greg,because i first like greg. he is sunny. sare and gil,they are perfect. :p